Jan Brynhildsen
Jan Brynhildsen Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: amFuLmJyeW5oaWxkc2VuO29ydS5zZQ==
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Rum: X2116

Om Jan Brynhildsen
Jan Brynhildsen är professor i Kirurgi med inriktning mot obstetrik och gynekologi.
Jan disputerade 1998 på en avhandling om kvinnliga könshormoners eventuella effekter på ryggbesvär hos kvinnor. Han blev docent i obstetrik och gynekologi vid Linköpings universitet 2007 och professor i samma ämne 2015. Sedan 2020 är han verksam som professor vid Örebro universitet. Han har handlett ett stort antal doktorander fram till disputation och är för tillfället handledare till tre doktorander.
Jan Brynhildsens forskning berör framför allt olika aspekter av antikonception (preventivmedel) och behandling av klimakteriebesvär. Han har bedrivit studier kring hur preventivmedelsanvändning påverkar, och kan påverkas, vid olika medicinska tillstånd såsom hos kvinnor med fetma eller med olika neurologiska sjukdomar. Hans forskargrupp har tidigare tillsammans med kirurger studerat effektivitet av preventivmedel efter metabol kirurgi (också kallat fetmakirurgi). Dessa studier har resulterat i fortsatta samarbeten med delvis andra frågeställningar.
Forskningen har också fokuserat på att identifiera faktorer som kan innebära hinder för preventivmedelsanvändning och metoder att öka användningen av effektiva preventivmedelsmetoder i syfte att minska risken för oönskade graviditeter.
Under den senaste tjugoårsperioden har det skett en drastisk minskning i hormonbehandling mot klimakteriebesvär. Jan Brynhildsen har studerat olika aspekter av detta och kartlagt användnig genom att utarbeta nya metoder för att beskriva användningen. Mer specifikt inriktar han sig nu på den behandlingen till den grupp kvinnor som kommer i ett tidigt klimakterium, innan 45 års ålder och bedriver studier kring och bedriver studier kring olika former av medicinska konsekvenser som kan uppstå hos dessa kvinnor.
Jan Brynhildsen har sedan mer än 25 år arbetat aktivt med utbildning, framför allt inom läkarprogrammet. Merparten av erfarenheterna är från Linköping s universitet där han var programansvarig för läkarprogrammet 2017-2020. Har har också varit examinator inom barnmorskeprogrammet. Jan har stor erfarenhet av problembaserat lärande, temagruppsarbete, examination och föreläsningar.
Idag är han kunskapsområdesansvarig för klinisk medicin inom läkarprogrammet och leder arbetet med planering för de kliniska terminerna (T7-T12) i den nya sexåriga läkarutbildningen.
Jan har också varit mycket aktiv inom specialistutbildning och fortbildning och ansvarat för ett stort antal ST- och fortbildningskurser för gynekologer liksom ett stort antal fortbildningskurser för barnmorskor. Han var under en femårsperiod utbildningssekreterare i Svensk Förening för Obstetrik och Gynekologi (SFOG)
Han har regelbundet återkommande föreläsningar på både grund- och avancerad nivå för läkarprogrammet, barnmorskeprogrammet, receptarieprogrammet och distriktssköterskeprogrammet.
Jan erhöll i 2015 ”Kandidat Kork” – priset för bästa lärare vid läkarprogrammet i Linköping. Samma år erhöll han Andreas Rousseaus pris för bästa föreläsning vid läkarprogrammet i Linköping. Han fick 2020 Berndt Kjesslerpriset – SFOGs pris för ” berömliga insatser för undervisning och utveckling inom obstetrik och gynekologi”.
Pågående projekt
- Behandling med menopausal hormonbehandling (MHT) till kvinnor med tidigt klimakterium
- Effekter av metabol kirurgi (fetmakirurgi) på spermakvalitet hos män som genomgått denna operation
- Kan vi med nya metoder för preventivmedelsrådgivning öka tillgänglighet och nöjdhet och därigenom förbättra möjligheterna för en kvinna att använda ett preventivmedel med hög effektivitet som hon är nöjd med?
- Påverkar spiralanvändning risken för att bli infekterad med Humant papillomvirus(HPV) och därigenom risken att utveckla cellförändringar i livmoderhalsen?
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Nestor, S. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jansson, M. H. (2025). Bothersome Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Quality of Life During Pregnancy and Postpartum in Primiparous Women. International Urogynecology Journal. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Spetz Holm, A. (2024). Insufficient use of menopausal hormone therapy in Swedish women with early or premature menopause caused by bilateral oophorectomy: a register-based study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 131 (4), 500-507. [BibTeX]
- Jans, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cherif, E. , Tenerz, L. & Bergengren, L. (2024). Prevalence of high-risk HPV and cervical dysplasia in IUD users and controls: a cross sectional study. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 29 (3), 109-114. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kilander, H. (2024). Women's experiences of postpartum contraceptive services when elective caesarean section is the method of birth: a qualitative study. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 50 (2), 107-113. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. (2023). Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction during and one year after the first pregnancy. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 102 (8), 1034-1044. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2023). Maternal obesity and the risk of postpartum infections according to mode of delivery. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 36 (2). [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Spetz Holm, A. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence, prevalence and sales volume of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. Maturitas, 175. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. & Brynhildsen, J. (2022). Effectiveness, safety and overall satisfaction of early postpartum placement of hormonal IUD compared with standard procedure: An open-label, randomized, multicenter study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 101 (4), 424-430. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Spetz Holm, A. , Fredrikson, M. , Hammar, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Brynhildsen, J. (2022). Pulmonary embolism in menopausal hormone therapy: a population-based register study. Climacteric, 25 (6), 615-621. [BibTeX]
- Papapavlou, G. , Hellberg, S. , Raffetseder, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Gustafsson, M. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Ernerudh, J. (2021). Differential effects of estradiol and progesterone on human T cell activation in vitro. European Journal of Immunology, 51 (10), 2430-2440. [BibTeX]
- Birch Tyrberg, R. , Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Szabó, Z. , Nylander, E. & Davidsson, B. (2021). Students’ and teachers’ attitudes towards PBL-curriculum components in a medical programme: a follow-up study. MedEdPublish, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Alehagen, S. & Thor, J. (2020). Examining the pace of change in contraceptive practices in abortion services - a follow-up case study of a quality improvement collaborative. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Kopp Kallner, H. , Fagerberg-Silwer, J. , Carlsson, B. , Ärlemalm, A. , Böttiger, Y. & Brynhildsen, J. (2020). Pharmacokinetics of Oral Levonorgestrel in Women After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery and in BMI-Matched Controls. Obesity Surgery, 30 (6), 2217-2224. [BibTeX]
- Lichtenstein Liljeblad, K. , Kopp Kallner, H. & Brynhildsen, J. (2020). Risk of abortion within 1–2 years after childbirth in relation to contraceptive choice: a retrospective cohort study. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 25 (2), 141-146. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Brynte, L. , Falk, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hammar, M. & Berterö, C. (2020). Sexual function changes attributed to hormonal contraception use: a qualitative study of women experiencing negative effects. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 25 (3), 169-175. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2019). A survey of young women’s perceptions of the influence of the Levonorgestrel-Intrauterine System or copper-intrauterine device on sexual desire. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 21, 75-80. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Alehagen, S. , Fagerkrantz, A. & Thor, J. (2019). Collaboratively seeking to improve contraceptive counselling at the time of an abortion: a case study of quality improvement efforts in Sweden. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 45 (3), 190-199. [BibTeX]
- Hellberg, S. , Mehta, R. B. , Forsberg, A. , Berg, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Winqvist, O. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Ernerudh, J. (2019). Maintained thymic output of conventional and regulatory T cells during human pregnancy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 143 (2), 771-775.e7. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Ginstman, C. , Månsson, A. , Forslund, I. & Brynhildsen, J. (2019). Patterns of prescription and discontinuation of contraceptives for Swedish women with obesity and normal-weight women. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 24 (3), 192-197. [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Frisk, J. , Carlsson, B. , Ärlemalm, A. , Hägg, S. & Brynhildsen, J. (2019). Plasma concentrations of etonogestrel in women using oral desogestrel before and after Roux‐en‐Y gastric bypass surgery: a pharmacokinetic study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 126 (4), 486-492. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2019). Vitamin D deficiency at the time of delivery: Prevalence and risk of postpartum infections. PLOS ONE, 14 (12). [BibTeX]
- Kempe, P. , Eklund, D. , Hallin, A. , Hammar, M. , Olsson, T. , Brynhildsen, J. & Ernerudh, J. (2018). Immune profile in relation to sex steroid cyclicity in healthy women and women with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 1 (26), 53-59. [BibTeX]
- Bengtsdotter, H. , Lundin, C. , Gemzell Danielsson, K. , Bixo, M. , Baumgart, J. , Marions, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Malmborg, A. & et al. (2018). Ongoing or previous mental disorders predispose to adverse mood reporting during combined oral contraceptive use. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 23 (1), 45-51. [BibTeX]
- Axelsson, D. , Brynhildsen, J. & Blomberg, M. (2018). Postpartum infection in relation to maternal characteristics, obstetric interventions and complications. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 46 (3), 271-278. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Berterö, C. , Thor, J. , Brynhildsen, J. & Alehagen, S. (2018). Women’s experiences of contraceptive counselling in the context of an abortion: An interview study. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, 17, 103-107. [BibTeX]
- Lundin, C. , Danielsson, K. G. , Bixo, M. , Moby, L. , Bengtsdotter, H. , Jawad, I. , Marions, L. , Brynhildsen, J. & et al. (2017). Combined oral contraceptive use is associated with both improvement and worsening of mood in the different phases of the treatment cycle: A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 76, 135-143. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Salomonsson, B. , Thor, J. , Brynhildsen, J. & Alehagen, S. (2017). Contraceptive counselling of women seeking abortion: a qualitative interview study of health professionals’ experiences. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 22 (1), 3-10. [BibTeX]
- Malmborg, A. , Persson, E. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2016). Hormonal contraception and sexual desire: A questionnaire-based study of young Swedish women. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 21 (2), 158-167. [BibTeX]
- Kilander, H. , Alehagen, S. , Svedlund, L. , Westlund, K. , Thor, J. & Brynhildsen, J. (2016). Likelihood of repeat abortion in a Swedish cohort according to the choice of post-abortion contraception: a longitudinal study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 95 (5), 565-571. [BibTeX]
- Carlhäll, S. , Bladh, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Claesson, I. , Josefsson, A. , Sydsjö, G. , Thorsell, A. & Blomberg, M. (2016). Maternal obesity (Class I-III), gestational weight gain and maternal leptin levels during and after pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. BMC Obesity, 3 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ginstman, C. , Frisk, J. , Ottosson, J. & Brynhildsen, J. (2015). Contraceptive Use Before and After Gastric Bypass: a Questionnaire Study. Obesity Surgery, 25 (11), 2066-2070. [BibTeX]
- Palmquist, M. , Brynhildsen, J. & Falk, G. (2015). ‘Organisation of contraceptive care’ and attitudes among healthcare providers in two Swedish cities with different socio-demographic profiles. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 20 (3), 170-180. [BibTeX]
- Kempe, P. , Hammar, M. & Brynhildsen, J. (2015). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis during use of combined hormonal contraception. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, 193, 1-4. [BibTeX]
- Kopp Kallner, H. , Thunell, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindeberg, M. & Gemzell Danielsson, K. (2015). Use of Contraception and Attitudes towards Contraceptive Use in Swedish Women: A Nationwide Survey. PLOS ONE, 10 (5). [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Berin, E. , Karki, C. , Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2014). Contraceptive knowledge and attitudes among women seeking induced abortion in Kathmandu, Nepal. International Journal of Women's Health, 6 (1), 335-341. [BibTeX]
- Josefsson, A. , Wiréhn, A. , Lindberg, M. , Foldemo, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2013). Continuation rates of oral hormonal contraceptives in a cohort of first-time users: a population-based registry study, Sweden 2005–2010. BMJ Open, 3 (10). [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, G. , Blomberg, M. , Claesson, I. , Theodorsson, E. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2013). Leptin and adiponectin in cord blood from children of normal weight, overweight and obese mothers. Acta Paediatrica, 102 (6), 620-624. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2013). Pelvic organ prolapse after subtotal and total hysterectomy: a long-term follow-up of an open randomised controlled multicentre study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 120 (12), 1556-1565. [BibTeX]
- Crafoord, K. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hallböök, O. & Kjølhede, P. (2012). Pelvic organ prolapse and anorectal manometry: A prospective study. Urogynaecologia International Journal, 26 (1), 12-16. [BibTeX]
- Almén-Christensson, A. , Hammar, M. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2011). Prevention of menstrual migraine with perimenstrual transdermal 17-β-estradiol: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover study. Fertility and Sterility, 96 (2), 498-500.e1. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2010). A 1-year follow up of psychological wellbeing after subtotal and total hysterectomy: a randomised study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117 (4), 479-487. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Age at onset of multiple sclerosis is correlated to use of combined oral contraceptives and childbirth before diagnosis. Fertility and Sterility, 94 (7), 2835-2837. [BibTeX]
- Stening, K. D. , Eriksson, O. , Henriksson, K. G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindh-Astrand, L. , Berg, G. , Hammar, M. , Amandusson, A. & et al. (2010). Hormonal replacement therapy does not affect self-estimated pain or experimental pain responses in post-menopausal women suffering from fibromyalgia: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Rheumatology, 50 (3), 544-551. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2010). Short-term recovery after subtotal and total abdominal hysterectomy: a randomised clinical trial. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 117 (4), 469-478. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Ivarsson, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Teenagers' struggles with contraceptive use: What improvements can be made?. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 15 (4), 271-279. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, G. , Sydsjö, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Josefsson, A. (2010). Trends in caesarean section and instrumental deliveries in relation to Body Mass Index: a clinical survey during 1978 - 2001. Reproductive Health, 7 (1). [BibTeX]
- CLAESSON, I. , SYDSJÖ, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , BLOMBERG, M. , JEPPSSON, A. , SYDSJÖ, A. & JOSEFSSON, A. (2010). Weight after childbirth: a 2-year follow-up of obese women in a weight-gain restriction program. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 90 (1), 103-110. [BibTeX]
- Persson, P. , Hellborg, T. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. & Kjølhede, P. (2009). Attitudes to mode of hysterectomy: a survey-based study among Swedish gynecologists. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (3), 267-274. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Brynhildsen, J. & Ivarsson, A. (2009). Contraceptive counselling to teenagers at abortion visits: a qualitative content analysis. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 14 (5), 357-364. [BibTeX]
- Gemzell Danielsson, K. & Brynhildsen, J. (2009). Sverige utmärker sig negativt vad gäller reproduktiv hälsa: Brett åtgårdsprogram behövs för att minska aborterna: [Sweden distinguishes itself in a poor way when it comes to reproductive health: wide action program is needed to reduce]. Läkartidningen, 106 (3), 92-93. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2009). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women in relation to cyclical hormone changes. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 14 (5), 365-370. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, A. , Ekholm-Selling, K. & Josefsson, A. (2009). The importance of maternal BMI on infant's birth weight in four BMI groups for the period 1978–2001. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (4), 391-396. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffman, M. & Hammar, M. (2009). Vasomotor symptoms usually reappear after cessation of postmenopausal hormone therapy. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 16 (6), 1213-1217. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cedergren, M. , Jeppsson, A. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2009). Weight gain restriction during pregnancy is safe for both the mother and neonate. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 88 (10), 1158-1162. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Josefsson, A. , Cedergren, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Jeppsson, A. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2008). Consumer satisfaction with a weight-gain intervention programme for obese pregnant women. Midwifery, 24 (2), 163-167. [BibTeX]
- Crafoord, K. , Sydsjö, A. , Johansson, T. , Brynhildsen, J. & Kjølhede, P. (2008). Factors associated with symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction six years after primary operation of genital prolapse. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 87 (9), 910-915. [BibTeX]
- Cedergren, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Josefsson, A. , Sydsjö, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2008). Hyperemesis gravidarum that requires hospitalization and the use of antiemetic drugs in relation to maternal body composition. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 198 (4), 412.e1-412.e5. [BibTeX]
- Claesson, I. , Sydsjö, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Cedergren, M. , Jeppsson, A. , Nyström, F. , Sydsjö, A. & Josefsson, A. (2008). Weight gain restriction for obese pregnant women: a case-control intervention study. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 115 (1), 44-50. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffmann, M. , Liffner, S. & Hammar, M. (2007). Attitudes towards the menopause and hormone therapy over the turn of the century. Maturitas, 56 (1), 12-20. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Hammar, J. & Hammar, M. L. (2007). Does the menstrual cycle and use of oral contraceptives influence the risk of low back pain?: A prospective study among female soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 7 (6), 348-353. [BibTeX]
- Zaborowska, E. , Brynhildsen, J. , Damberg, S. , Fredriksson, M. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Nedstrand, E. , Wyon, Y. & Hammar, M. (2007). Effects of acupuncture, applied relaxation, estrogens and placebo on hot flushes in postmenopausal women: an analysis of two prospective, parallel, randomized studies. Climacteric, 10 (1), 38-45. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, A. , Claesson, I. , Ekholm Selling, K. , Josefsson, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Sydsjö, G. (2007). Influence of obesity on the use of sickness absence and social benefits among pregnant working women. Public Health, 121 (9), 656-662. [BibTeX]
- Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hoffmann, M. , Kjellgren, K. I. & Hammar, M. (2007). Knowledge of reproductive physiology and hormone therapy in 53- to 54-year-old Swedish women. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 14 (6), 1039-1046. [BibTeX]
- Sydsjö, A. , Brynhildsen, J. , Selling, K. E. , Josefsson, A. & Sydsjö, G. (2006). Influence of Rest During Pregnancy on Birth Weight in Working Women. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 107 (5), 991-996. [BibTeX]
- Holmqvist, P. , Wallberg, M. , Hammar, M. , Landtblom, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2006). Symptoms of multiple sclerosis in women in relation to sex steroid exposure. Maturitas, 54 (2), 149-153. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Sydsjö, A. , Norinder, E. , Ekholm Selling, K. & Sydsjö, G. (2006). Trends in body mass index during early pregnancy in Swedish women 1978–2001. Public Health, 120 (5), 393-399. [BibTeX]
- Hoffmann, M. , Hammar, M. , Kjellgren, K. I. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. & Brynhildsen, J. (2005). Changes in women's attitudes towards and use of hormone therapy after HERS and WHI. Maturitas, 52 (1), 11-17. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2005). Lipids and clotting factors during low dose transdermal estradiol/norethisterone use. Maturitas, 50 (4), 344-352. [BibTeX]
- Lystedt, E. , Westergren, H. , Brynhildsen, J. , Lindh-Åstrand, L. , Gustavsson, J. , Nystrom, F. H. , Hammar, M. & Strålfors, P. (2005). Subcutaneous adipocytes from obese hyperinsulinemic women with polycystic ovary syndrome exhibit normal insulin sensitivity but reduced maximal insulin responsiveness. European Journal of Endocrinology, 153 (6), 831-835. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Dahle, L. O. , Behrbohm Fallsberg, M. , Rundquist, I. & Hammar, M. (2002). Attitudes among students and teachers on vertical integration between clinical medicine and basic science within a problem-based undergraduate medical curriculum. Medical teacher, 24 (3), 286-288. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. & Hammar, M. (2002). Low dose transdermal estradiol/norethisterone acetate treatment over 2 years does not cause endometrial proliferation in postmenopausal women. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 9 (2), 137-144. [BibTeX]
- Dahle, L. O. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fallsberg, M. B. , Rundquist, I. & Hammar, M. (2002). Pros and cons of vertical integration between clinical medicine and basic science within a problem-based undergraduate medical curriculum: examples and experiences from Linköping, Sweden. Medical teacher, 24 (3), 280-285. [BibTeX]
- Wreje, U. , Brynhildsen, J. , Åberg, H. , Byström, B. , Hammar, M. & von Schoultz, B. (2000). Collagen metabolism markers as a reflection of bone and soft tissue turnover during the menstrual cycle and oral contraceptive use. Contraception, 61 (4), 265-270. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Hansson, Å. , Persson, A. & Hammar, M. (1998). Follow-Up of Patients With Low Back Pain During Pregnancy. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 91 (2), 182-186. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fallsberg, M. & Rundquist, I. (1998). Integrera mera! Goda erfarenheter av horisontell och vertikalintegration vid läkarutbildningen i Linköping: [Integrate more! Good experiences with horizontal and vertical integration of medical education in Linköping]. Läkartidningen, 11 (95), 662-664. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Björs, E. , Skarsgård, C. & Hammar, M. L. (1998). Is Hormone Replacement Therapy a Risk Factor for Low Back Pain Among Postmenopausal Women?. Spine, 23 (7), 809-813. [BibTeX]
- Frisk, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Ivarsson, T. , Persson, P. & Hammar, M. (1997). Exercise and smoking habits among Swedish postmenopausal women. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 31 (3), 217-223. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Lennartsson, H. , Klemetz, M. , Dahlquist, P. , Hedin, B. & Hammar, M. (1997). Oral contraceptive use among female elite athletes and age-matched controls and its relation to low back pain. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 76 (9), 873-878. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Frisk, J. , Brynhildsen, J. , Dabrosin, L. , Lindgren, R. , Nedstrand, E. & Wyon, Y. (1997). Östrogen och naturmedel vid postmenopausala besvär. P-piller banar väg för hormonsubstitution: [Estrogen and natural products in the treatment of postmenopausal complaints. Oral contraceptives prepare the way for hormonal substitution]. Läkartidningen, 94 (24), 2300-2304. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Dabrosin, L. , Frisk, J. , Lindgren, R. , Nedstrand, E. & Wyon, Y. (1996). Hormone replacement therapy and previous use of oral contraceptives among Swedish women. Maturitas, 25 (3), 193-199. [BibTeX]
- Pintsaar, A. , Brynhildsen, J. & Tropp, H. (1996). Postural corrections after standardised perturbations of single limb stance: effect of training and orthotic devices in patients with ankle instability.. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 30 (2), 151-155. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Ekblad, S. & Hammar, M. (1995). Oral contraceptives and low back pain: Attitudes among physicians, midwives and physiotherapists. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 74 (9), 714-717. [BibTeX]
- Hammar, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Wyon, Y. , Nedstrand, E. & Notelovitz, M. (1995). The Effects of Physical Activity on Menopausal Symptoms and Metabolic Changes around Menopause. Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause, 2 (4), 201-209. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Nedstrand, E. , Wyon, Y. & Hammar, M. (1994). Motion motverkar menopausens minus. Gynnsamma effekter på både kropp och själ: [Exercise counteracts the negative effects of menopause. Positive effects on both body and soul]. Läkartidningen, 91 (23), 2323-2325. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. , Ekstrand, J. , Jeppsson, A. & Tropp, H. (1990). Previous Injuries and Persisting Symptoms in Female Soccer Players. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 11 (6), 489-492. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Gemzell-Danielsson, K. , Lindh, I. , Brynhildsen, J. , Christensson, A. , Moberg, K. , Wernersson, E. & Johansson, S. (2024). Home use of mifepristone for medical abortion: a systematic review. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. [BibTeX]
- Brynhildsen, J. (2014). Combined hormonal contraceptives: prescribing patterns, compliance, and benefits versus risks. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety, 5 (5), 201-213. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Brynhildsen, J. (1998). Low back pain in women in relation to different exposures to female sex hormones. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Linköping: Linköpings universitet. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Fredrikson, M. , Hoffmann, M. & Holm, A. S. (2023). The use of menopausal hormone therapy after bilateral oophorectomy in premenopausal Swedish women: a register-based study. I: Menopause The Journal of the North American Menopause. Konferensbidrag vid Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 27-30, 2023. (ss. 1260-1260). Raven Press. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Holm, A. S. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence and prevalence of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. I: Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Konferensbidrag vid 42nd Nordic Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NFOG 2023), Trondheim, Norway, August 27-30, 2023. (ss. 70-70). WILEY. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, M. , Brynhildsen, J. , Holm, A. S. , Fredrikson, M. & Hoffmann, M. (2023). Trends in the incidence, prevalence and sales volume of menopausal hormone therapy in Sweden from 2000 to 2021. I: Menopause The Journal of the North American Menopause. Konferensbidrag vid Annual Meeting of The Menopause Society, Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 27-30, 2023. (ss. 1299-1299). Raven Press. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. (2022). Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction, during and one year after a first pregnancy: a prospective cohort study. Konferensbidrag vid Bi-Annual Meeting of the Nordic Urogynecological Association, Oslo, Norway, 29 September-1 October, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Falk, G. , Ivarsson, A. & Brynhildsen, J. (2010). Teenagers' struggles with contraceptive use: do adults help enough?. Konferensbidrag vid Ninth conference of FIAPAC: Seville Spain, Achieving Exellence in Abortion-Care (FIAPAC) Fédération Internationale des Associés Professionnels de l'Avortement et de la Contraception, 22-23 October 2010. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. H. , Franzén, K. , Tegerstedt, G. , Brynhildsen, J. , Hiyoshi, A. & Nilsson, K. Fecal incontinence and associated pelvic floor dysfunction during and one year 2 after the first pregnancy : a prospective cohort study. [BibTeX]