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Connect to electronic resources from off-campus

Students and employees at Örebro University have access to the library's licensed electronic resources from home.

Log in with your username and password if you are a student, or with your ORU account if you are a member of staff at the university.

If you are not a student or member of staff at Örebro University you can unfortunately not use this service. To access the electronic resources you have to visit any of our libraries and use one of the library computers. Freely available resources can be accessed by all from everywhere, find more information through Searching for open access articles, or the subject area in the database list called “General: Freely available”.

For employees at Region Örebro County (Region Örebro Län) we refer to the Medical E-library. The databases and journals at Örebro University can be reached only through the Medical Library's computers if you are not an employee at Örebro University.
If you have affiliation with both organizations, you can access both resources with the respective login credentials.


Find the database you’re looking for through the library’s database list. When you click the link to a licensed database you’ll get prompted to insert your credentials. Enter your username and password.

Certain databases may not be accessible off campus, for technical or contractual reasons. In such cases, it is specified in the database description.

E-books and journals

E-books and journals are best accessed through the library’s search engine Primo from the library home page. When you click the link to the resource you'll get prompted to insert your credentials. Enter your username and password.

Alternative ways of logging in

Browser extension LibKey Nomad

Libkey is a browser extension that links to fulltext articles that the library has access to or have open access. 

Install the extension in your browser, and select “Örebro universitetsbibliotek” as organisation. If prompted, log in with your username and password.

VPN (employees only)

If you are connected through VPN the IP-address of the University will be recognized automatically. You will not have to use your ORU account to access the licensed resources. Read how to do so on Inforum

Log in directly at the platform

On some platforms there is also the possibility to log in via Institutional login. It might look a bit different depending on the platform, but usually says something like “Log in via your institution”. Use your ORU account via Shibboleth and identification federation SWAMID.

This login possibility is available on:

  • ACM Digital Library
  • ClinicalKey Student
  • Elsevier ScienceDirect
  • Emerald
  • IEEE Xplore
  • Nature
  • SAGE (journal platform)
  • SAGE Research Methods
  • Scopus
  • SpringerLink
  • Taylor & Francis Online (journal platform)
  • Wiley Online Library

The platform might contain resources that are not accessible, due to them not being licensed by the library.

Google Scholar

If you are using Google Scholar when searching for articles, you can continue that off campus. If you have done a search while on campus the identification is saved for 30 days. You can now access the library’s licensed resources via Google Scholar from off campus without logging in.

Please observe that some providers have not made the necessary connection to Google, in those cases the automatic access will not work.

Contact and error report

If you can not access the resources as expected, there are a few things you can try that may help you to overcome the problem. Here are some general troubleshooting tips. If the problem persists, please submit an error report.

If you have general questions on electronic resources you can contact us at This is an email address

If your inquiry is regarding a resource that you want the library to buy, we are happy to take suggestions.