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Natalia Krzyzanowska

Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: bmF0YWxpYS5rcnp5emFub3dza2E7b3J1LnNl

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Room: F3272

Natalia Krzyzanowska
Research subject

About Natalia Krzyzanowska

Natalia Krzyżanowska (MA, PhD, Docent) is Associate Professor at Department of Sociology, Örebro University, Sweden. 

Her work locates within critical social science and draws extensively on interdisciplinary input from, inter alia, cultural sociology, gender, feminist and women’s studies, philosophical aesthetics, memory and urban studies as well as critical political economy and social theory.

In recent years, she has worked extensively on research projects looking into, e.g., visual politics of memory and aesthetics of commemoration in contemporary urban spaces as well as into social, political and cultural constructions of gender and motherhood in critical art and in mediated public spheres. She has published extensively on those topicsof her research including with a number of highly cited journal articles and other publications (see below).

Natalia has over two decades of extensive teaching experience and pedagogic leadership in various areas of sociology and wider social science with her teaching areas ranging from cultural sociology and philosophical aesthetics through media and gender to urban studies, political economy, social policy, sustainability and welfare state. 

At Örebro University since 2014, Natalia has held a variety of lectures across School of Humanities, Education and Social Science (HumUS) incl. regular lectures on 'Gender & Media' or 'Gender and Leadership' at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels or courses on ‘Critical Theory’ at the PhD level.  

She has also taught on and convened the 'Globalisation', 'Gender and Diversity in Organization' or ‘Welfare State’ courses in the Sociology Department. She has also ben teaching within international MA Social Analysis on Feminist Empistemology and Gender or on Theories and Methods. She also held lectures across School of Humanities, Education and Social Science (HumUS) incl. regular lectures on 'Gender & Media' or 'Gender and Leadership' at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels or courses on ‘Critical Theory’ at the PhD level.


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews


Chapters in books

Collections (editor)