School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences
• 3500 students
• 6 undergraduate programmes
• 4 PhD programmes
• 80 courses/year
• 160 faculty and staff
• 4 academic units
• 35 PhD students
• 15 Professors
• 40 exchange agreements
Each year, more than 3,500 students enrol on one of our courses or degree programmes. Maybe you are already one of them or perhaps you want to become one of tomorrow’s psychologists, social workers, lawyers or criminologists?
At our school, there is a unique combination of subjects in the form of social work, psychology, law and criminology. This exciting blend facilitates interaction, exchange of competencies and skills, and collaboration beyond subject boundaries. We are host to a number of strong research environments with prominent researchers, who are also involved in teaching at all levels. To us, international exchange and cooperation are important. That gives you as a student the opportunity to join international courses, go an exchange, or write your dissertation in a developing country.
Welcome to BSR!