Organizational Structure
Core Group
The network is coordinated by a Core Group of 7-11 people. The Core Group leads the network collectively, and is the body that initiates and co-ordinates research activities, arranged in the name of the network.
The eleven founding members of the network make up the current core group and stay in that position until otherwise decided. The core group appoints a convener among themselves.
Recruitment of new members to the Core Group is done by invitation and in full internal agreement. To replace members who leave, the group invites one or more people from the larger network.
Larger Network
The larger network communicates mainly through the Feminist Love Studies listserv. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact any member of the Core Group.
Research Activities
If a participant or a group of participants of the extended network wants to arrange some research activity in the name of the network, it must be accepted by the majority of the Core Group. Preferably, one or more of the Core Group members should be involved in form of a co-arrangement.