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Contact us

You are always welcome to contact us with queries via phone, email, Facebook or Instagram.

Photo of the Main Library building.

The Main Library


Phone: 019-30 32 40

Telephone hours

Day Time
Monday–Thursday 10:00–20:00
Friday 10:00–18:00
Saturday–Sunday 11:00–16:00

Summer telephone hours until August 25th

Note: The Main Library will be closed during all weekends from June 8th to August 25th.

Day Time
July 13–August 4 closed
August 5–23 (Monday–Friday) 10:00–15:00

Find us

Photo of Campus USÖ.

The Medical Library


Phone: 019-30 13 92

Telephone hours

Day Time
Monday–Friday 11:00–16:00
Saturday–Sunday Closed

Summer telephone hours

Day Time
June 10–August 16 (Mon–Fri) 11:00–15:00
Midsummer Eve (June 21) Closed

Find us

Photo of the Nordic House of Culinary Art.

The School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science Library


Phone: 019-30 20 02, 019-30 20 07

Telephone hours

Day Time
Monday–Friday 9:00–15:00
Saturday–Sunday Closed

Summer telephone hours

Day Time
May 31–August 25 closed

Visiting address

Örebro University
Campus Grythyttan, School/Department
Sörälgsvägen 2
SE-712 60 Grythyttan

Find us

Photo of the School of Music, Theatre and Art.

The Sheet Music Library

The library is an unmanned library, open around the clock for students and teachers at the School of Music, Theatre and Art.


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