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Research projects

The older person's path through the health care system -from home to emergency room admission and discharge from in-patient care

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Annica Kihlgren

Research subject

Within this project are several studies conducted and reported over a ten year period with the aim to highlight what influences the decisions to refer the older person and persons with dementia from their homes to the emergency department and the varieties of care administered there. Obstacles and opportunities for the transfer of good information in conjunction with in-patient admission / discharge have been studied as well as the opportunities for older patients to participate in coordinated care planning. The decision making process made by the community nurses during the referral and the influence the enrolled nurses had on these decisions is studied. In 2013 a collaboration was begun between the Örebro Regional Council, ÖLL and IHM to study the oxygen saturation levels of older persons referred to emergency departments and to evaluate the support given the community nurses in their decision making process inspired by RETTS.


Research funding bodies

  • The Dementia Association