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Publishing agreement: Springer Nature Fully Open Access

Corresponding authors affiliated with Örebro University may publish open access free of charge in some 500 of Springer Nature's full open access journals.

Instructions for authors

Ensure that you are using your institutional email address ( in order for the publisher to correctly identify you as an eligible author.

When your article has been accepted, you will receive an email with a link to the publisher's website. Enter and select Örebro University under "Verify your affiliation", and confirm.

Apart from stating your affiliation with Örebro University, you are recommended to use your email address from Örebro University in order for the publisher to identify you correctly as an eligible author.

Journals covered

Publishing charges are covered for more than 500 full open access journals from the publisher's imprints BioMed Central, SpringerOpen, Nature Research and Palgrave Macmillan Journals.

A list of all journals covered by the agreement is available on the publisher's website. Please refer to the section "Publishing in a fully OA journal".

Article types

The following article types are covered: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications and Continuing Education.

Charges not covered

Other charges, for example color charges and page charges, are not covered by the agreement.

Further information

If you have any questions about the agreement or publishing process, please contact the University Library at