Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

About NAFS

MÃ¥ltidens Hus in Grythyttan

Måltidens Hus in Grythyttan.

The NAFS network started in 2009 as a collaboration between the Nordic countries. As of today the network consists of 103 members. The network brings together Nordic food and meal's researchers within areas such as: advertising and public relations, archeology, business, culinary arts, economic history, ethnology, history, journalism, landscape research, medicine, political science, religion and sociology. The common interest of the members is to meet other researchers that study the human relationship to food and meal over time.

The steering committee

The school of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science, Örebro University, has the steering comittee task for NAFS since mars 2020. The steering comittee circulates between the universities a few years at the time.

NAFS workshops and conferences

The overall purpose of these conferences and workshops is to provide an opportunity to meet likeminded people and to share and discuss theoretical and methodological issues related to the study of food. The hope is that this should result in new interesting research projects.

Foundation of NAFS on December 16th in 2009

The predecessor of NAFS -  the Swedish sub-organisation of the International Commission on the Anthropology of Food (ICAF)-  was founded at Stockholm University on December 16th in 2009 by the 12 following persons (in alphabetic order): Bachelor of Arts Kristina Berg, PhD Torbjörn Bildtgård, PhD Maria Frostling-Henningsson, PhD Sven Isaksson, PhD Jenny Lee, PhD Inger M Jonsson, associate professor Birgitta Ney, associate professor Marianne Pipping Ekström, PhD student Anna-Mari Simunaniemi, PhD Ulrica Söderlind, PhD Richard Tellström and PhD Ulrika Torell. In 2013 the network left its association with ICAF and became an independent network. As a result the network took a new name -  “Nordic Association for Food Studies” (NAFS).