Joint meetings with all representatives from all partners

Bild på Magnus Johansson framför en skärm

The meeting was held in a hybrid format with participants joining both online and in person at Örebro University. Researchers from the university presented updates on current progress and further plans for the subprojects and the work packages.

February 2nd, 2024, 13:15-16:00

Update WP1 (Åke and Sören) Establishing a Chlamydia trachomatis challenge model
The Chlamydia vaccine candidate showed promising results which are helpful for selecting animal model and Chlamydia infection dose. The pilot animal experiment to establish a challenge model for Chlamydia is completed in Umeå. Åke Strid and Sören Andersson are waiting for the results.

Update WP2 (Magnus Carlsson) Tolorogen development for production in plants
Transient expression of tolerogen is ten folds higher in tobacco than in beets. The expression in tobacco is reproducible. We decided to use tobacco for oral vaccine. Animal experiments are in planning using oral and intranasal routes.

Update WP3 (Nathaniel Ninyio) HIV-1 vaccine development and immunological analysis
Developed five probiotic bacterial strains to express human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) GagM and MPER antigens. A signal peptide and dendritic cells binding sequences have been included in the plasmids to improve antigen expression and immune response. Next animal experiment is in planning.

Update WP4 (Rita Jaafar) TBE vaccine development using live attenuated viruses
We have a successful strategy to develop LGTV infectious clones. In vitro evaluation of LGTV lab strain and LGTV infectious clone is performed. Data from O-link analysis is under process. We have developed four out of eight mutants of LGTV to attenuate the virus further.

Update WP5 (Naveed Asghar) Replicon virus-like particles (RVPs) system in vaccine development
Our vaccine Hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine based on flavivirus DNA replicons showed promising results in animal model. As we are interested to use RVPs system in vaccine development, Naveed has produced RVPs of HCV vaccine candidate for upcoming animal experiment.

LinkedIn and updated home page (Rita Jaafar)
Our webpage updated and  Rita Jaafar is taking care of it.

LinkedIn page LinkedIn page is also created by Rita.

Bild på forskargruppen

You are encouraged to:
1. Share your accomplishments

2. Register yourself as employees at DevelopVaccines (LinkedIn page)

3. Invite more people to our LinkedIn page

New course and program in Vaccine development (Magnus Johansson)
We are developing two new courses with focus on Vaccine development:

1. A short course for nurses as the focus group with the aim to get authorization for prescribing vaccines. The course will start from Autumn 2024.

2. We have an international master program in experimental medicine at MV. The first year of the program comprises general education for all students whereas in second year the students can choose one of the three specialised “profile courses” directed towards inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, or nutrition-gut-brain interactions. We are developing the fourth profile in “vaccine development” the master’s program.

We are planning to start adverting these courses. Please help to share these courses with broader audience. Valentina Screpanti Sundquist will check out with their commercial department if they can help in the advertisement campaign of our courses in vaccinology.

Bild på medlemmar i forskargruppen runt ett bord

Economy and new grant applications (Magnus Johansson)
It is very important to apply new grant to continue the vaccine research. Åke Strid and Magnus Johansson recived HÖG and HOD grants, respectively whereas Nikolai Scherbak and Naveed Asghar have also submitted HÖG applications.