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Doctoral course

AI and Psychology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of our society. This development calls for a critical reflection on the role of AI in psychology.

Course information

Research education subject

  • Computer Science
  • Psychology


During this course we will reflect on the potential use of AI tools in psychology research and practice. Timely topics are for instance how people perceive AI in human-machine interactions, the use of AI tools (such as therapeutic chatbots and language processing tools) in clinical training and interventions to improve treatment and make it more accessible, and AI in the study of everyday behavior and experiences (such as machine learning methods for data analysis). We will discuss opportunities and promises of using AI in addition to more traditional approaches in psychology research and practice, as well as concerns, challenges, and ethical issues. The course organization will be inter-disciplinary, coming from psychology and the computer sciences.

Request the course

Contact Martien Schrooten, This is an email address.