Doctoral studies at Örebro University

What is doctoral education?
Doctoral education is the highest educational level in the education system. There are two types of study programmes - one that ends with a licentiate degree and one that ends with a doctoral degree. The programmes shall develop the knowledge and skills required to be able to undertake autonomous research.
The programme ending with a doctorate comprises 240 credits, equivalent to four years of full-time study. The programme ending with a licentiate degree comprises 120 credits, equivalent of two years full-time study.
How is the doctoral programme organised?
Örebro University provides doctoral education in 24 subjects in science, engineering, medicine and health, and social sciences and the humanities.
Studies are conducted within each research subject. In some cases, the training is organised by research schools with thematically-oriented studies. Research schools often reside in strong interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research environments.