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Research group

Forum for Meal Ecology

About this group

Group information


Johanna Björklund

Research subject

Research environments

The research group develops multi- and transdisciplinary research in the new area of meal ecology, with basis in a three year bachelor program in Culinary Arts and Ecology. The program is a collaboration between the Department of Natural Science and Technology and School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Meal Science, Grythyttan. There is research in different subjects in separate projects or in teamwork. Possible subjects are Culinary Arts & Meal Science, Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Sociology, Cultural Geography, Ethnology, History etc. The research integrates different scientific methods and develops new. The scientific basis is Agroecology and Culinary Arts & Meal Science, which take its entrance at the farm or in the meal. In the Forum for Meal Ecology there are also research and development projects together with actors from surrounding society, such as food producers, wholesaler, catering, retailers, restaurants, chefs and extensionists.