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Research projects

Feminist Theories on Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies

About this project

Project information

Project status



Liisa Husu

Research subject

Research environments

Funded by Swedish Research Council 2012-2018. The aim of the project was to systematically bring key theoretical and methodological strands of feminist intersectional analysis into dialogue and to set up arenas for cross-fertilizations leading to new, more comprehensive and transgressive analytical approaches and theoretical understandings of intersectional gender and its embeddedness in processes of sociocultural change. In so doing, the aim was to build on the successful experiences of transversal research dialogues and collaboration, developed within the framework of the Centre of Gender Excellence, GEXcel funded by Swedish Research Council.
The project also contributed to the more permanent anchoring of the excellence-centre activities in the GEXcel international Collegium for Advanced Gender Studies, which the Gender Studies milieux at LiU and ÖU were setting up.

Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • Swedish Research Council


  • Anna Lundberg
  • Cecilia Åsberg, Linköpings universitet
  • Nina Lykke, Linköpings Universitet
  • Redi Kobac, Linköpings universitet