Information about a project to research participants

When research involves collecting data from identifiable persons the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) dictates that these persons are to be informed about the processing of their data. This is to be done when directly collecting data through for example interviews, questionnaires, or tests and/or when collection is conducted indirectly, via for example registers.
Anonymous or pseudonymized data
Anonymous data from a person is not to be confused with later pseudonymizing of data, such as when transcribing recorded interviews and, for example, leaving names and places out.
Only completely anonymous questionnaires, psychical notetaking of anonymous interviewees, access to registry data through ethical vetting etc. might be exempted from giving information.
The information needed is quite extensive so to help with this, there’s a checklist on what to add. How this information is worded is up to the project and the project also need to be prepared to give the information orally, if demanded by the research subject.
Your faculty’s Research Data Advisor might be of assistance in looking at your wording of the information to the research subject.
Ethical vetting
If you have a project that needs ethical vetting, the information to the research subjects needs to be submitted as part of your application. There is a specific template for such information at the webpage of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority. Please observe that the application, as well as the information to the research subject, needs to be in Swedish. If you are anticipating English-speaking research subjects, an English translation can be added as well although it is the Swedish one that will be assessed by the Ethical Reviewing Authority.
Extra support at the ENT faculty
If you are working at the ENT-faculty, support in deciding whether ethical vetting is needed, review of the wording in the application and/or the information to the research subject is given by the Research Data Advisor.
Additional information
In addition, to make sure that the project has fulfilled its information requirements there might be a need to information about right of access to public records, journals demanding access to raw data to be able to review the results before accepting an article and/or demands on open access or re-usability of the collected data.
Below you will find some more explanations about each post.