Register Music in DiVA

Instructions for registering music have been developed in collaboration between the University Library and the School of Music, Theatre and Art. The goal is to document and make musical productions visible. Registering in DiVA means that the information will also be visible on personal profile pages.
Before Registration
Search DiVA to check if the publication is already registered. Registration might have been done by the library, a co-author, or you might have registered the material yourself at an earlier time.
Already registered: Edit the existing registration if you want to modify or add information. If you cannot edit the record, contact the DiVA administrators at
Not registered: Log in to Örebro’s DiVA with your ORU account and select Add publication/Upload files. You can also import information from other databases into DiVA.
The creation of an artistic work is registered once if performed or shown multiple times in the same context, such as several performances of the same concert in the same series. Normally, register the work the first time it is performed. Attach, for example, a tour plan showing that the work will be performed multiple times. Works that are shown or performed again in a new context should be registered with a new entry.
Help texts explaining the fields are displayed when you hover the mouse over the question mark.
You can always save your registration as a draft by clicking Cancel/Save draft and choosing Save draft.
Started registrations can be found under Add publication/Upload files where you select My drafts.
Follow the instructions for each field and fill in as much information as you have access to. The information should match what is stated in the publication. Please upload program notes as a file (see point 16) if you are registering a live performance.
1. Publication Type
Select publication type Artistic output.
2. Author
Enter all authors affiliated with Örebro University. To add more authors, click Additional author.
Use Connect person to find authors who have records in Örebro University’s DiVA.
Choose the role for each author. Review the entire list first; there are several roles that may be possible when registering music.
Enter the username for the ORU account in the Local user id field. This ensures that the musical work appears on the authors' profile pages.
3. Organisational Affiliation
Enter the organisational affiliation the author had at the time of the performance or publication.
If the organisational affiliation is Örebro University, select the School of Music, Theatre and Art as the institution.
If the organisational affiliation was not Örebro University, enter the information in the Other academic institution field, regardless of the type of organisation.
Enter the title of the work. If the work lacks a title, write [Untitled] in the title field.
5. Content Type
Read Is my artistic work peer-reviewed?
6. Resource Type
The choice of resource type determines which fields you will be able to fill in under Additional information. If there is no suitable description, leave the field blank and enter appropriate information in the free text description field (see point 14).
7. Physical Description
Use the field as needed, for example, "2 CDs."
8. Additional Information
Year is a mandatory field. If the registered work is a live performance, enter the year when the performance occurred.
9. Publisher
Enter information in the applicable fields. The "Channel" field is used to specify the place of public disclosure if the registration is for a live performance.
10. Identifiers
In the URL field, enter a web link to the work. The field can be repeated. The link should preferably go directly to the work, not to information pages. If it is possible to upload a file (see point 16) instead, that is preferable as links often break over time.
A link automatically gets the text "External link" in DiVA. If you want different text to appear, such as "Audio file (Spotify link)," specify that under Designation of URL.
11. National Subject Category
It is advisable to open the tree to get an overview of the subject categories that can be chosen. For example, Humanities and the Arts -> Art -> Music. You can add more subject categories by repeating the process.
12. Research Subject
Select Musical Performance from the dropdown list.
13. Keywords
Enter keywords, as they make the record easier to find.
14. Free Text Description
The free text description should contain the information needed to describe the work that cannot be described in other fields. The following questions provide examples of information that needs to be included:
- Where and when was the work performed/presented?
- Who participated and what roles did they have?
- What repertoire?
- Who arranged the work?
- Who commissioned the work?
- Has any artistic support been paid for the production, for example, from the Swedish Arts Council, the Artists’ Committee, or the Swedish Performing Arts Agency?
15. Abstract
Here, you can write a summary of the artistic premises, ideas, and methods as well as a summary of the content of the work.
16. Upload Files
On page 2, you can upload files associated with the work, such as scores or recordings, or descriptive material confirming your role, such as program notes, posters, reviews, etc. It is advisable to name the file so that it is clear what type of material it is (e.g., recording, score, program notes).
Ensure that you understand the publishing terms, and then check the box "I agree to the publishing terms."
17. Review and Submit
Verify that the information is correct on the final page and submit the record.
You can edit the record until it has been reviewed by the library. If you want to change anything afterward, contact the library's reviewers at
After Registration
The registered information becomes immediately visible in DiVA and on the authors' profile pages, except for attached files. These become visible after a DiVA administrator has reviewed the information.
The library's review involves checking the information to ensure it is correct and consistent. When it comes to artistic production, we have limited ability to compare with information from other sources, so it is especially important that you are meticulous during registration. We can check:
- Do the names and organisational affiliations of university employees match their ORU accounts?
- Does the information about persons match what is shown in the attached links and files?
- Does the title match what is shown in the attached links and files?
- Do the attached links and files work?
After registration in DiVA, information about the publication is exported to SwePub, which is a register of scientific publications and artistic productions at Swedish universities. SwePub is developed by the National Library of Sweden in dialogue with the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) to provide a basis for national information on research and artistic production.