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Working groups and activities

Most of the functions and activities of the JF are carried out through various working groups.  All JF members are welcome to join a working group and to suggest a new group.

Mentorship program

This working group organizes group-based mentorship activities in different thematic areas for JF members, in which University experts provide them support and guidance to develop and advance skills that are important for academic career development. The program is a part of University´s Mentor Match project. Furthermore, the mentorship group is working with DokSek to establish a program in which JF members will serve as mentors for PhD students.

Contact person: Samira Prado 

Lunch seminars

The lunch seminar group invites all JF members to informal lunch seminars about twice per semester. The seminars have different topics of relevance for junior faculty. A recurring and popular format has been when experienced researchers are invited to share their career journey and advice with JF members.

Contact person: John Brauer

Science Pub

The Science Pub group is planning events at local venues in which researchers (especially JF members) give popular science presentations on their research to the general public and university staff alike. It is a relaxed venue where we meet and discuss science.

Contact person: Jens Ekengren, Patrik Karlsson

Writing retreat

Many of us struggle to find the time and peace and quiet to finish up that paper, manuscript, chapter or project plan that is constantly put on the back burner. Sometimes 24 hours of perfect solitude to let the mind do its thing uninterrupted is all it takes to finish the task. The writing retreat takes care of everything from transportation to food and accommodation and offer 24 hours of creative extravaganza for Junior Faculty members.

Contact person: Virginia Rosales Orquera

Afterwork and Socialization

All work and no play makes researcher a dull person that deserve some time off after working hours. In the afterwork and socialization activities, we aim to organize activities that enable social interactions between members. During the current situation, preference is given to outdoor activities in smaller groups, such as picnics or hikes.

Contact person: Mulugeta Melkie Zegeye

JF representatives are involved in the preparation of the HRS4R strategy renewal. For more information about HRS4R, please see here.

If you prefer, all groups can be contacted through: