Erik Löfmarck
Erik Löfmarck Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: Örebro University School of BusinessEmail: ZXJpay5sb2ZtYXJjaztvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 301029
Room: N2006, K1109

About Erik Löfmarck
I am an associate professor in sociology at Örebro University, where I am assigned as Head of School (prefekt) at the School of Business and at the School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science. My research is mainly focused on social aspects of risk, uncertainty and knowledge. In my dissertation (Uppsala University, 2014) I investigated how mothers of young children experience and manage risks around food. After that, I continued to study risk, uncertainty and knowledge in other contexts, e.g. in forestry and in international environmental management.
On the side, I mainly devote myself to music and can be found on Spotify!
Research projects
Completed projects
- Coping with uncertainty: regulation, decision making and learning in natural resource management
- Environment, consumption and everyday life practices
- Do citizens matter? The policy-science-citizen dynamics in governing transboundary environmental problems. The case of climate change, biodiversity loss and air pollution
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Felton, A. M. , Spitzer, R. , Raubenheimer, D. , Hedwall, P. , Felton, A. , Nichols, R. V. , O'Connell, B. L. , Malmsten, J. & et al. (2024). Increased intake of tree forage by moose is associated with intake of crops rich in nonstructural carbohydrates. Ecology. [BibTeX]
- Felton, A. M. , Hedwall, P. , Felton, A. , Widemo, F. , Wallgren, M. , Holmström, E. , Löfmarck, E. , Malmsten, J. & et al. (2022). Forage availability, supplementary feed and ungulate density: Associations with ungulate damage in pine production forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 513. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. , Berg, M. , Gustafsson, K. M. & Löfmarck, E. (2020). Cold Science Meets Hot Weather: Environmental Threats, Emotional Messages and Scientific Storytelling. Media and Communication, 8 (1), 118-128. [BibTeX]
- Löfmarck, E. & Lidskog, R. (2019). Coping with Fragmentation: On the Role of Techno-Scientific Knowledge within the Sami Community. Society & Natural Resources, 32 (11), 1293-1311. [BibTeX]
- Sténs, A. , Roberge, J. , Löfmarck, E. , Lindahl, K. B. , Felton, A. , Widmark, C. , Rist, L. , Johansson, J. & et al. (2019). From ecological knowledge to conservation policy: a case study on green tree retention and continuous-cover forestry in Sweden. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 (13), 3547-3574. [BibTeX]
- Gustafsson, K. M. , Berg, M. , Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (2019). Intersectional boundary work in socializing new experts: The case of IPBES. Ecosystems and People, 15 (1), 181-191. [BibTeX]
- Boström, M. , Andersson, E. , Berg, M. , Gustafsson, K. M. , Gustavsson, E. , Hysing, E. , Lidskog, R. , Löfmarck, E. & et al. (2018). Conditions for Transformative Learning for Sustainable Development: A Theoretical Review and Approach. Sustainability, 10 (12). [BibTeX]
- Löfmarck, E. & Lidskog, R. (2017). Bumping against the boundary: IPBES and the knowledge divide. Environmental Science and Policy, 69, 22-28. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. , Löfmarck, E. & Uggla, Y. (2017). Forestry and the environment: Tensions in a transforming modernity. Sociologisk forskning, 54 (4), 283-286. [BibTeX]
- Löfmarck, E. , Uggla, Y. & Lidskog, R. (2017). Freedom with what?: Interpretations of “responsibility” in Swedish forestry practice. Forest Policy and Economics, 75, 34-40. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (2016). Fostering a flexible forest: Challenges and strategies in the advisory practice of a deregulated forest management system. Forest Policy and Economics, 62, 177-183. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (2015). Managing uncertainty: forest professionals’ claim and epistemic authority in the face of societal and climate change. Risk Management: An International Journal, 17 (3), 145-164. [BibTeX]
- Jacobsson, K. & Löfmarck, E. (2008). A sociology of scandal and moral transgression: the Swedish ’ Nannygate ’ scandal. Acta Sociologica, 51 (3), 203-216. [BibTeX]
- Jacobsson, K. , Löfmarck, E. & Noaksson, N. (2008). En expertorganisation ändrar uppfattning: Om OECDs omsvängning i arbetsmarknadspolitiken. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 14 (3), 31-43. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Lidskog, R. & Löfmarck, E. (2021). Att korsbefrukta kunskap. In: Håkan Tunón; Klas Sandell, Biologisk mångfald, naturnyttor och ekosystemtjänster: Svenska perspektiv på livsviktiga framtidsfrågor (pp. 92-93). Uppsala: SLU - Centrum för biologisk mångfald. [BibTeX]
- Löfmarck, E. (2017). Lay risk management. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication: Health and Risk Communication. . Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Löfmarck, E. (2010). Brev till statsministern: en väg in i politiken. In: Jacobsson, Kerstin, Känslan för det allmänna: Medborgarnas relation till staten och varandra (pp. 295-331). Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
- Jacobsson, K. & Löfmarck, E. (2010). Ministerskandalen hösten 2006 i moralsociologisk belysning. In: Jacobsson, Kerstin, Känslan för det allmänna: medborgarnas relation till staten och varandra (pp. 267-294). Umeå: Boréa Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Lidskog, R. (ed.) & Löfmarck, E. (ed.) (2022). En mänsklig natur: Risker, reglering och representationer. Örebro: Örebro universitet, sociologiämnet. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Löfmarck, E. (2014). Den hand som föder dig: en studie av risk, mat och moderskap i Sverige och Polen. (Doctoral dissertation). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. [BibTeX]
- Gustafsson, K. M. , Löfmarck, E. , Salmonsson, L. & Uggla, Y. (2019). Skrivutveckling i stora studentgrupper: Erfarenheter från ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt. Örebro: Örebro University (Arbetsrapporter från Högskolepedagogiskt centrum 1). [BibTeX]