Karin Berglund
Karin Berglund Position: Professor School/office: Örebro University School of BusinessEmail: a2FyaW4uYmVyZ2x1bmQ7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 302213
Room: N3035

About Karin Berglund
Karin Berglund is a Professor of Business Administration specializing in sustainable enterprise at the School of Business, Örebro University. Her research focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation as key drivers of change in today’s society. She is particularly interested in alternative forms of entrepreneurship and innovation aimed at addressing complex societal challenges and enabling a sustainable transition—socially as well as environmentally. Adopting a sociological perspective, she explores the identities, practices, and relationships that can facilitate this transition and thereby foster new ways of thinking and acting for a more sustainable future.
Research projects
Active projects
Articles in journals
- Pettersson, K. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Tillmar, M. (2024). Paying lip service to gender inequality: EU rural development policy in Sweden. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography. [BibTeX]
- Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. , Pettersson, K. & Tillmar, M. (2024). Women's contributions to rural development: implications for entrepreneurship policy. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 30 (7), 1652-1677. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Ahl, H. , Pettersson, K. & Tillmar, M. (2023). Conceptualising feminist resistance in the postfeminist terrain. Gender in Management, 38 (2), 183-199. [BibTeX]
- Wettermark, A. & Berglund, K. (2022). Mutuality between selves and others in social entrepreneurship: Not a mission impossible?. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 38 (3). [BibTeX]
- Tillmar, M. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2022). Neo-liberalism translated into preconditions for women entrepreneurs: two contrasting cases. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 16 (4), 603-630. [BibTeX]
- Tillmar, M. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2022). The gendered effects of entrepreneurialism in contrasting contexts. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 16 (5), 808-828. [BibTeX]
- Dodd, S. , Lage-Arias, S. , Berglund, K. , Jack, S. , Hytti, U. & Verduijn, K. (2022). Transforming enterprise education: sustainable pedagogies of hope and social justice. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34 (7-8), 686-700. [BibTeX]
- Tillmar, M. , Sköld, B. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2022). Women's rural businesses: for economic viability or gender equality? - a database study from the Swedish context. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 14 (3), 323-351. [BibTeX]
- Pecis, L. & Berglund, K. (2021). Hidden in the limelight: A feminist engagement with innovation studies. Organization, 28 (6), 993-1017. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2021). Innovation Beyond Borders: On Alternative Feminist Discourses of Innovation. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 5 (2). [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Hytti, U. & Verduijn, K. (2021). Navigating the Terrain of Entrepreneurship Education in Neoliberal Societies. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P), 4 (4), 702-717. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2021). The word “Creativity". Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat, 20 (1), 18-20. [BibTeX]
- Hedeboe Frederiksen, S. & Berglund, K. (2020). Identity work in entrepreneurship education: Activating, scripting and resisting the entrepreneurial self. International Small Business Journal, 38 (4), 271-292. [BibTeX]
- Verduijn, K. & Berglund, K. (2020). Pedagogical invention in entrepreneurship education: Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 26 (5), 973-988. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2020). The Worthy Human Being as Prosuming Subject: 'Projectified Selves' in Emancipatory Project Studies. Project Management Journal, 51 (4), 367-377. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Hytti, U. & Verduijn, K. (2020). Unsettling Entrepreneurship Education. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy (EE&P), 3 (3), 208-213. [BibTeX]
- Skoglund, A. , Redmalm, D. & Berglund, K. (2020). Videography: studying ethical uncertainty in alternative entrepreneurship. Society and Business Review, 15 (4), 305-324. [BibTeX]
- Alkhaled, S. & Berglund, K. (2018). "And now I’m free": Women’s empowerment and emancipation through entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia and Sweden. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 30 (7-8), 877-900. [BibTeX]
- Annika, S. & Berglund, K. (2018). Studying “Openness” with “Closeness”: A videography of Prezi’s alternative entrepreneurship. Nordicom Information, 40 (1), 86-90. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Ahl, H. , Pettersson, K. & Tillmar, M. (2018). Women's entrepreneurship, neoliberalism and economic justice in the postfeminist era: A discourse analysis of policy change in Sweden. Gender, Work and Organization, 25 (5), 531-556. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, K. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Tillmar, M. (2017). In the name of women?: Feminist readings of policies for women’s entrepreneurship in Scandinavia. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 33 (1), 50-63. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2017). Responsibilising the next generation: Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender. Organization, 24 (6), 892-915. [BibTeX]
- Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. , Pettersson, K. & Tillmar, M. (2016). From feminism to FemInc.ism: On the uneasy relationship between feminism, entrepreneurship and the Nordic welfare state. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 12 (2), 369-392. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Gaddefors, J. & Lindgren, M. (2016). Provoking identities: entrepreneurship and emerging identity positions in rural development. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 28 (1-2), 76-96. [BibTeX]
- Fayolle, A. , Landström, H. , Gartner, B. W. & Berglund, K. (2016). The institutionalization of entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Regional Development: Questioning the status quo and re-gaining hope for entrepreneurship research. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 28 (7-8), 477-486. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2015). E viral Essay - Entrepreneurship goes viral: The invention of deviant enterprising selves. M@n@gement, 18 (5), 359-362. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Tillmar, M. (2015). To play or not to play: that is the question: entrepreneuring as gendered play. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31 (2), 206-218. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Holmgren, C. (2013). Entrepreneurship Education in Policy and Practice. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 5 (1), 9-27. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2013). Fighting against all odds: Entrepreneurship education as employability training. Ephemera : Theory and Politics in Organization, 13 (4), 717-735. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Schwartz, B. (2013). Holding on the anomaly of social entrepreneurship: dilemmas in starting up and running a fair-trade enterprise. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 4 (3), 237-255. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Wigren-Kristoferson, C. (2012). Using pictures and artefacts in a PAR process to disclose new wor(l)ds of entrepreneurship. Action Research, 10 (3), 276-292. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Holmgren, C. (2008). What do teachers do when they do entrepreneurship education? …and How can we ask about it?. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2 (4), 354-354. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Johansson, A. W. (2007). Entrepreneurship, discourses and conscientization in processes of regional development. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 19 (6), 499-525. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Dahlin, M. & Johansson, A. W. (2007). Walking a tightrope between artistry and entrepreneurship: The stories of the Hotel Woodpecker, Otter Inn and Luna Resort. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 1 (3), 268-284. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Berglund, K. (2015). Real social science: Applied phronesis. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31 (3), 455-456. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Dahlin, M. , Tilling, K. & Johansson, U. (2005). Making Sense of Intellectual Capital: Designing a Method for the Valuation of Intangibles. The European Accounting Review, 14 (3), 160-162. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Ahl, H. , Tillmar, M. , Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2023). Entrepreneurship as a losing proposition for women: gendered outcomes of neo-liberal entrepreneurship policy in a nordic welfare state. In: Colette Henry; Susan Coleman; Kate V. Lewis, Women's Entrepreneurship Policy (pp. 75-102). . Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.. [BibTeX]
- Lindbergh, J. , Berglund, K. & Schwartz, B. (2022). Alternative entrepreneurship: Tracing the creative destruction of entrepreneurship. In: Matthew M. Mars; Hope Jensen Schau, How Alternative is Alternative?: The Role of Entrepreneurial Development, Form, and Function in the Emergence of Alternative Marketscapes. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [BibTeX]
- Skoglund, A. & Berglund, K. (2018). Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial self: Creating alternatives through entrepreneurship education?. In: Karin Berglund; Karen Verduijn, Revitalizing entrepreneurship education: Adopting a critical approach in the classroom (pp. 158-177). New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Verduijn, K. (2018). Introduction: challenges for entrepreneurship education. In: Karin Berglund; Karen Verduijn, Revitalizing entrepreneurship education: Adopting a critical approach in the classroom (pp. 3-24). Oxon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Wettermark, A. , Kårfors, A. , Lif, O. , Wickström, A. , Wiessner, S. & Berglund, K. (2018). On vulnerability and possibility in critical entrepreneurship education: Mutual learning between students and teachers. In: Karin Berglund; Karen Verduyn, Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education: Adopting a critical approach in the classroom (pp. 211-227). Abingdon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2018). Social entrepreneurship: performative enactments of compassion. In: Pascal Dey; Chris Steyaert, Social entrepreneurship: an affirmative critique (pp. 182-188). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Segercrantz, B. , Sveiby, K. & Berglund, K. (2017). A discourse analysis of innovation in academic management literature. In: Benoit Godin; Dominique Vinck, Critical Studies of Innovation: Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias (pp. 276-295). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2017). Social Entrepreneurs: Precious and Precarious. In: Caroline Essers; Pascal Dey; Deirdre Tedmanson; Karen Verduyn, Critical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Challenging Dominant Discourses (pp. 17-35). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Ahl, H. & Pettersson, K. (2017). Tales of Heroine Entrepreneurs. In: Colette Henry; Teresa Nelson; Kate V. Lewis, The Routledge Companion to Global Female Entrepreneurship (pp. 282-298). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Sundin, E. , Berglund, K. & Andersson, S. (2016). Att stimulera och stödja innovationsprocesser: Politikens och praktikens blinda fläckar. In: Maureen McKelvey; Olof Zaring, Sveriges entreprenöriella ekosystem : företag, akademi, politik (pp. 254-267). Stockholm: Esbri. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Annika, S. (2016). Social entrepreneurship: to defend society from itself. In: Alain Fayolle, Philippe Riot, Rethinking entrepreneurship: debating research orientations (pp. 57-77). Abingdon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2015). Entreprenörskap som kreativt handlingsutrymme. In: Jan Löwstedt, Skolledning: scener från den organiserande vardagen (pp. 95-107). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Johannisson, B. , Johansson, A. W. , Sundin, E. , Berglund, K. , Rosell, E. , Schwartz, B. , Stenberg, R. & Tillmar, M. (2015). Organizing societal entrepreneurship: A cross-sector challenge. In: Paula Kyrö, Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Research (pp. 130-154). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Wigren, C. (2014). Ethnographic approaches to entrepreneurship and small business research: What lessons can we learn?. In: Alan L. Carsrud; Malin Brännback, Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 201-227). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Jerregård, H. (2013). Jag tar ett steg i taget: barns tankar om ingenjören, teknik och arbetsliv. In: Yvonne Eriksson; Ildikó Asztalos Morell, Bilden av ingenjören (pp. 266-297). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2013). Kärt barn har många namn: Om entreprenörskaps alla (o)möjliga former. In: Hans Hasselbladh; Mikael Holmqvist, Företagsekonomin och samhället (pp. 167-196). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Johannisson, B. & Schwartz, B. (2012). Conclusions. In: Karin Berglund, Bengt Johannisson, Birgitta Schwartz, Societal entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting (pp. 259-277). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Johansson, A. W. (2012). Dark and bright effects of a polarized entrepreneurship discourse: and the prospects of transformation. In: Karin Berglund; Bengt Johannisson; Birgitta Schwartz, Societal Entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting (pp. 163-190). . Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2012). Friends, feelings, and fantasy: the entrepreneurial approach as conceptualized by preschool teachers. In: Karin Berglund; Bengt Johannisson; Birgitta Schwartz, Societal entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting (pp. 191-213). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Granat Thorslund, J. (2012). Innovative policies?: Entrepreneurship and innovation policy from a gender perspective. In: Susanne Andersson; Karin Berglund; Ewa Gunnarsson; Elisabeth Sundin, Promoting innovation: Policies, practices and procedures (pp. 25-46). Stockholm: Vinnova. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, S. , Berglund, K. , Granat Thorslund, J. , Gunnarsson, E. & Sundin, E. (2012). Introduction. In: Susanne Andersson; Karin Berglund; Ewa Gunnarsson; Elisabeth Sundin, Promoting innovation: Policies, practices and procedures (pp. 9-19). Stockholm: Vinnova. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Johannisson, B. (2012). Introduction: in the beginning was societal entrepreneurship. In: Karin Berglund; Bengt Johannisson; Birgitta Schwartz, Societal entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting (pp. 1-27). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, S. & Berglund, K. (2012). PART I: Policies for Innovation. In: Susanne Andersson; Karin Berglund; Ewa Gunnarsson; Élisabeth Sundin, Promoting Innovation: Policies, practices and procedures (pp. 21-24). Stockholm: Vinnova. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Johannisson, B. & Schwartz, B. (2012). Preface. In: Karin Berglund, Bengt Johannisson, Birgitta Schwartz, Societal entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting (pp. XII-XIII). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Gaddefors, J. (2010). Entrepreneurship Requires Resistance to be Mobilized. In: Frederic Bill; Björn Bjerke; Anders W. Johansson, (De)Mobilizing entrepreneurship : Exploring entrepreneurial thinking and action (pp. 140-157). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (2006). När det oavsedda utmanar spelreglerna…. In: Daniel Ericsson, Den oavsedda organisationen (pp. 108-134). Lund: Academia adacta. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Fayolle, A. (ed.) , Landström, H. (ed.) , Gartner, W. B. (ed.) & Berglund, K. (ed.) (2018). Institutionalization of entrepreneurship research. London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (ed.) & Verduijn, K. (ed.) (2018). Revitalizing entrepreneurship education: Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, S. (ed.) , Berglund, K. (ed.) , Gunnarsson, E. (ed.) & Sundin, E. (ed.) (2012). Promoting Innovation: Policies, practices and procedures. Stockholm: Vinnova (VINNOVA report 2012:8). [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (ed.) , Johannisson, B. (ed.) & Schwartz, B. (ed.) (2012). Societal entrepreneurship: positioning, penetrating, promoting. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Segelod, E. (ed.) , Berglund, K. (ed.) , Bjurström, E. (ed.) , Dahlquist, E. (ed.) , Hallén, L. (ed.) & Johanson, U. (ed.) (2011). Studies in Industrial Renewal: Coping with Changing Contexts (200ed.). Västerås: Mälardalen University. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. (ed.) & Johansson, A. W. (ed.) (2008). Arenor för entreprenörskap. Örebro: FSF, Örebro (FSF 2008:4). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. , Pettersson, K. & Tillmar, M. (2014). Is institutional support for women’s entrepreneurship feminist?. In: GWO2014 Book of abstracts GWO 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary conference. Paper presented at GWO 8th Biennial International Interdisciplinary conference, Keele University, England June 24-26, 2014. Wiley-Blackwell. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Janne, T. (2014). The Paradox of Alternative Entrepreneurship: Doing, Undoing & Redoing Gender in a Contested Space. Paper presented at 5th Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies in Havana, Cuba, April 2-5, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Birkelöf, F. , Lundin, J. & Löfgren, A. (2013). Engaged Sisters: studying the entrepreneurship and innovation support system from ‘within’. Paper presented at 22nd Nordic Academy o Management Conference, Reykjavik, August 21-23, 2013. (pp. 1-21). [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. , Lindgren, M. & Packedorff, J. (2012). Otherness in discourse, otherness in practice: Gendered notions of entrepreneurship in Swedish school education. Paper presented at The 7th biennial international interdisciplinary conference Gender Work & Organization at Keele University, Subtheme: The gendered politics of entrepreneurship, June 27–29, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, K. & Johansson, A. W. (2006). The Entrepreneurship Discourse: Outlined from Diverse Constructions of Entrepreneurship on the Academic Scene. Paper presented at AGSE conference in Auckland, New Zeeland 2006 and CommEnt Research Symposium in Hammer Springs. [BibTeX]
- Sköld, B. , Tillmar, M. , Ahl, H. , Berglund, K. & Pettersson, K. (2018). Kvinnors företagande i landsbygdskommuner med fokus på Småland och Öland: En kvantitativ kartläggning inom ramen för forskningsprojektet ”Kvinnors företagande för en levande landsbygd”. Linköping: Helix Competence Centre (HELIX working papers 18:001). [BibTeX]