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Cochrane Interactive Learning

Cochrane Interactive Learning is an educational resource about conducting systematic literature reviews. The resource is divided into modules where you walk through the process step by step. You need a personal Cochrane account to use the resource.

Cochrane also have some useful information on using the resource.

Subject area: Medicine
Type of content:
To database To database list

1. Go to the registration page for Örebro University's subscription

2. On the “Course registration” page, you may see a message stating that your organization is using a proxy server (EZ Proxy). If this is displayed, click “Please click here first to avoid problems…” This will reload the page.

3. Scroll down and click “Please log in or create account”. Log in using your Cochrane credentials.

4.  Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions, and click “Register for Cochrane Interactive Learning”.

You need to be logged in with your personal account every time you use the service.

1. Go to the registration page for Örebro University's subscription

2. On the “Course registration” page, you may see a message stating that your organization is using a proxy server (EZ Proxy). If this is displayed, click “Please click here first to avoid problems…” This will reload the page.

3. Scroll down and click “Please log in or create account”.

4. Click the “Sign up now” link, and fill out the form. You will now receive an email with a link for account activation.

5. When your account has been activated, you will be redirected to Cochrane's registration page. There, it should be displayed that the account has been activated through Örebro University.

6. Tick the box to accept the terms and conditions, and click “Register for Cochrane Interactive Learning”.

You need to be logged in with your personal account every time you use the service.

The modules are:

  • Module 1: Introduction to conducting systematic reviews
  • Module 2: Writing the review protocol
  • Module 3: Searching for studies
  • Module 4: Selecting studies and collecting data
  • Module 5: Introduction to risk of bias
  • Module 6: Analyzing the data
  • Module 7: Interpreting the findings
  • Module 8: Reporting the review
  • Module 9: Introduction to health economics
  • Module 10: Network meta-analysis
  • Module 11: Health equity in systematic review
  • Module 12: Introduction to qualitative evidence synthesis