Food & Health@ORU: The interplay between gut and brain health: the roles of psychology and nutrition
25 oktober 2024 08:45 – 09:30 Labbet, Örebro universitet och digitalt via Zoom
Welcome to this Food and Health@ORU seminar, where researchers at Örebro University will talk about a gut-brain interactions, focusing on the mental health aspects related to gut health and nutrition.
Gastrointestinal conditions are often accompanied by psychological symptoms. Interventions that target one may influence the outcome of the other. In this seminar, we will delve into gut-brain interactions, focusing on the mental health aspects related to gut health and nutrition. We will specifically address how psychological and nutritional interventions can impact on gut and brain health.
- Date: 25 October, 2024.
- Location: Innovasalen, Labbet, campus Örebro, alternatively online (Zoom)
- Link to Zoom: Those who participate digitally will receive the Zoom link via email the day before the seminar.
- Time: Breakfast is served from 08.00. The seminar runs between 08.45 and 09.30.
- Language: The presentations are given in English, but questions can also be asked in Swedish.
- Julia Rode, Associate Senior Lecturer in physiology at the School of Medical Sciences
- Ines Trindade, Associate Senior Lecturer in psychology at School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences
- Lavinia Gunnarsson, process manager for the Collaboration Platform Food and Health.