Institutionen för Humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

Högre seminarium i kulturgeografi

You are warmly invited to join the ORU Human Geography group’s higher seminar series (högre seminarium)! The program stars both exciting guests, ORU human geographers and everything (or at least something) in between. The seminar is a 2-hour academic seminar, where a presentation of 30-45 minutes is followed by an open discussion.

The seminar is typically on a Wednesday 13.15-15.00, and it takes place in the seminar room F2240 or F2126 in Forumhuset near the Human Geography – unless informed otherwise in the schedule below.

Wednesday 24th January 13.15-15.00 @F2240
Visiting scholar Grete Rusten from University of Bergen presenting on Business concepts and locational dynamics of coworking spaces: Case study examples from small urban and rural locations in Norway 
(Host: Ida Andersson,   

Wednesday 7th February 13.15-15.00 @F2126
Our new professor Susanna Heldt Cassel will present to us about Researching place, identity and work – snapshots and illustrations of previous and current studies
Wednesday 6th March 13.15-15.00 @F2240
Tess Osborne visiting from University of Leicester and Natasha Webster present on their collaborative writing project with Danielle Drozdzewski entitled A research agenda for emotion geographies

Wednesday 27th March 13.15-15.00 @F135
Mats Lundmark introducing and handing over the Bergslagen database (BeDa)

Wednesday 17th April 13.15-15.00 @ F2240
Cecilia Beckmann presenting on her work on Karlskoga with the working title Gammal plast och plåt, men nya idéer: så kunde Karlskogas försvarsindustri vara en innovativ plats trots pågående nedrustning

In May @ TBD Camilla Berglund and Jeff Hearn are planning to host a panel discussion on the question of working in the "global South" 
(Host: Camilla Berglund, ) 
Other dates to note:  

13th February 13.15-15.00 @ Forum foajén
Poster presentations of the crisis management course.

16-17th February 
Inaugurations should be taking place around this time, including that of Susanna Heldt Cassel. 

Wednesday June 19, 13:15 – 15:00
Place: F130

Guest: Dr. Esther Veen (host: Natasha Webster)

Title: Staying in touch with and passing down culinary heritage after migration: Transnational foodways of immigrants and their (grand)children in the changing foodscape of Almere, The Netherlands.