Newbreed dissertations

Dissertations for the Newbreed doctoral programme!
Konstantinos-Georgios Papaioannou has defended the thesis "Diet and physical activity behaviors for healthy aging" in Sport Sciences with a specialisation in Physiology/Medicine.
Charles Kiiza Wamara has defended the thesis "Towards an Indigenised Social Work Practice to Better Address Elder Abuse and Neglect in Uganda" in the subject Social Work.
Jort Veen has defended the thesis "Physical activity, muscle mass, and physical function in older adults" in Sport Sciences with a specialisation in Physiology/Medicine.
Owasim Akram has defended the thesis "Living Longer, Living Harder: Ageing in Extreme Poverty in Bangladesh" in Political Science.
Nadezhda Golovchanova has defended the thesis Older and Feeling Unsafe? Unravelling the Role of Perceived Unsafety in the Well-being of Older Adults Residing in Senior Apartments in Psychology.
Hany Hachem has defended the thesis Educating Older Adults - Theoretical and Empirical Examinations of the Learning Philosophies in Older age, in Education.
Maja Dobrosavljevic has defended the thesis in Medicine: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Beyond the Young Age: Investigation of the Prevalence of ADHD in Older Adults and the Risk of Age-related Disorders.
Lucas Morillo has defended the thesis in Computer Science: SOCIAL ROBOTS / SOCIAL COGNITION: Robots' Gaze Effects in Older and Younger Adults.
Vasiliki Kondyli has defended the thesis in Computer Science: Behavioural Principles for the Design of Human-Centred Cognitive Technologies: The Case of Visuo-Locomotive Experience.
Merve Tunçer has defended the thesis in Sociology: Weaving Translocal Lives, Bridging Ageing Experiences Turkish-born Women in Sweden.
Carmen Solares Canal has defended the thesis in Psychology: The impact of criminal and externalizing behaviors on aging. Long-term associations with health and dementia.
Sarita Shrestha has defended the thesis in Medicine: Impact of age and inflammation on extraintestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease
Gomathi Thangavel has defended the thesis in Informatics: Connecting Lives: Designing Customized ICT Solutions for Social isolation and Loneliness among People living with Parkinson’s - A User-Centered Design Science Research
Christiana Owiredua has defended the thesis in Psychology: Understanding Chronic Pain from a Life Course Perspective An exploration of the psychosocial predictors, correlates, and consequences of pain onset early in life