Johan Kask
Johan Kask Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: Örebro University School of BusinessEmail: am9oYW4ua2FzaztvcnUuc2U=
Phone: No number available
Room: N3052

About Johan Kask
Johan Kask is professor at CREDS (Center for Research on Digitalization and Sustainability) at the University of Inland Norway. He is also senior researcher and PhD supervisor in industrial marketing at Örebro University School of Business, doing research on inter-organizational units of analysis, such as business networks, relationships and ecosystems. His specific focus is evolution of industrial sectors, co-evolutionary interaction between firms, as well as entrepreneurship and innovation processes. Kask does research across various industries, including sport, music, transportation, and energy.
Keywords: Industrial Marketing, Innovation Ecosystem, Configuration, Evolution, Coevolutionary Relationships, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurship, Sustainability Transition
Research projects
Active projects
- Transition acceleration challenges in hard-to-abate industry sectors: The case of road freight transport
- Circular Electrification Solutions for Decarbonized Freight Transport
- The sharing economy
Completed projects
Articles in journals
- Baraldi, E. , Harrison, D. , Kask, J. & Ratajczak-Mrozek, M. (2024). A network perspective on resource interaction: Past, present and future. Journal of Business Research, 172. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2024). Home field advantage: examining incumbency reorientation dynamics in low-carbon transitions. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 50. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Linton, G. (2023). Editorial: Five principles for overcoming obstacles in deep-tech startup journeys. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30 (1), 1-3. [BibTeX]
- Cristofaro, M. , Kask, J. & Muldoon, J. (2023). Exploring the entrepreneurial jungle: unicorns, gazelles, zebras and other venture species. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 30 (6), 1065-1087. [BibTeX]
- Abatecola, G. , Cristofaro, M. , Giannetti, F. & Kask, J. (2022). How can biases affect entrepreneurial decision making? toward a behavioral approach to unicorns. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18 (2), 693-711. [BibTeX]
- Schlaile, M. P. , Kask, J. , Brewer, J. , Bogner, K. , Urmetzer, S. & De Witt, A. (2022). Proposing a Cultural Evolutionary Perspective for Dedicated Innovation Systems: Bioeconomy Transitions and Beyond. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 38 (2), 93-118. [BibTeX]
- Prenkert, F. , Hedvall, K. , Hasche, N. , Frick, J. E. , Abrahamsen, M. H. , Aramo-Immonen, H. , Baraldi, E. , Bocconcelli, R. & et al. (2022). Resource interaction: Key concepts, relations and representations. Industrial Marketing Management, 105, 48-59. [BibTeX]
- Breslin, D. , Kask, J. , Schlaile, M. & Abatecola, G. (2021). Developing a coevolutionary account of innovation ecosystems. Industrial Marketing Management, 98, 59-68. [BibTeX]
- Carlborg, P. J. , Hasche, N. & Kask, J. (2021). Overcoming the business model transformation dilemma: Exploring market shaping and stabilizing strategies in incumbent firms. Journal of business & industrial marketing, 36 (13), 66-77. [BibTeX]
- Aramo-Immonen, H. , Carlborg, P. , Hasche, N. , Jussila, J. , Kask, J. , Linton, G. , Mustafee, N. & Öberg, C. (2020). Charting the reach and contribution of IMP literature in other disciplines: A bibliometric analysis. Industrial Marketing Management, 87, 47-62. [BibTeX]
- Abatecola, G. , Breslin, D. & Kask, J. (2020). Do organizations really co-evolve?: Problematizing co-evolutionary change in management and organization studies. Technological forecasting & social change, 155. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Öberg, C. (2019). Why "majors" surge in the post-disruptive recording industry. European Journal of Marketing, 53 (3), 442-462. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Prenkert, F. (2018). From small and generalized to big or specialized: A historical analysis of sports retail forms in Sweden. Journal of Management History, 24 (3), 340-358. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Hasche, N. , Kask, J. & Öberg, C. (2018). Quality management systems as indicators for stability and change in customer-supplier relationships. The IMP Journal, 12 (3), 483-497. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, T. & Kask, J. (2017). Configurations of business strategy and marketing channels fore-commerce and traditional retail formats: A Qualitative ComparisonAnalysis (QCA) in sporting goods retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34 (1), 326-333. [BibTeX]
- Linton, G. & Kask, J. (2017). Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance. Journal of Business Research, 70, 168-176. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. (2014). Musikindustrin: Är kreativitetens bästa tid förbi?: Hur en branschkris blev guldålder för nya lösningar. Management of Innovation and Technology (1), 10-11. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Linton, G. (2013). Business mating: when start-ups get it right. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 26 (5), 511-536. [BibTeX]
- Andersén, J. & Kask, J. (2012). Asymmetrically realized absorptive capacity and relationship durability. Management Decision, 50 (1), 43-57. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Johansson, T. & Kask, J. (2013). On the promise and premises of a Darwinian theory in research on business relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (3), 306-315. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Kask, J. (2011). Evolving Market Channels in the Swedish Music Industry: A Dominant design approach. In: Esbjörn Segelod, Karin Berglund, Erik Bjurström, Erik Dahlquist, Lars Hallén and Ulf Johansson, Studies in industrial renewal: coping with changing contexts (pp. 95-115). Västerås: Mälardalen University. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Carlborg, P. , Hasche, N. , Kask, J. & Linton, G. (2024). Rebuilding a regional mining ecosystem: Towards a just, sustainable, and resilient mineral supply. Paper presented at 18th Regional Innovation Policies Conference, Lillehammer, Norway, September 25-27, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Carlborg, P. , Hasche, N. , Kask, J. , Klézl, V. & Linton, G. (2023). Foresighting network dynamics: A Delphi-based Scenario Analysis. Paper presented at 39th Annual IMP Conference (IMP 2023), Manchester, UK, August 22-25, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2023). Home field advantage: examining incumbency reorientation dynamics in low-carbon transitions. Paper presented at NTRANS Workshop: Exploring multi-system phenomena in net-zero transitions, Hurdal, Norway, May 11-12, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2023). Home field advantage: examining incumbency reorientation dynamics in low-carbon transitions. Paper presented at Beyond crisis / Beyond normal, NTNU Energy Team Society Conference, Trondheim, Norway, September 27-28, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2022). Interactions and strategies in unfolding low-carbon transitions: a co-evolutionary approach. Paper presented at 26th Biennial NFF Conference, Örebro, Sweden, August 24-26, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. , Kask, J. & Breslin, D. (2022). Theorizing Inter-System Coevolution: Principles, Promises, and Problems. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM 2022): Leading Digital Transformation, Winterthur, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. , Prenkert, F. & Kask, J. (2022). Understanding the impact of sustainable & circular-oriented innovations on business networks: the case of sustainable road freight transport. Paper presented at 38th Annual IMP Conference, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, August 30 – September 2, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2022). Understanding the multi-dimensionality of incumbent interactions in low-carbon transitions: Evidence from the road freight sector. Paper presented at 13th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST 2022), (Virtual conference), November 21-25, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Schlaile, M. , Kask, J. , Bogner, K. , Brewer, J. , Urmetzer, S. & de Witt, A. (2021). A Cultural Evolutionary Research Agenda for Innovation Systems Dedicated to a Sustainable Bioeconomy. Paper presented at European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM 2021), Montreal, Canada, (Online Conference), June 16-18, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Klézl, V. , Kelly, S. & Kask, J. (2021). Applying the IMP lenses to a digitally disrupted supply network: The case of video game industry. Paper presented at IMP Forum Seminar, Online and in Uppsala, Sweden, May 19-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Klézl, V. & Kask, J. (2021). Introducing the prosumption map: Who benefits and how the business network is changed?. Paper presented at 30th Annual Meeting IPSERA Online Conference 2021: Purchasing Innovation and Crisis Management, March 29 – April 1, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Ertelt, S. & Kask, J. (2021). On the Emergence of “Transition Ecotones” in Inter-system Coevolution. Paper presented at 12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference (IST 2021), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 5-8, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. , Kelly, S. & Klézl, V. (2021). Power struggles in the age of digital disruption: the case of video games industry. Paper presented at Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing IMP Forum Paper Development Session, Uppsala, Sweden, (Online seminar), May 19-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Hasche, N. , Kask, J. , Linton, G. & Prenkert, F. (2020). Conceptualizing tangible resources in interaction: sites and interfaces. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM 2020 Online Conference), Dublin, Ireland, December 4-6, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Carlborg, P. , Harrison, D. , Kask, J. & Ratajczak-Mrozek, M. (2020). Ecosystem Management from a Resource Interaction View. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM 2020 Online Conference), Dublin, Ireland, December 4-6, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Klézl, V. (2020). Prosumerism-imprinted business network change and its main beneficiary. In: IMP Conference 2020. Paper presented at 36th IMP Conference (IMP 2020, virtual), Örebro, Sweden, September 3-4, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Hasche, N. , Hedvall, K. , Prenkert, F. , Abrahamsen, M. H. , Aramo-Immonen, H. , Baraldi, E. , Bocconcelli, R. , Carlborg, P. & et al. (2020). Resource Interaction: Towards a common understanding?. Paper presented at 36th Annual IMP Conference (IMP 2020 Virtual), Örebro, Sweden, September 3-4, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. , Van, T. P. & Carlborg, P. (2019). Business Models, Ecosystem and Adaptive Fit: The Case of Electric Utilities. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Carlborg, P. , Hasche, N. & Kask, J. (2019). Forecasting the network transformation of electric utilities in the 2020s: A Delphi-based scenario approach. Paper presented at 35th IMP Conference (IMP 2019), Paris, France, August 27-30, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Klézl, V. (2019). Prosumers: Coworker, cocreator or competitor?. Paper presented at IPSERA Conference, Milan, Italy, April 14-17, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. , Breslin, D. & Abatecola, G. (2019). The Theory of Coevolution in Management Studies: Insights from the Recording Industry. Paper presented at European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-28, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Klézl, V. (2019). Three Shades of Prosumer-to-Business Interaction in Business Networks. Paper presented at 35th IMP Conference (IMP 2019), Paris, France, August 27-30, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Carlborg, P. , Hasche, N. & Kask, J. (2018). Business model transformation: a dynamic network approach. Paper presented at 34th Annual IMP Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: "From Business to Research and Back Again", Marseille, France, September 4-7, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Aramo-Immonen, H. , Carlborg, P. , Geissinger, A. , Hasche, N. , Kask, J. , Linton, G. , Nykvist, R. , Öberg, C. & et al. (2018). Clustering the imp thought: searching roots and diversities in imp research. Paper presented at 34th Annual Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Conference KEDGE Business School, Marseille, France, 4-7 September 2018. [BibTeX]
- Abatecola, G. , Breslin, D. & Kask, J. (2018). Discussing co-evolutionary research in management studies: a critical account of the new millennium. Paper presented at European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM18), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Arbin, K. , Kask, J. & Prenkert, F. (2018). Is there a Hierarchy among Activities, Resources, and Actors in Business Networks?: Exploring the Relationship Between the Components of the ARA-model. Paper presented at 34th Annual IMP Conference and Doctoral Colloquium: "From Business to Research and Back Again", Marseille, France, September 4-7, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Abatecola, G. , Breslin, D. & Kask, J. (2018). Lo sviluppo dell’approccio co-evolutivo negli studi di management: Un’analisi del nuovo Millennio. In: Paniccia, P. and Barile S., Evoluzionismo sistemico il fascino della precarietà. Paper presented at Conference on Systemness and Evolution, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy, July 6, 2018. (pp. 13-20). Aracne. [BibTeX]
- Arbin, K. , Kask, J. & Prenkert, F. (2018). The Creation of Business Deals for a Sustainable Supply Chain: The Case of Rail Transportation. Paper presented at 27th IPSERA Conference, Athens, Greece, March 25-28, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Prenkert, F. , Linton, G. , Hasche, N. & Kask, J. (2017). Interaction sites and resource interfaces: A conceptualization of resource interaction. Paper presented at IMP Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 5-8, 2017. IMP Group. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Öberg, C. (2017). Network expansion and population trimming: the case of the global music industry. Paper presented at IMP Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 5-8, 2017. IMP Group. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Hasche, N. , Kask, J. & Öberg, C. (2017). Quality management systems and business networks. Paper presented at IMP Journal Seminar, Poznan, Poland, October 12-13, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Prenkert, F. (2015). Half a century of development: Mapping the evolution of a business network. In: 31th Annual Conference on Industrial Marketing & Purchasing. Paper presented at 31th Annual Conference on Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP), Kolding, Denmark, August 25-29, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Prenkert, F. (2015). The evolution of retail formats from a common origin: Investigating a century of Swedish sporting goods retailing. In: Annual 15th EURAM Conference. Paper presented at 15th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Warzaw, Poland, June 17-20, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Johansson, T. (2014). Configurations of Strategy and Marketing Channels: A Qualitative Comparison Analysis (QCA) in Sporting Goods Retailing. Paper presented at Nordic Retail & Wholesale Conference, Stockholm, november 5-6, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. (2014). From Record Stores to On-Demand Music Streaming: A Case Study on the Evolution of a Distribution System. In: EURAM 2014 [Proceedings] Waves and winds of strategic leadership for sustainable competitiveness. Paper presented at European Academy of Management Conference, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June, 2014. Victoria Australia: Common Ground Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. (2014). Variation-Creation as the Primus Motor of Dogma Shifts: The Case of the Swedish Sporting Goods Retailers. In: Global Business Conference 2014 Proceedings Questioning the Widely-held Dogmas. Paper presented at Global Business Conference Summer, Dubrovnik, Kroatien, 1-4 October, 2014. (pp. 198-201). [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. (2013). On punctuated shocks and market transmutation: the case of the music market in Sweden. In: Goran Vlašić, Jurica Pavičić and Josef Langer, 2013 Winter Global Business Conference Conference Proceedings. Paper presented at 2013 Winter Global Business Conference, February 4-8, 2013, Tignes, France. (pp. 123-126). [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. (2012). Evolutionary Branches in Business Research: A Review of Converging Themes. In: Goran Vlašić, Jurica Pavičić, Josef Langer, To Standardize Or Not to Standardize? Global Business Conference 2012 Proceedings. Paper presented at Global Business Conference 2012, Zadar, Croatia, September 19-22, 2012. (pp. 126-137). Zagreb: Innovation Institute. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Linton, G. (2011). Business mating in stable and turbulent markets: does the configuration fit?. In: Goran Vlašić, Jurica Pavičić, Zoran Wittine, 2011 Global Business Conference Conference Proceedings. Paper presented at Global Business Conference 2011, Sibenik, Croatia, September 21-24, 2011. (pp. 237- Zagreb: Innovation Institute. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson [Kask], J. & Johansson, T. (2009). From flirting with Darwin to implementing an evolutionary ontology: towards an evolutionary theory of multichannels. In: A. Kocak, T. Abimbola, A. Özer, L. Watkins-Mathys, Marketing and entrepreneurship. Paper presented at Market, Marketing and Entrepreneurship: Creating and Capturing Value in 21st Century, Antalya, Turkey, April 6th-9th, 2009. (pp. 1053-1063). Ankara: Siyasal Yayın Dağıtım. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson [Kask], J. (2008). Renewing the mix of marketing channels: an evolutionary oriented approach. Paper presented at UIC International Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, June 14-16, 2008. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Kask, J. (2013). On business relationships as Darwinian systems: an exploration into how Darwinian systems thinking can supportbusiness relationship research. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Linton, G. & Kask, J. Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance. [BibTeX]
- Kask, J. & Hultman, C. (2016). Blanda kanalerna rätt: Lämplig mix av marknadskanaler i detaljhandeln. Stockholm: Handelsrådet. [BibTeX]