Jan Brynhildsen
Jan Brynhildsen Position: Professor School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: amFuLmJyeW5oaWxkc2VuO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: No number available
Room: X2116

Research subject
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, reviews/surveys |
Conference papers |
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |
Manuscripts |
Articles in journals
- Nestor, S. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jansson, M. H. (2025). Bothersome Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Quality of Life During Pregnancy and Postpartum in Primiparous Women. International Urogynecology Journal. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Spetz Holm, A. (2024). Insufficient use of menopausal hormone therapy in Swedish women with early or premature menopause caused by bilateral oophorectomy: a register-based study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 131 (4), 500-507. [BibTeX]
- Jans, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cherif, E. , Tenerz, L. & Bergengren, L. (2024). Prevalence of high-risk HPV and cervical dysplasia in IUD users and controls: a cross sectional study. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 29 (3), 109-114. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kilander, H. (2024). Women's experiences of postpartum contraceptive services when elective caesarean section is the method of birth: a qualitative study. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 50 (2), 107-113. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. (2023). Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction during and one year after the first pregnancy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 102 (8), 1034-1044. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2023). Maternal obesity and the risk of postpartum infections according to mode of delivery. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 36 (2). [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Spetz Holm, A. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence, prevalence and sales volume of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. Maturitas, 175. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. & Brynhildsen, J. (2022). Effectiveness, safety and overall satisfaction of early postpartum placement of hormonal IUD compared with standard procedure: An open-label, randomized, multicenter study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 101 (4), 424-430. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Spetz Holm, A. , Fredrikson, M. , Hammar, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Brynhildsen, J. (2022). Pulmonary embolism in menopausal hormone therapy: a population-based register study. Climacteric, 25 (6), 615-621. [BibTeX]
- Papapavlou, G. , Hellberg, S. , Raffetseder, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Gustafsson, M. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Ernerudh, J. (2021). Differential effects of estradiol and progesterone on human T cell activation in vitro. European Journal of Immunology, 51 (10), 2430-2440. [BibTeX]
- Birch Tyrberg, R. , Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Szabó, Z. , Nylander, E. & Davidsson, B. (2021). Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards PBL-curriculum components in a medical programme: a follow-up study. MedEdPublish, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Alehagen, S. & Thor, J. (2020). Examining the pace of change in contraceptive practices in abortion services - a follow-up case study of a quality improvement collaborative. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Kopp Kallner, H. , Fagerberg-Silwer, J. , Carlsson, B. , Ärlemalm, A. , Böttiger, Y. & Brynhildsen, J. (2020). Pharmacokinetics of Oral Levonorgestrel in Women After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery and in BMI-Matched Controls. Obesity Surgery, 30 (6), 2217-2224. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. & Brynhildsen, J. (2020). Risk of abortion within 1–2 years after childbirth in relation to contraceptive choice: a retrospective cohort study. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 25 (2), 141-146. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Brynte, L. , Falk, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hammar, M. & Berterö, C. (2020). Sexual function changes attributed to hormonal contraception use: a qualitative study of women experiencing negative effects. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 25 (3), 169-175. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2019). A survey of young women’s perceptions of the influence of the Levonorgestrel-Intrauterine System or copper-intrauterine device on sexual desire. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 21, 75-80. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Alehagen, S. , Fagerkrantz, A. & Thor, J. (2019). Collaboratively seeking to improve contraceptive counselling at the time of an abortion: a case study of quality improvement efforts in Sweden. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 45 (3), 190-199. [BibTeX]
- Hellberg, S. , Mehta, R. B. , Forsberg, A. , Berg, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Winqvist, O. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Ernerudh, J. (2019). Maintained thymic output of conventional and regulatory T cells during human pregnancy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143 (2), 771-775.e7. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Ginstman, C. , Månsson, A. , Forslund, I. & Brynhildsen, J. (2019). Patterns of prescription and discontinuation of contraceptives for Swedish women with obesity and normal-weight women. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 24 (3), 192-197. [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Frisk, J. , Carlsson, B. , Ärlemalm, A. , Hägg, S. & Brynhildsen, J. (2019). Plasma concentrations of etonogestrel in women using oral desogestrel before and after Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass surgery: a pharmacokinetic study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 126 (4), 486-492. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2019). Vitamin D deficiency at the time of delivery: Prevalence and risk of postpartum infections. PLOS ONE, 14 (12). [BibTeX]
- Kempe, P. , Eklund, D. , Hallin, A. , Hammar, M. , Olsson, T. , Brynhildsen, J. & Ernerudh, J. (2018). Immune profile in relation to sex steroid cyclicity in healthy women and women with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 1 (26), 53-59. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsdotter, H. , Lundin, C. , Gemzell Danielsson, K. , Bixo, M. , Baumgart, J. , Marions, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Malmborg, A. & et al. (2018). Ongoing or previous mental disorders predispose to adverse mood reporting during combined oral contraceptive use. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 23 (1), 45-51. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2018). Postpartum infection in relation to maternal characteristics, obstetric interventions and complications. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 46 (3), 271-278. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Berterö, C. , Thor, J. , Brynhildsen, J. & Alehagen, S. (2018). Women’s experiences of contraceptive counselling in the context of an abortion: An interview study. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 17, 103-107. [BibTeX]
- Lundin, C. , Danielsson, K. G. , Bixo, M. , Moby, L. , Bengtsdotter, H. , Jawad, I. , Marions, L. , Brynhildsen, J. & et al. (2017). Combined oral contraceptive use is associated with both improvement and worsening of mood in the different phases of the treatment cycle: A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76, 135-143. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Salomonsson, B. , Thor, J. , Brynhildsen, J. & Alehagen, S. (2017). Contraceptive counselling of women seeking abortion: a qualitative interview study of health professionals’ experiences. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 22 (1), 3-10. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Persson, E. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2016). Hormonal contraception and sexual desire: A questionnaire-based study of young Swedish women. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 21 (2), 158-167. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Alehagen, S. , Svedlund, L. , Westlund, K. , Thor, J. & Brynhildsen, J. (2016). Likelihood of repeat abortion in a Swedish cohort according to the choice of post-abortion contraception: a longitudinal study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 95 (5), 565-571. [BibTeX]
- Carlhäll, S. , Bladh, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Claesson, I. , Josefsson, A. , Sydsjö, G. , Thorsell, A. & Blomberg, M. (2016). Maternal obesity (Class I-III), gestational weight gain and maternal leptin levels during and after pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. BMC Obesity, 3 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Frisk, J. , Ottosson, J. & Brynhildsen, J. (2015). Contraceptive Use Before and After Gastric Bypass: a Questionnaire Study. Obesity Surgery, 25 (11), 2066-2070. [BibTeX]
- Palmquist, M. , Brynhildsen, J. & Falk, G. (2015). ‘Organisation of contraceptive care’ and attitudes among healthcare providers in two Swedish cities with different socio-demographic profiles. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 20 (3), 170-180. [BibTeX]
- Kempe, P. , Hammar, M. & Brynhildsen, J. (2015). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis during use of combined hormonal contraception. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 193, 1-4. [BibTeX]
- Kopp Kallner, H. , Thunell, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindeberg, M. & Gemzell Danielsson, K. (2015). Use of Contraception and Attitudes towards Contraceptive Use in Swedish Women: A Nationwide Survey. PLOS ONE, 10 (5). [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Berin, E. , Karki, C. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2014). Contraceptive knowledge and attitudes among women seeking induced abortion in Kathmandu, Nepal. International Journal of Women's Health, 6 (1), 335-341. [BibTeX]
- Josefsson, A. , Wiréhn, A. , Lindberg, M. , Foldemo, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2013). Continuation rates of oral hormonal contraceptives in a cohort of first-time users: a population-based registry study, Sweden 2005–2010. BMJ Open, 3 (10). [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, G. , Blomberg, M. , Claesson, I. , Theodorsson, E. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2013). Leptin and adiponectin in cord blood from children of normal weight, overweight and obese mothers. Acta Paediatrica, 102 (6), 620-624. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2013). Pelvic organ prolapse after subtotal and total hysterectomy: a long-term follow-up of an open randomised controlled multicentre study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 120 (12), 1556-1565. [BibTeX]
- Crafoord, K. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hallböök, O. & Kjølhede, P. (2012). Pelvic organ prolapse and anorectal manometry: A prospective study. Urogynaecologia International Journal, 26 (1), 12-16. [BibTeX]
- Almén-Christensson, A. , Hammar, M. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2011). Prevention of menstrual migraine with perimenstrual transdermal 17-β-estradiol: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study. Fertility and Sterility, 96 (2), 498-500.e1. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2010). A 1-year follow up of psychological wellbeing after subtotal and total hysterectomy: a randomised study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117 (4), 479-487. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Age at onset of multiple sclerosis is correlated to use of combined oral contraceptives and childbirth before diagnosis. Fertility and Sterility, 94 (7), 2835-2837. [BibTeX]
- Stening, K. D. , Eriksson, O. , Henriksson, K. G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindh-Astrand, L. , Berg, G. , Hammar, M. , Amandusson, A. & et al. (2010). Hormonal replacement therapy does not affect self-estimated pain or experimental pain responses in post-menopausal women suffering from fibromyalgia: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Rheumatology, 50 (3), 544-551. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2010). Short-term recovery after subtotal and total abdominal hysterectomy: a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117 (4), 469-478. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Ivarsson, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Teenagers' struggles with contraceptive use: What improvements can be made?. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 15 (4), 271-279. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, G. , Sydsjö, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Josefsson, A. (2010). Trends in caesarean section and instrumental deliveries in relation to Body Mass Index: a clinical survey during 1978 - 2001. Reproductive Health, 7 (1). [BibTeX]
- CLAESSON, I. , SYDSJÖ, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , BLOMBERG, M. , JEPPSSON, A. , SYDSJÖ, A. & JOSEFSSON, A. (2010). Weight after childbirth: a 2-year follow-up of obese women in a weight-gain restriction program. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 90 (1), 103-110. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Hellborg, T. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. & Kjølhede, P. (2009). Attitudes to mode of hysterectomy: a survey-based study among Swedish gynecologists. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (3), 267-274. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Brynhildsen, J. & Ivarsson, A. (2009). Contraceptive counselling to teenagers at abortion visits: a qualitative content analysis. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 14 (5), 357-364. [BibTeX]
- Gemzell Danielsson, K. & Brynhildsen, J. (2009). Sverige utmärker sig negativt vad gäller reproduktiv hälsa: Brett åtgårdsprogram behövs för att minska aborterna: [Sweden distinguishes itself in a poor way when it comes to reproductive health: wide action program is needed to reduce]. Läkartidningen, 106 (3), 92-93. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2009). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women in relation to cyclical hormone changes. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 14 (5), 365-370. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, A. , Ekholm-Selling, K. & Josefsson, A. (2009). The importance of maternal BMI on infant's birth weight in four BMI groups for the period 1978–2001. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (4), 391-396. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffman, M. & Hammar, M. (2009). Vasomotor symptoms usually reappear after cessation of postmenopausal hormone therapy. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 16 (6), 1213-1217. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cedergren, M. , Jeppsson, A. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2009). Weight gain restriction during pregnancy is safe for both the mother and neonate. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (10), 1158-1162. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Josefsson, A. , Cedergren, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Jeppsson, A. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2008). Consumer satisfaction with a weight-gain intervention programme for obese pregnant women. Midwifery, 24 (2), 163-167. [BibTeX]
- Crafoord, K. , Sydsjö, A. , Johansson, T. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2008). Factors associated with symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction six years after primary operation of genital prolapse. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 87 (9), 910-915. [BibTeX]
- Cedergren, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Josefsson, A. , Sydsjö, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2008). Hyperemesis gravidarum that requires hospitalization and the use of antiemetic drugs in relation to maternal body composition. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 198 (4), 412.e1-412.e5. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Sydsjö, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cedergren, M. , Jeppsson, A. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2008). Weight gain restriction for obese pregnant women: a case-control intervention study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 115 (1), 44-50. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffmann, M. , Liffner, S. & Hammar, M. (2007). Attitudes towards the menopause and hormone therapy over the turn of the century. Maturitas, 56 (1), 12-20. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Hammar, J. & Hammar, M. L. (2007). Does the menstrual cycle and use of oral contraceptives influence the risk of low back pain?: A prospective study among female soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 7 (6), 348-353. [BibTeX]
- Zaborowska, E. , Brynhildsen, J. , Damberg, S. , Fredriksson, M. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Nedstrand, E. , Wyon, Y. & Hammar, M. (2007). Effects of acupuncture, applied relaxation, estrogens and placebo on hot flushes in postmenopausal women: an analysis of two prospective, parallel, randomized studies. Climacteric, 10 (1), 38-45. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, A. , Claesson, I. , Ekholm Selling, K. , Josefsson, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Sydsjö, G. (2007). Influence of obesity on the use of sickness absence and social benefits among pregnant working women. Public Health, 121 (9), 656-662. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffmann, M. , Kjellgren, K. I. & Hammar, M. (2007). Knowledge of reproductive physiology and hormone therapy in 53- to 54-year-old Swedish women. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 14 (6), 1039-1046. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, A. , Brynhildsen, J. , Selling, K. E. , Josefsson, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2006). Influence of Rest During Pregnancy on Birth Weight in Working Women. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 107 (5), 991-996. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Wallberg, M. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2006). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women in relation to sex steroid exposure. Maturitas, 54 (2), 149-153. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, A. , Norinder, E. , Ekholm Selling, K. & Sydsjö, G. (2006). Trends in body mass index during early pregnancy in Swedish women 1978–2001. Public Health, 120 (5), 393-399. [BibTeX]
- Hoffmann, M. , Hammar, M. , Kjellgren, K. I. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. & Brynhildsen, J. (2005). Changes in women's attitudes towards and use of hormone therapy after HERS and WHI. Maturitas, 52 (1), 11-17. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2005). Lipids and clotting factors during low dose transdermal estradiol/norethisterone use. Maturitas, 50 (4), 344-352. [BibTeX]
- Lystedt, E. , Westergren, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Gustavsson, J. , Nystrom, F. H. , Hammar, M. & Strålfors, P. (2005). Subcutaneous adipocytes from obese hyperinsulinemic women with polycystic ovary syndrome exhibit normal insulin sensitivity but reduced maximal insulin responsiveness. European Journal of Endocrinology, 153 (6), 831-835. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Dahle, L. O. , Behrbohm Fallsberg, M. , Rundquist, I. & Hammar, M. (2002). Attitudes among students and teachers on vertical integration between clinical medicine and basic science within a problem-based undergraduate medical curriculum. Medical teacher, 24 (3), 286-288. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2002). Low dose transdermal estradiol/norethisterone acetate treatment over 2 years does not cause endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 9 (2), 137-144. [BibTeX]
- Dahle, L. O. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fallsberg, M. B. , Rundquist, I. & Hammar, M. (2002). Pros and cons of vertical integration between clinical medicine and basic science within a problem-based undergraduate medical curriculum: examples and experiences from Linköping, Sweden. Medical teacher, 24 (3), 280-285. [BibTeX]
- Wreje, U. , Brynhildsen, J. , Åberg, H. , Byström, B. , Hammar, M. & von Schoultz, B. (2000). Collagen metabolism markers as a reflection of bone and soft tissue turnover during the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive use. Contraception, 61 (4), 265-270. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Hansson, Å. , Persson, A. & Hammar, M. (1998). Follow-Up of Patients With Low Back Pain During Pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 91 (2), 182-186. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fallsberg, M. & Rundquist, I. (1998). Integrera mera! Goda erfarenheter av horisontell och vertikalintegration vid läkarutbildningen i Linköping: [Integrate more! Good experiences with horizontal and vertical integration of medical education in Linköping]. Läkartidningen, 11 (95), 662-664. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Björs, E. , Skarsgård, C. & Hammar, M. L. (1998). Is Hormone Replacement Therapy a Risk Factor for Low Back Pain Among Postmenopausal Women?. Spine, 23 (7), 809-813. [BibTeX]
- Frisk, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Ivarsson, T. , Persson, P. & Hammar, M. (1997). Exercise and smoking habits among Swedish postmenopausal women. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31 (3), 217-223. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Lennartsson, H. , Klemetz, M. , Dahlquist, P. , Hedin, B. & Hammar, M. (1997). Oral contraceptive use among female elite athletes and age-matched controls and its relation to low back pain. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 76 (9), 873-878. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Frisk, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Dabrosin, L. , Lindgren, R. , Nedstrand, E. & Wyon, Y. (1997). Östrogen och naturmedel vid postmenopausala besvär. P-piller banar väg för hormonsubstitution: [Estrogen and natural products in the treatment of postmenopausal complaints. Oral contraceptives prepare the way for hormonal substitution]. Läkartidningen, 94 (24), 2300-2304. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Dabrosin, L. , Frisk, J. , Lindgren, R. , Nedstrand, E. & Wyon, Y. (1996). Hormone replacement therapy and previous use of oral contraceptives among Swedish women. Maturitas, 25 (3), 193-199. [BibTeX]
- Pintsaar, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Tropp, H. (1996). Postural corrections after standardised perturbations of single limb stance: effect of training and orthotic devices in patients with ankle instability.. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 (2), 151-155. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Ekblad, S. & Hammar, M. (1995). Oral contraceptives and low back pain: Attitudes among physicians, midwives and physiotherapists. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 74 (9), 714-717. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Wyon, Y. , Nedstrand, E. & Notelovitz, M. (1995). The Effects of Physical Activity on Menopausal Symptoms and Metabolic Changes around Menopause. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 2 (4), 201-209. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Nedstrand, E. , Wyon, Y. & Hammar, M. (1994). Motion motverkar menopausens minus. Gynnsamma effekter på både kropp och själ: [Exercise counteracts the negative effects of menopause. Positive effects on both body and soul]. Läkartidningen, 91 (23), 2323-2325. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Ekstrand, J. , Jeppsson, A. & Tropp, H. (1990). Previous Injuries and Persisting Symptoms in Female Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 11 (6), 489-492. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Gemzell-Danielsson, K. , Lindh, I. , Brynhildsen, J. , Christensson, A. , Moberg, K. , Wernersson, E. & Johansson, S. (2024). Home use of mifepristone for medical abortion: a systematic review. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. (2014). Combined hormonal contraceptives: prescribing patterns, compliance, and benefits versus risks. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 5 (5), 201-213. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Holm, A. S. (2023). The use of menopausal hormone therapy after bilateral oophorectomy in premenopausal Swedish women: a register-based study. In: Menopause The Journal of the North American Menopause. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 27-30, 2023. (pp. 1260-1260). Raven Press. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Holm, A. S. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence and prevalence of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. In: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Paper presented at 42nd Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG 2023), Trondheim, Norway, August 27-30, 2023. (pp. 70-70). WILEY. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Holm, A. S. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence, prevalence and sales volume of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. In: Menopause The Journal of the North American Menopause. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 27-30, 2023. (pp. 1299-1299). Raven Press. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. (2022). Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction, during and one year after a first pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. Paper presented at Bi-Annual Meeting of the Nordic Urogynecological Association, Oslo, Norway, 29 September-1 October, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Ivarsson, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Teenagers' struggles with contraceptive use: do adults help enough?. Paper presented at Ninth conference of FIAPAC: Seville Spain, Achieving Exellence in Abortion-Care (FIAPAC) Fédération Internationale des Associés Professionnels de l'Avortement et de la Contraception, 22-23 October 2010. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Brynhildsen, J. (1998). Low back pain in women in relation to different exposures to female sex hormones. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Linköping: Linköpings universitet. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. H. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction during and one year 2 after the first pregnancy : a prospective cohort study. [BibTeX]