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Requirements from funding bodies for data management plans and open access to research data

Both public and private research funding bodies now have requirements for data management plans and research data being made accessible – if the legislation allows for it.

The requirements are that research data is managed correctly and that resources from research funding bodies are used effectively. This means that other researchers must be able to build upon existing data. A shorter version of the data management plan must often be provided in the application process rather than when the project has been granted and started.

Below you will find some of the funding bodies – public and private, Swedish and international – and their requirements for data management plans and open access to research data.

Data management plan

Forte recommends grant recipients develop data management plans according to the Swedish Research Council's and SUHF's recommendations. With the data management plan, researchers can describe the management of the data collected or created during the research project and after the project is done.

Research data

Forte refers ongoing projects towards the government's goal that all research data generated or collected within public funding projects should be available. This must always be done within the current legislative framework. More information could be found at Forte's webpage about Open Access to research data.

Data management plan

Formas requires that projects receiving grants must have a data management plan explaining how data generated within the project will be managed after project completion. The data management plan does not need to be submitted to Formas but available on request. Here you can read more about Formas’ requirements.

Research data

Formas believes that many research projects generate research data that is useful not only within the project but also by others. Good data management makes this possible. Projects should follow the Swedish Research Council's recommendations. Research data funded by public grants, which, according to current legislation may be made available, is published with open access and available on the internet within a reasonable time after the research results have been published.

Data management plan

The Swedish Research Council requires that a data management plan be provided for approved funding since 2019. Exceptions are grants for organisations/organisational grants, network grants and conference grants.
The data management plan template to be used is found here .

Research data

The Swedish Research Council recommends that the research data funded by public grants, which according to current legislation may be made available, is published with open access and available on the internet within a reasonable time after the publication of the research results.

Read more about the Swedish Research Council's recommendations.

Data management plan

The Riksbankens Jubileumsfond recognises that there are many advantages to drawing up a data management plan as a research project is taking shape. The Riksbankens Jubileumsfond requests a data management plan for projects within Infrastructure for research 2020 and onwards.

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond bases its template for data management plan on the Swedish Research Council's template, with some differences.

Research data

Riksbankens jubileumsfond recommends that research data used as a basis for publications be open access, in compliance with current legislation.

Data management plan

At present, the Wallenberg Foundations have no requirements for data management plans either in the application process or when funds have been granted.

Research data

At present, the Wallenberg Foundations has no remarks regarding research data.
However, research funded by the Wallenberg Foundations must be published with open access. Research results must be free to study and download from the internet. Published articles must be archived in openly searchable databases.
Read the Wallenberg Foundations’ grant guide for more information.

Data management plan

In Horizon Europe, there are requirements to create a data management plan if the project will generate, create or reuse research data. However, the research application should only briefly describe how research data will be handled (max one page). More information about this could be found in the applications guidelines under Open Science. In general, you do not need to create a complete data management plan in the application phase. However, a complete data management plan should be delivered within six months after the project starts. Horizon Europe provides a data management plan template which is available here.

It is important to remember that there are exceptions in the different work program’s call or a public emergency. Therefore, the data management plan should be sent in with the application or at the latest when the grant agreement is signed.

Research Data

Horizon Europe aims to share research data according to the principle as open as possible and secure as necessary within the current legislative framework. Therefore, the research data must be made available in a trusted repository as soon as possible or by the deadlines set out in the data management plan. Furthermore, the research data must follow the FAIR Principles.