With databases you can access articles and scientific publication, as well as search for subject and content type.
When using the databases, you can typically refine and specialize your searches with advanced search techniques. This way, you can retrieve material that is relevant to the subject area you are investigating.
Favourite databases within medicine
Cochrane Library
Cochrane is an organisation that produces systematic reviews in the medical field. Cochrane Library collects resources that are relevant to evidence-based healthcare and associated research.
Citations and abstracts include the fields of medicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
SveMed+ contains references to articles in Scandinavian journals within medicine, dentistry, health care services, occupational therapy, nursing care and physical therapy. Starting January 2020, this database is no longer updated.
Swedish MeSH
Database with Swedish translations of the subject headings, known as MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings) used in, for instance, PubMed. In Swedish.
Other databases within medicine
American Physiological Society
Journals in physiology published by the American Physiological Society.
BMJ Journals
Contains titles from BMJ Publishing Group in the field of medicine and healthcare.
Cambridge Core
Provides full text for journals published by Cambridge University Press.
Cinahl with Full Text
An online source for full text nursing and allied health journals.
ClinicalKey Student
Over 300 e-books within clinical medicine, also includes images and videos.
Due to recurring technical issues, we advise against logging in with an ORU account until further notice. To use the service, you can create a separate personal account and log in with that. See information below.
Cochrane Interactive Learning
Cochrane Interactive Learning is an educational resource about conducting systematic literature reviews. The resource is divided into modules where you walk through the process step by step. You need a personal Cochrane account to use the resource.
Complete Anatomy
A platform app for anatomy in 3D. Specific activation is needed, please read the instructions that follows:
Journals published by Karger, mainly within medicine.
Medicinhistoriska databasen
Documents about the medical and social conditions in Sweden during the last 250 years (in Swedish).
References to publications in the medical and nursing field.
References to publications in the medical and nursing field.
Nature Journals
Journals from Nature. The University Library has access to a limited number of journals.
Abstracts and references to research on physiotherapy.
PTSDpubs (former name: PILOTS)
Bibliographic database covering the published international literature on traumatic stress. Previously known as PILOTS.
Science Direct
Provides full text for some 2,000 journals published by Elsevier.
Abstract and citation database.
Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
References to articles, studies, reports, etc. 1663-1967 (in Swedish).
Read more about Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
Medical search engine with emphasis on evidence based medicine (EBM) and clinical guidelines and queries.
WHO IRIS covers material published by the WHO from 1950 onwards.
Wiley Online
Multidisciplinary collection of journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.