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Doctoral course

Scientific communication in English: Oral presentations, 5 credits

Course information

Research education subject

  • Psychology

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus



Course date

23 October 2018


Because science is based on the transparent reporting of results to the broad academic community, communicating the results of scientific studies effectively is an essential aspect.  This course tackles the fundamentals of oral presentations so that PhD candidates can better communicate their research effectively in English and thereby reach the global academic community.  In particular, this course addresses PhD candidates’ needs to work effectively in presenting their work orally in various settings ranging from formal international conferences to more informal situations such as an interview with the media.  To this end, the course will cover basic elements of good scientific oral presentation skills including the content and delivery of the presentation.  This will subsequently be applied to develop a variety of actual oral presentations.  Informed by this, we will also investigate the tension between our own creative expression and the conventions of scientific presentations. Because feedback is important in developing content and delivery of an oral presentation we will examine how feedback may be obtained as well as how it may be given in a creative and helpful manner. The course focuses on both knowledge about oral presentations as well as the skills involved in clear scientific communication.  Meeting the course objectives will be enhanced by a supportive learning environment, homework, feedback, and considerable practice of the acquired skills.

Teachers: Steven Linton and Katja Boersma.

Venue: Campus Örebro.

23 October,  09.30--12.00. Meeting room L2622 (2nd floor, Långhuset).
7 November, 09.30--12.00. P236, "Prismahuset" building
16 November, 09.30--12.00. L134,  "Långhuset" building
23 November,  09.30--12.00. L156, "Långhuset" building
6 December, kl. 09.30--12.00. P236, Prismahuset" building.