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Databases within Books
Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to agricultural literature.
Bibliography of the Swedish History of Literature
Contains references to monographs and collections, articles in collections, periodicals and annuals, reviews of works on the history of literature, and more. Coverage: 1993-2000. (In Swedish)
Read more about Bibliography of the Swedish History of Literature
Cambridge Core
Provides full text for journals published by Cambridge University Press.
ClinicalKey Student
Over 300 e-books within clinical medicine, also includes images and videos.
Explore the digital resources of Europe's galleries, museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections.
Film & Television Literature Index
Subject coverage includes film & television theory, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
The Scandinavian University Press’ (Universitetsforlaget) digital publishing platform for academic and scholarly journals. Some of the journals are published in English.
IMF eLibrary
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools.
JUNO (previously Karnov and Zeteo) contains Swedish legislation with commentaries, case-law and preparatory documents. (In Swedish)
The national catalogue best used for subject searches of physical books and to see holdings at university libraries
MLA provides a subject index for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
Oxford Academic e-books
A collection of e-books in psychology, political science and law.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service)
Find references to articles, books, government documents, research reports, conference papers and more, in the fields of public policy and international relations.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes.
Sociology Collection
Combines abstracts and references from the ASSIA and Sociological Abstracts databases with full-text coverage of publications in sociology and social services, and related fields.
International database with citations for materials in sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical education and related fields.
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog (previously ELSA) is the online catalogue of the Swedish Institute for Children's Books.
Read more about Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Swedish Bibliography of General Education
A retrospective database (1850-1950) containing references to monographs and articles in periodicals, annuals and collections.
Swedish Historical Bibliography
Swedish Historical Bibliography (in Swedish).
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
International political science and international relations. Contains abstracts of journal articles, books, dissertations and working papers.