With databases you can access articles and scientific publication, as well as search for subject and content type.
When using the databases, you can typically refine and specialize your searches with advanced search techniques. This way, you can retrieve material that is relevant to the subject area you are investigating.
Databases within E-journal Collections
ACM Digital Library
A comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of computing and information technology.
American Chemical Society
Full-text of selected publications of the American Chemical Society.
American Physical Society
Journals in physics published by the American Physical Society (APS).
American Physiological Society
Journals in physiology published by the American Physiological Society.
BMJ Journals
Contains titles from BMJ Publishing Group in the field of medicine and healthcare.
Brill Online
Full text academic journals, covering the Humanities and International Law, among other disciplines.
With BrowZine you can monitor journals within your subject areas.
Business Source Elite
Full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting and international business.
Cambridge Core
Provides full text for journals published by Cambridge University Press.
Campbell Systematic Reviews
Campbell Systematic Reviews is an open access journal publishing systematic reviews, evidence and gap maps, and methods research papers.
Cinahl with Full Text
An online source for full text nursing and allied health journals.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
CMCC provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media.
Criminology Collection
Combines content from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) abstracts database with full-texts of articles and dissertations in a single interface.
De Gruyter
Journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available.
Directory of Open Access Journals
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Education Collection
Combines references and abstracts from the ERIC database with full-texts of articles, dissertations and other types of content, all in a single interface.
Emerald Journals
A cross-disciplinary journal database, primarily covering management and business economics.
FAR Online
Contains databases in the fields of taxes, company law, associations law, insolvency law, accounting, revision etc. (In Swedish)
Film & Television Literature Index
Subject coverage includes film & television theory, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
International legal database with a large number of international journals in full text.
The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) provides a not-for-profit portal to research on tax law.
The Scandinavian University Press’ (Universitetsforlaget) digital publishing platform for academic and scholarly journals. Some of the journals are published in English.
IEEE Explore
Full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) publications.
IMF eLibrary
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools.
IOS Press
Multidisciplinary collection of journals from the publisher IOS Press.
Older volumes of full text journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available in full text.
JUNO (previously Karnov and Zeteo) contains Swedish legislation with commentaries, case-law and preparatory documents. (In Swedish)
Journals published by Karger, mainly within medicine.
Library & Information Science Collection
Combines Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA), the leading index for library science, with full text for many titles.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
References to articles, books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, librarianship and more.
Read more about Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Linguistics Collection
The Linguistics Collection is comprised of index and full-text databases covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
Nature Journals
Journals from Nature. The University Library has access to a limited number of journals.
National Bureau of Economic Research, USA.
Oxford Academic Journals
Fulltext journals from Oxford University Press.
Project MUSE
Full-text versions of scholarly journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The University Library has access to a selection of the journals available on the platform.
Fulltext articles in psychology.
SAGE Journals
Provides full text for journals published by SAGE Publishing.
Science Direct
Provides full text for some 2,000 journals published by Elsevier.
Full-text journals from Springer. A number of e-book collections in multiple subject areas are also available.
Taylor & Francis Online
A multidisciplinary journal package from Taylor & Francis, including titles from CRC Press, Garland Science, Psychology Press och Routledge.
Westlaw International Materials
Legal and regulatory information. Covers most areas of the world, also international organisations such as EU, United Nations, WTO and international tribunals.
Westlaw UK
Legal and regulatory information from the United Kingdom, and EU. The texts include case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, directories, journal articles, commentaries and other texts, full text or summaries.
WHO IRIS covers material published by the WHO from 1950 onwards.
Wiley Online
Multidisciplinary collection of journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.