Institutionen för Humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap


The Higher Seminar in Sociology takes place 13.15-15.00 if nothing else is stated. If a seminar is based on a manuscript, it is normally distributed one week before the seminar through e-mail and our website at Blackboard. The seminars take place at campus at Östra Mark (Ö. 201) if nothing else is stated.
When no commentator is announced all participants are welcome to give comments and ask questions. A friendly reminder about our seminar culture: To give everyone the opportunity to comment, please start with one or two comments and then you can get back with more comments later during the seminar.

Monday 22/1
Alexander Dobeson, Copenhagen Business School, “Manufacturing land commodities”  Chair: Linda Soneryd

Wednesday 31/1
Application workshop, joint with gender studies.
Discussion of almost finished drafts. Draft will be circulated on 27 January. All participants are expected to read each other’s drafts. If you want to join the workshop e-mail no later than 19 December.
(starts 13.00, venue: 2240)

Monday 12/2
Magnus Boström and Åsa Callmer, presentation of two papers from the project “(Un)sustainable lifestyles: social (im)possibilities to consume less”
Chair: Helen Peterson

Monday 15/4
Monika Berg, “Making institutions more reflexive - Governance structures for transformative change”
Chair: Natalia Krzyzanowska

Monday 13/5
Lisa Broberg, PhD-thesis-plan
Discussant: Erik Löfmarck
Chair: Magnus Boström

Monday 3/6
Hailey Rheault, mid-seminar
Discussant: Jenny Alsarve
Chair: Rolf Lidskog