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Research group

FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies

About this group

Group information


Anna-Karin Larsson

Research subject

A logo

FlickForsk! is a multidisciplinary network that aims to gather and develop Nordic girls' research by creating meeting places and collaboration opportunities for researchers who examine young femininity from different perspectives, primarily within the humanities and social sciences. The name FlickForsk! is an abbreviated fusion of the Swedish words for “girl” (flicka) and “research” (forskning). 

The network has a steering committee which currently consist of seven members from different universities and academic institutions in Finland, Norway and Sweden. The network is coordinated by Dr. Linda Arnell and Dr. Anna-Karin Larsson, from Umeå University and Örebro University.

FlickForsk! primary aim is to arrange academic events and provide a meeting space for academics doing work within the field of Girlhood Studies in the Nordic region and to finds ways to collaborate and exchange research results with researchers outside the Nordic region. The network is currently affiliated with Social Work at Örebro University in Sweden. 

For more information about the network, please visit the following website

Contact information:
Linda Arnell
Anna-Karin Larsson

Research funding bodies

  • Örebro University