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Databases beginning with S
SAGE Journals
Provides full text for journals published by SAGE Publishing.
SAGE Knowledge
SAGE Knowledge contains reference works and encyclopaedias within the social sciences. The University Library has access to some 60 e-books on the platform.
SAGE Research Methods
Sage Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process.
Science Direct
Provides full text for some 2,000 journals published by Elsevier.
SciFree Journal Search Tool
Using SciFree, research staff can easily check if a journal is included in any of the University's publisher agreements, where open access charges are prepaid or discounted.
Abstract and citation database.
SiS Standards
Standards directory from the Swedish Standards Institute.
Social Science Premium Collection
This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, criminology, linguistics, informatics, and education.
Social Services Abstracts
Bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.
Sociological Abstracts
Abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
Sociology Collection
Combines abstracts and references from the ASSIA and Sociological Abstracts databases with full-text coverage of publications in sociology and social services, and related fields.
International database with citations for materials in sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical education and related fields.
Full-text journals from Springer. A number of e-book collections in multiple subject areas are also available.
Statistical Database
Contains official statistics from Statistics Sweden and a number of other government agencies. The statistics cover many subject areas, and often over a long period of time, so-called time series.
SVAR, Digital Research Room
SVAR contains Swedish archive information from the department of the National Archives. (In Swedish).
SveMed+ contains references to articles in Scandinavian journals within medicine, dentistry, health care services, occupational therapy, nursing care and physical therapy. Starting January 2020, this database is no longer updated.
Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
References to articles, studies, reports, etc. 1663-1967 (in Swedish).
Read more about Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog (previously ELSA) is the online catalogue of the Swedish Institute for Children's Books.
Read more about Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Swedish Bibliography of General Education
A retrospective database (1850-1950) containing references to monographs and articles in periodicals, annuals and collections.
Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
This database consists of Government Official Reports (SOU) from 1922 onwards.
Read more about Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
Swedish Historical Bibliography
Swedish Historical Bibliography (in Swedish).
Swedish House of Finance Data Center
Several smaller databases within finance, mainly with Nordic focus and several with historical data.
Swedish Media Database
Search service for the audiovisual collections at the National Library of Sweden (KB). The database contains information about TV, radio, video, movies presented in theatre's, CDs, and multimedia.
Swedish MeSH
Database with Swedish translations of the subject headings, known as MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings) used in, for instance, PubMed. In Swedish.
Swedish Patent Database
Covers Swedish patents, Swedish public patent applications, European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden and more.
Swedish Press Register
A register of articles from circa 15 Swedish big city newspapers from 1880 and onwards. As from 1903 the register is a database, complete until 1911. The years 1880 to 1902 are available in print. (In Swedish)
SwePub makes it possible to search among articles, conference papers, dissertations etc. published at Swedish universities and authorities. Use SwePub for an overview of what is published in your research area, to get titles in full text, abstracts and citations.