News from The University Library
Chat with the library wherever you are
The University Library's online chat is open again after the summer break. The chat offers an easy way to get in touch with us.
Registration is now open for the new doctoral course: Publishing Strategies and Research Visibility
The PhD course Publishing strategies and research visibility is primarily aimed at doctoral students and junior researchers at Örebro University, who have either already published an article in a scientific journal or are in the process of doing so...
New Publishing Agreements with JMIR, eLife, and Copernicus
During April and May, Örebro University has entered into additional publishing agreements.
Reserving borrowed books
If the book you are looking for is on loan, you can queue for it. When the loan period is over and the book is returned, you will by notified by e-mail that the book can be picked up from the reservation shelf.
Your loans can be automatically renewed
For most books at the University Library, automatic renewals apply. If there are no reservations on the books you've borrowed, the loan is automatically renewed for a new period as soon as the loan period expires.
Borrow your course literature at the University Library
The required reading for your courses can be found at the University Library.
How to easily pay your overdue fine
If you return your borrowed books late, you will need to pay a late fee. If you have late fees, they can be easily paid with a debit/credit card through your library account or at the help desks at our libraries.
News on electronic resources, publishing agreements and services 2024
With the new year some changes are taking place in the library's selection of databases and publishing agreements.
Group work? Book a group study room in the library
When it's time for group work, you and your group can sit undisturbed and work in a group study room. As a university student, you can book group study rooms at the Main Library and the Medical Library.
Funders in joint open access initiative
The research funders Swedish Research Council, Forte, Formas, and Vinnova have made a strategic decision on a funding model to support publication with publishers that exclusively publish fully open access journals.