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How to find information on the University's publishing agreements

Person in front of a computer

Örebro University has several agreements with scientific publishers, which allow researchers to publish articles with open access free of charge. There is also a convenient search service - SciFree - that you can use to find out if a particular journal is included in such an agreement.

Information about the publishing agreements can be found here on Research Support under Publish your research. The agreements cover some 13,500 journals in total.


In the SciFree search service, you can search for journals to see if there is a publishing agreement. Additional information about each journal is displayed when you hover the mouse pointer over the columns in the results list. For example, there is a link to the agreement information page, where you can find instructions for authors.

In SciFree's search results, journals that are included in prepaid agreements are shown with a gray icon with the text "This is paid in full by the Library". Journals with a discount on the publication fee are shown with a yellow icon with the text "There is a discount on the open access charge".

Good to know

  • It is the corresponding author's organizational affiliation that determines the possibility of publishing with open access via the agreements. The corresponding author is defined as the person who submits the manuscript and handles the contact with the publisher.
  • Use your institutional email address ( when submitting the article. Publishers use the email domain to link a specific author to the correct organization's agreement.
  • If you publish in a journal that is not covered by any publishing agreement, or where the agreement only provides a discount on the fee, you can apply for financial support for open access publishing through the fund administered by the library. Funds can be granted for articles and book chapters.