Mari-Anne Sorlie

Researcher, Atferdssenteret, Oslo, Norway
Mari-Anne Sørlie has background in special education and is a senior researcher at the Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development (University of Oslo affiliate).
For the time being, she is primary researcher of a large longitudinal effectiveness study of the SWPBS model (School-Wide Positive Behavior Support) as implemented in Norway. Besides evaluation and implementation of school-based interventions, her primary research interests are in the development of behavior problems and social competence in children and youths.
She is author of several research articles and has contributed to pedagogical books like "Innføring i innovasjonsarbeid "(1992) (Introduction to innovation in school and kindergartens), "Alvorlige atferdsproblemer og lovende tiltak i skolen" (2000) (Serious behavior problems in school and promising interventions), "Atferdsproblemer blant barn og unge. Teoretiske og praktiske tilnærminger" (2005) (Behavior problems in children and youth. Theoretical and practical approaches), "Sårbare unge. Nye perspektiver og utfordringer" (2010) (Vulnerable kids. New perspectives and challenges), "Transforming troubled lives. Strategies and interventions for children with social, emotional and behavioral difficulties, International perspectives on inclusive education" (2012), and "Positiv læringsstøtte. Hele skolen med" (2014) (Positive learning support. The whole school participates).