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Requirements for open access to research data

In recent years, requirements for how research data are managed have been tightened both from the EU and national levels.

Research data must be searchable, accessible, compatible and reusable, in other words, comply with FAIR principles. Furthermore, it must take place in a safe and secure digital infrastructure.

Sweden’s goal, which should be implemented by 2026, is that research data should be “as free as possible and as limited as necessary”. However, legal and ethical aspects as well as commercial interests and corporate secrets, as well as national security, are taken into account.

The Swedish Research Council is charged with coordinating activities for free access to research data, while the National Library of Sweden is charged with coordinating activities for free access to research articles.

The Swedish Research Council has developed national guidelines and a standard template for data management plans. Recent work relates to adapting the template from Science Europe “Core Requirements for Data Management Plans”, in collaboration with other financiers and HEI representatives. Tools are also being developed to draw up data management plans in digital tools to connected to application systems.