DiVA registering service for new employees

If you are a new employee at the Örebro University (researcher/staff), you can get help with registering your previous publications produced at another university or research institution.
Send your CV or other publication list to divauppdatering@oru.se and we will register the entries in DiVA.
Besides bibliographic information, attach information on:
- Type of content (Refereed, Other academic or Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)
- Subject category (as specific as possible)
We will prioritise the publication types listed below.
- Article in scientific journal
- Book
- Chapter in book
- Conference paper, refereed paper
- Thesis
- Report
- Patent
The publications visible on Örebro University profile pages are the publications that are registered in DiVA. By registering previous research publications in DiVA, you will get an overall picture of your publications on your profile page.