Per Lindblad
Per Lindblad Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: cGVyLmxpbmRibGFkO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: +46 19 303991
Room: -

Research subject
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, reviews/surveys |
Chapters in books |
Conference papers |
Articles in journals
- Rosenblad, A. K. , Hashim, B. M. , Lindblad, P. , Ljungberg, B. & National Swedish Kidney Cancer Register Steering Committee, -. (2024). Recurrences after nephron-sparing treatments of renal cell carcinoma: a competing risk analysis. World journal of urology, 42 (1). [BibTeX]
- Rosenblad, A. K. , Hashim, B. M. , Lindblad, P. , Ljungberg, B. & National Swedish Kidney Cancer Register Steering Committee, -. (2024). Reply to Letter to the Editor about "Recurrences after nephron-sparing treatments of renal cell carcinoma: a competing risk analysis" by Qiang et al. World journal of urology, 42 (1). [BibTeX]
- Almdalal, T. , Karlsson Rosenblad, A. , Hellström, M. , Kjellman, A. , Lindblad, P. , Lundstam, S. , Sundqvist, P. & Ljungberg, B. (2023). Predictive characteristics for disease recurrence and overall survival in non-metastatic clinical T1 renal cell carcinoma: results from the National Swedish Kidney Cancer Register. Scandinavian journal of urology, 57 (1-6), 67-74. [BibTeX]
- Almdalal, T. , Sundqvist, P. , Harmenberg, U. , Hellström, M. , Lindskog, M. , Lindblad, P. , Lundstam, S. & Ljungberg, B. (2022). Clinical T1a Renal Cell Carcinoma, Not Always a Harmless Disease-A National Register Study. European Urology Open Science, 39, 22-28. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson Rosenblad, A. , Sundqvist, P. , Harmenberg, U. , Hellström, M. , Hofmann, F. , Kjellman, A. , Kröger Dahlin, B. , Lindblad, P. & et al. (2022). Surgical waiting times and all-cause mortality in patients with non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (5-6), 383-390. [BibTeX]
- Åkerlund, J. , Holmberg, E. , Lindblad, P. , Stendahl, M. , Ljungberg, B. , Thorstenson, A. & Lundstam, S. (2021). Increased risk for renal cell carcinoma in end stage renal disease: a population-based case-control study. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (3), 209-214. [BibTeX]
- Landberg, A. , Bruce, D. , Lindblad, P. , Ljungberg, B. , Lundstam, S. , Thorstenson, A. & Sundqvist, P. (2021). Validation of data quality in the National Swedish Kidney Cancer Register. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (2), 142-148. [BibTeX]
- Ljungberg, B. , Sundqvist, P. , Lindblad, P. , Kjellman, A. , Thorstenson, A. , Hellström, M. , Kröger Dahlin, B. , Thomasson, M. & et al. (2020). Survival advantage of upfront cytoreductive nephrectomy in patients with primary metastatic renal cell carcinoma compared with systemic and palliative treatments in a real-world setting. Scandinavian journal of urology, 54 (6), 487-492. [BibTeX]
- Landberg, A. , Lindblad, P. , Harmenberg, U. , Lundstam, S. , Ljungberg, B. , Thorstenson, A. & Sundqvist, P. (2020). The renal cell cancer database Sweden (RCCBaSe): a new register-based resource for renal cell carcinoma research. Scandinavian journal of urology, 54 (3), 235-240. [BibTeX]
- Grabowska, B. , Ulvskog, E. , Carlsson, J. , Fiorentino, M. , Giunchi, F. , Lindblad, P. & Sundqvist, P. (2018). Clinical outcome and time trends of surgically treated renal cell carcinoma between 1986 and 2010: results from a single centre in Sweden. Scandinavian journal of urology, 52 (3), 206-212. [BibTeX]
- Åström, M. , Tajeddinn, W. , Karlsson, M. G. , Linder, O. , Palmblad, J. & Lindblad, P. (2018). Cytokine Measurements for Diagnosing and Characterizing Leukemoid Reactions and Immunohistochemical Validation of a Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor and CXCL8-Producing Renal Cell Carcinoma. Biomarker Insights, 13. [BibTeX]
- Thorstenson, A. , Harmenberg, U. , Lindblad, P. , Ljungberg, B. & Lundstam, S. (2016). Impact of quality indicators on adherence to National and European guidelines for renal cell carcinoma. Scandinavian journal of urology, 50 (1), 2-8. [BibTeX]
- Dabestani, S. , Thorstenson, A. , Lindblad, P. , Harmenberg, U. , Ljungberg, B. & Lundstam, S. (2016). Renal cell carcinoma recurrences and metastases in primary non-metastatic patients: a population-based study. World journal of urology, 34 (8), 1081-1086. [BibTeX]
- Thorstenson, A. , Harmenberg, U. , Lindblad, P. , Holmström, B. , Lundstam, S. & Ljungberg, B. (2015). Cancer Characteristics and Current Treatments of Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma in Sweden. BioMed Research International. [BibTeX]
- Greving, J. P. , Lee, J. E. , Wolk, A. , Lukkien, C. , Lindblad, P. & Bergström, A. (2007). Alcoholic beverages and risk of renal cell cancer. British Journal of Cancer, 97 (3), 429-433. [BibTeX]
- Ejerblad, E. , Fored, C. M. , Lindblad, P. , Fryzek, J. , McLaughlin, J. K. & Nyren, O. (2006). Obesity and risk for chronic renal failure. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 17 (6), 1695-1702. [BibTeX]
- Rashidkhani, B. , Åkesson, A. , Lindblad, P. & Wolk, A. (2005). Alcohol consumption and risk of renal cell carcinoma: a prospective study of Swedish women. International Journal of Cancer, 117 (5), 848-853. [BibTeX]
- Rashidkhani, B. , Lindblad, P. & Wolk, A. (2005). Fruits, vegetables and risk of renal cell carcinoma: a prospective study of Swedish women. International Journal of Cancer, 113 (3), 451-455. [BibTeX]
- Rashidkhani, B. , Åkesson, A. , Lindblad, P. & Wolk, A. (2005). Major dietary patterns and risk of renal cell carcinoma in a prospective cohort of Swedish women. Journal of Nutrition, 135 (7), 1757-1762. [BibTeX]
- Fored, C. M. , Nise, G. , Ejerblad, E. , Fryzek, J. P. , Lindblad, P. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Elinder, C. G. & Nyren, O. (2004). Absence of association between organic solvent exposure and risk of chronic renal failure: a nationwide population-based case-control study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 15 (1), 180-186. [BibTeX]
- Ejerblad, E. , Fored, C. M. , Lindblad, P. , Fryzek, J. , Dickman, P. W. , Elinder, C. G. , McLaughlin, J. K. & Nyren, O. (2004). Association between smoking and chronic renal failure in a nationwide population-based case-control study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 15 (8), 2178-2185. [BibTeX]
- Mucci, L. A. , Lindblad, P. , Steineck, G. & Adami, H. O. (2004). Dietary acrylamide and risk of renal cell cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 109 (5), 774-776. [BibTeX]
- Fored, C. M. , Ejerblad, E. , Fryzek, J. P. , Lambe, M. , Lindblad, P. , Nyren, O. & Elinder, C. G. (2003). Socio-economic status and chronic renal failure: a population-based case-control study in Sweden. Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, 18 (1), 82-88. [BibTeX]
- Shiao, Y. H. , Forsti, A. , Egevad, L. , Anderson, L. M. , Lindblad, P. & Hemminki, K. (2003). VHL down-regulation and differential localization as mechanisms in tumorigenesis. Kidney International, 64 (5), 1671-1674. [BibTeX]
- Hemminki, K. , Jiang, Y. , Ma, X. , Yang, K. , Egevad, L. & Lindblad, P. (2002). Molecular epidemiology of VHL gene mutations in renal cell carcinoma patients: relation to dietary and other factors. Carcinogenesis, 23 (5), 809-815. [BibTeX]
- Lambe, M. , Lindblad, P. , Wuu, J. , Remler, R. & Hsieh, C. C. (2002). Pregnancy and risk of renal cell cancer: a population-based study in Sweden. British Journal of Cancer, 86 (9), 1425-1429. [BibTeX]
- Fored, C. M. , Ejerblad, E. , Lindblad, P. , Fryzek, J. P. , Dickman, P. W. , Signorello, L. B. , Lipworth, L. , Elinder, C. G. & et al. (2001). Acetaminophen, aspirin, and chronic renal failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 345 (25), 1801-1808. [BibTeX]
- Bergström, A. , Lindblad, P. & Wolk, A. (2001). Birth weight and risk of renal cell cancer. Kidney International, 59 (3), 1110-1113. [BibTeX]
- Bergström, A. , Terry, P. , Lindblad, P. , Lichtenstein, P. , Ahlbom, A. , Feychting, M. & Wolk, A. (2001). Physical activity and risk of renal cell cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 92 (1), 155-157. [BibTeX]
- Ma, X. , Yang, K. , Lindblad, P. , Egevad, L. & Hemminki, K. (2001). VHL gene alterations in renal cell carcinoma patients: novel hotspot or founder mutations and linkage disequilibrium. Oncogene, 20 (38), 5393-5400. [BibTeX]
- Yang, K. , Lindblad, P. , Egevad, L. & Hemminki, K. (1999). Novel somatic mutations in the VHL gene in Swedish archived sporadic renal cell carcinomas. Cancer Letters, 141 (1-2), 1-8. [BibTeX]
- Bergström, A. , Moradi, T. , Lindblad, P. , Nyren, O. , Adami, H. O. & Wolk, A. (1999). Occupational physical activity and renal cell cancer: a nationwide cohort study in Sweden. International Journal of Cancer, 83 (2), 186-91. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Chow, W. H. , Chan, J. , Bergström, A. , Wolk, A. , Gridley, G. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Nyren, O. & et al. (1999). The role of diabetes mellitus in the aetiology of renal cell cancer. Diabetologia, 42 (1), 107-12. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Wolk, A. , Bergstrom, R. & Adami, H. O. (1997). Diet and risk of renal cell cancer: a population-based case-control study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 6 (4), 215-223. [BibTeX]
- Chow, W. H. , Lindblad, P. , Gridley, G. , Nyren, O. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Linet, M. S. , Pennello, G. A. , Adami, H. O. & et al. (1997). Risk of urinary tract cancers following kidney or ureter stones. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 89 (19), 1453-1457. [BibTeX]
- Wolk, A. , Gridley, G. , Niwa, S. , Lindblad, P. , McCredie, M. , Mellemgaard, A. , Mandel, J. S. , Wahrendorf, J. & et al. (1996). International renal cell cancer study. VII. Role of diet. International Journal of Cancer, 65 (1), 67-73. [BibTeX]
- Schlehofer, B. , Pommer, W. , Mellemgaard, A. , Stewart, J. H. , McCredie, M. , Niwa, S. , Lindblad, P. , Mandel, J. S. & et al. (1996). International renal-cell-cancer study. VI. the role of medical and family history. International Journal of Cancer, 66 (6), 723-726. [BibTeX]
- McLaughlin, J. K. , Lindblad, P. , Mellemgaard, A. , McCredie, M. , Mandel, J. S. , Schlehofer, B. , Pommer, W. & Adami, H. O. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. I. Tobacco use. International Journal of Cancer, 60 (2), 194-198. [BibTeX]
- McCredie, M. , Pommer, W. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Stewart, J. H. , Lindblad, P. , Mandel, J. S. , Mellemgaard, A. , Schlehofer, B. & et al. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. II. Analgesics. International Journal of Cancer, 60 (3), 345-349. [BibTeX]
- Mellemgaard, A. , Lindblad, P. , Schlehofer, B. , Bergström, R. , Mandel, J. S. , McCredie, M. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Niwa, S. & et al. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. III. Role of weight, height, physical activity, and use of amphetamines. International Journal of Cancer, 60 (3), 350-354. [BibTeX]
- Mandel, J. S. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Schlehofer, B. , Mellemgaard, A. , Helmert, U. , Lindblad, P. , McCredie, M. & Adami, H. O. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. IV. Occupation. International Journal of Cancer, 61 (5), 601-605. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Mellemgaard, A. , Schlehofer, B. , Adami, H. O. , McCredie, M. , McLaughlin, J. K. & Mandel, J. S. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. V. Reproductive factors, gynecologic operations and exogenous hormones. International Journal of Cancer, 61 (2), 192-198. [BibTeX]
- McLaughlin, J. K. , Chow, W. H. , Mandel, J. S. , Mellemgaard, A. , McCredie, M. , Lindblad, P. , Schlehofer, B. , Pommer, W. & et al. (1995). International renal-cell cancer study. VIII. Role of diuretics, other anti-hypertensive medications and hypertension. International Journal of Cancer, 63 (2), 216-221. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Wolk, A. , Bergström, R. , Persson, I. & Adami, H. O. (1994). The role of obesity and weight fluctuations in the etiology of renal cell cancer: a population-based case-control study. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 3 (8), 631-9. [BibTeX]
- Malmström, P. U. , Thörn, M. , Lindblad, P. , Bergström, R. & Adami, H. O. (1993). Increasing survival of patients with urinary bladder cancer: A nationwide study in Sweden 1960-1986. European Journal of Cancer, 29A (13), 1868-1872. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , McLaughlin, J. K. , Mellemgaard, A. & Adami, H. O. (1993). Risk of kidney cancer among patients using analgesics and diuretics: a population-based cohort study. International Journal of Cancer, 55 (1), 5-9. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Zack, M. , Adami, H. O. & Ericson, A. (1992). Maternal and perinatal risk factors for Wilms' tumor: a nationwide nested case-control study in Sweden. International Journal of Cancer, 51 (1), 38-41. [BibTeX]
- Rentzhog, L. , Kullenberg, K. & Lindblad, P. (1991). Quality of care and use of the resources in prostatic surgery: a follow-up study. Läkartidningen, 88 (18), 1688-1689. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. , Rentzhog, L. , Sundström, G. & Åberg, J. (1988). Classical urethral resistance compared with Schäfer concept. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, Supplementum, 110, 225-229. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Cho, E. , Adami, H. & Lindblad, P. (2011). Epidemiology of renal cell cancer. Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America, 25 (4), 651-665. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. (2004). Epidemiology of renal cell carcinoma. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery, 93 (2), 88-96. [BibTeX]
- Bergström, A. , Hsieh, C. C. , Lindblad, P. , Lu, C. M. , Cook, N. R. & Wolk, A. (2001). Obesity and renal cell cancer: a quantitative review. British Journal of Cancer, 85 (7), 984-990. [BibTeX]
- Van Poppel, H. , Nilsson, S. , Algaba, F. , Bergerheim, U. , Dal Cin, P. , Fleming, S. , Hellsten, S. , Kirkali, Z. & et al. (2000). Precancerous lesions in the kidney. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, Supplementum (205), 136-165. [BibTeX]
- Wolk, A. , Lindblad, P. & Adami, H. O. (1996). Nutrition and renal cell cancer. Cancer Causes and Control, 7 (1), 5-18. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Eunyoung, C. , Lindblad, P. & Adami, H. (2008). Kidney Cancer. In: Hans-Olov Adam, David J. Hunter, Dimitrios Trichopoulos, Textbook of cancer epidemiology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Lindblad, P. & Adami, H. (2002). Kidney Cancer. In: Textbook of Cancer Epidemiology. New York NY USA: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Lee, J. E. , Kim, N. , Adami, H. & Lindblad, P. (2015). Body mass, smoking habit, and hypertension and renal cell cancer survival. In: Cancer Research. Paper presented at 106th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-Cancer-Research (AACR), Philadelphia, PA, USA, April 18-22, 2015. [BibTeX]