With databases you can access articles and scientific publication, as well as search for subject and content type.
You can also search a whole subject by refining and specialise the searches with advance search techniques.
Favourite databases within general: multidisciplinary
With BrowZine you can monitor journals within your subject areas.
Other databases within general: multidisciplinary
Portal for how research publications have been cited in altmetric sources, as complement to bibliometric analysis.
Bibliographic references to articles in Swedish newspapers and magazines. Some of the articles are also available in full text. (In Swedish)
Brill Online
Full text academic journals, covering the Humanities and International Law, among other disciplines.
Cabell's Predatory Reports
Cabell's Predatory Reports helps researchers identify questionable journals.
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
On COPE's website, you can find useful information and guidance on various types of publication ethics issues.
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. Follow the instructions under "Getting started" to start using the service.
De Gruyter
Journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available.
Dictionary of Swedish National Biography
This biographical dictionary was first published in 1917 and is still in progress. It is a general list, based on first-hand sources, of significant people and their achievements at various stages in the development of Swedish society. (In Swedish)
Directory of Open Access Books
Covering a range of subjects, the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) contains peer reviewed open access books.
Directory of Open Access Journals
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
A finding tool and an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at 40 universities and research institutions.
DiVA Örebro University
Research publications and student theses published and registered at Örebro University.
Ebook Central
Ebook Central has our largest collection of eBooks. All books can be read online in your web browser, but to download a complete book you need a personal account as well as a specific reading software.
Espacenet offers free access to patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today.
Essential Science Indicators
A research tool that allows you to measure scientific impact and identify the influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in your field of study.
European Patent Office
The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO), with possibility to search the European Patent Register.
Geodata Extraction Tool
Swedish geodata from Lantmäteriet. Please click "Read more" for important copyright information.
An international database of scholarships, funds and grants for individuals and associations.
Google Scholar
Allows you to search across a wide range of academic literature. Use the library link to Google Scholar to access subscriptions already paid by the library.
The Scandinavian University Press’ (Universitetsforlaget) digital publishing platform for academic and scholarly journals. Some of the journals are published in English.
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
InCites is a tool for research evaluation. In InCites, productivity, impact, and collaborations can be analyzed using the indexed literature in Web of Science as a basis.
IOS Press
Multidisciplinary collection of journals from the publisher IOS Press.
Journal Citation Reports
Use Journal Citation Reports to evaluate and compare international journals prior to publication. Among other things, you can see the journal's impact, its trend over time and the citation relationship to other journals. You can also choose a subject category and see which journals have the highest impact in different fields.
Older volumes of full text journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available in full text.
Facts and information about countries around the world. Produced by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. (In Swedish)
The national catalogue best used for subject searches of physical books and to see holdings at university libraries
Encyclopedia in Swedish that also contains a number of dictionaries.
Oxford Academic Journals
Fulltext journals from Oxford University Press.
Oxford Reference
Oxford Reference contains dictionaries, language reference and subject reference works covering a variety of subjects.
Research Catalogue
The Research Catalogue is a platform for publishing artistic projects and research on both artistic and scientific grounds.
Retriever Mediearkivet
Archive of Swedish newspapers and magazines.
SAGE Journals
Provides full text for journals published by SAGE Publishing.
Science Direct
Provides full text for some 2,000 journals published by Elsevier.
SciFree Journal Search Tool
Using SciFree, research staff can easily check if a journal is included in any of the University's publisher agreements, where open access charges are prepaid or discounted. A small number of journals that does not charge any fee for publishing open access are also in SciFree.
Abstract and citation database.
SiS Standards
Standards directory from the Swedish Standards Institute.
Full-text journals from Springer. A number of e-book collections in multiple subject areas are also available.
Statistical Database
Contains official statistics from Statistics Sweden and a number of other government agencies. The statistics cover many subject areas, and often over a long period of time, so-called time series.
SVAR, Digital Research Room
SVAR contains Swedish archive information from the department of the National Archives. (In Swedish).
Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
This database consists of Government Official Reports (SOU) from 1922 onwards.
Read more about Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
Swedish Patent Database
Covers Swedish patents, Swedish public patent applications, European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden and more.
SwePub makes it possible to search among articles, conference papers, dissertations etc. published at Swedish universities and authorities. Use SwePub for an overview of what is published in your research area, to get titles in full text, abstracts and citations.
Taylor & Francis Online
A multidisciplinary journal package from Taylor & Francis, including titles from CRC Press, Garland Science, Psychology Press och Routledge.
A source of detailed information on academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, and more.
A search service for degree projects and student theses in full-text, from Swedish universities and university colleges (in Swedish).
UR Access
TV and radio programs from Utbildningsradion (UR), the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company.
USPTO Patent Databases
The database consists of information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents and SIR documents) from the first patent issued in 1790. Full-text patents from 1976 to present are included in this database.
Web of Science
Web of Science consists of multiple databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, reports, and more.
Wiley Online
Multidisciplinary collection of journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.