Alf Ekblad
Alf Ekblad Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Science and TechnologyEmail: YWxmLmVrYmxhZDtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: No number available
Room: B2307

Research projects
Active projects
- BALANCE - Treatment of low-contaminated soil with biochar produced from organic waste for sustainable resource use and circular economy
- Ectomykorrhizal mycelium - its production and turnover and importance for the soil carbon storage
- Kolisotopfraktionering under skogsväxters och markorganismers respiration
- The status of ecosystem functions of polluted lands assessed in situ using plant, soil and microbial indicators
- Biochar application for pollutant stabilization and ecological restoration of contaminated land in Sweden
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, reviews/surveys |
Chapters in books |
Conference papers |
Manuscripts |
Articles in journals
- Rijk, I. , Ekblad, A. , Dahlin, A. S. , Enell, A. , Larsson, M. , Leroy, P. , Kleja, D. B. , Tiberg, C. & et al. (2024). Biochar and peat amendments affect nitrogen retention, microbial capacity and nitrogen cycling microbial communities in a metal and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated urban soil. Science of the Total Environment, 936. [BibTeX]
- Mahmood, S. , Fahad, Z. , Bolou-Bi, E. B. , King, K. , Köhler, S. J. , Bishop, K. , Ekblad, A. & Finlay, R. D. (2024). Ectomycorrhizal fungi integrate nitrogen mobilisation and mineral weathering in boreal forest soil. New Phytologist, 242 (4), 1545-1560. [BibTeX]
- Hagenbo, A. , Fransson, P. , Menichetti, L. , Clemmensen, K. E. , Olofsson, M. A. & Ekblad, A. (2024). Ectomycorrhizal necromass turnover is one-third of biomass turnover in hemiboreal Pinus sylvestris forests. Plants, People, Planet, 6 (4), 951-964. [BibTeX]
- Das, S. K. , Ekblad, A. , Stojanovic, K. , Mikusinska, A. , Gaillard, M. , Mitrovic, D. & Cui, Q. (2024). Holocene Stable Isotope (δ13C and δ15N) record of peatland development in Stavsåkra, southern Sweden. Catena (Cremlingen. Print), 247. [BibTeX]
- Goswami, L. , Ekblad, A. , Choudhury, R. & Bhattacharya, S. S. (2024). Vermi-converted Tea Industry Coal Ash efficiently substitutes chemical fertilization for growth and yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) in an alluvial soil: A field-based study on soil quality, nutrient translocation, and metal-risk remediation. Science of the Total Environment, 907. [BibTeX]
- Rijk, I. , Berkelund, L. , Ekblad, A. , Hallin, S. , Kleja, D. B. , Taylor, A. , Viketoft, M. & Jones, C. (2023). Effects of copper contamination on N cycling microbial guilds and plant performance in two contrasting grassland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 180. [BibTeX]
- Almeida, J. P. , Menichetti, L. , Ekblad, A. , Rosenstock, N. P. & Wallander, H. (2023). Phosphorus regulates ectomycorrhizal fungi biomass production in a Norway spruce forest. Biogeosciences, 20 (7), 1443-1458. [BibTeX]
- Ganguly, M. , Das, S. , Ekblad, A. & Behera, P. (2023). Variation of δ15N in Indian coal, lignite and peat. Chemie der Erde, 83 (4). [BibTeX]
- Mielke, L. A. , Ekblad, A. , Finlay, R. D. , Fransson, P. , Lindahl, B. D. & Clemmensen, K. E. (2022). Ericaceous dwarf shrubs contribute a significant but drought-sensitive fraction of soil respiration in a boreal pine forest. Journal of Ecology, 110 (8), 1928-1941. [BibTeX]
- Ray, S. K. , Das, S. K. , Chatterjee, S. , Patel, P. P. , Ekblad, A. & Yoshida, K. (2021). Modern analogue to past coseismic ground uplift in North Andaman, India. Catena (Cremlingen. Print), 205. [BibTeX]
- Koch, A. , Jonsson, M. , Yeung, L. W. Y. , Kärrman, A. , Ahrens, L. , Ekblad, A. & Wang, T. (2021). Quantification of Biodriven Transfer of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from the Aquatic to the Terrestrial Environment via Emergent Insects. Environmental Science and Technology, 55 (12), 7900-7909. [BibTeX]
- Rijk, I. J. C. & Ekblad, A. (2020). Carbon and nitrogen cycling in a lead polluted grassland evaluated using stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and microbial, plant and soil parameters. Plant and Soil, 449 (1-2), 249-266. [BibTeX]
- Misra, S. , Das, S. K. , Varma, A. K. , Mani, D. , Kalpana, M. S. , Ekblad, A. & Biswas, S. (2020). Multi-proxy approach on the hydrocarbon generation perspective of Barjora Basin, India. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 112. [BibTeX]
- Koch, A. , Jonsson, M. , Yeung, L. W. Y. , Kärrman, A. , Ahrens, L. , Ekblad, A. & Wang, T. (2020). Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl-Contaminated Freshwater Impacts Adjacent Riparian Food Webs. Environmental Science and Technology, 54 (19), 11951-11960. [BibTeX]
- Zhang, J. , Ekblad, A. , Sigurdsson, B. D. & Wallander, H. (2020). The influence of soil warming on organic carbon sequestration of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a sub-arctic grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 147. [BibTeX]
- Hagenbo, A. , Hadden, D. , Clemmensen, K. E. , Grelle, A. , Manzoni, S. , Mölder, M. , Ekblad, A. & Fransson, P. (2019). Carbon use efficiency of mycorrhizal fungal mycelium increases during the growing season but decreases with forest age across a Pinus sylvestris chronosequence. Journal of Ecology, 107 (6), 2808-2822. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Bastviken, D. (2019). Deforestation releases old carbon. Nature Geoscience, 12 (7), 499-500. [BibTeX]
- Baskaran, P. , Ekblad, A. , Soucémarianadin, L. N. , Hyvönen, R. , Schleucher, J. & Lindahl, B. D. (2019). Nitrogen dynamics of decomposing Scots pine needle litter depends on colonizing fungal species. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 95 (6). [BibTeX]
- Kyaschenko, J. , Ovaskainen, O. , Ekblad, A. , Hagenbo, A. , Karltun, E. , Clemmensen, K. E. & Lindahl, B. D. (2019). Soil fertility in boreal forest relates to root-driven nitrogen retention and carbon sequestration in the mor layer. New Phytologist, 221 (3), 1492-1502. [BibTeX]
- Weber, M. E. , Lantzsch, H. , Dekens, P. , Das, S. K. , Reilly, B. T. , Martos, Y. M. , Meyer-Jacob, C. , Agrahari, S. & et al. (2018). 200,000 years of monsoonal history recorded on the lower Bengal Fan - strong response to insolation forcing. Global and Planetary Change, 166, 107-119. [BibTeX]
- Vowles, T. , Lindwall, F. , Ekblad, A. , Bahram, M. , Furneaux, B. R. , Ryberg, M. & Björk, R. G. (2018). Complex effects of mammalian grazing on extramatrical mycelial biomass in the Scandes forest-tundra ecotone. Ecology and Evolution, 8 (2), 1019-1030. [BibTeX]
- Sterkenburg, E. , Clemmensen, K. E. , Ekblad, A. , Finlay, R. D. & Lindahl, B. D. (2018). Contrasting effects of ectomycorrhizal fungi on early and late stage decomposition in a boreal forest. The ISME Journal, 12 (9), 2187-2197. [BibTeX]
- Hagenbo, A. , Clemmensen, K. E. , Finlay, R. D. , Kyaschenko, J. , Lindahl, B. D. , Fransson, P. & Ekblad, A. (2017). Changes in turnover rather than production regulate biomass of ectomycorrhizal fungal mycelium across a Pinus sylvestris chronosequence. New Phytologist, 214 (1), 424-431. [BibTeX]
- Gkarmiri, K. , Mahmood, S. , Ekblad, A. , Alström, S. , Högberg, N. & Finlay, R. (2017). Identifying the Active Microbiome Associated with Roots and Rhizosphere Soil of Oilseed Rape. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (22). [BibTeX]
- Ohlsson, K. E. A. , Yang, B. , Ekblad, A. , Boman, C. , Nyström, R. & Olofsson, T. (2017). Stable carbon isotope labelled carbon dioxide as tracer gas for air change rate measurement in a ventilated single zone. Building and Environment, 115, 173-181. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, U. , Roos, A. , Lind, Y. , Hope, K. , Ekblad, A. & Kärrman, A. (2016). Comparison of PFASs contamination in the freshwater and terrestrial environments by analysis of eggs from osprey (Pandion haliaetus), tawny owl (Strix aluco), and common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Environmental Research, 149, 40-47. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Mikusinska, A. , Ågren, G. I. , Menichetti, L. , Wallander, H. , Vilgalys, R. , Bahr, A. & Eriksson, U. (2016). Production and turnover of ectomycorrhizal extramatrical mycelial biomass and necromass under elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization. New Phytologist, 211 (3), 874-885. [BibTeX]
- Menichetti, L. , Ekblad, A. & Kätterer, T. (2015). Contribution of roots and amendments to soil carbon accumulation within the soil profile in a long-term field experiment in Sweden. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 200, 79-87. [BibTeX]
- Menichetti, L. , Houot, S. , Van Oort, F. , Kätterer, T. , Christensen, B. T. , Chenu, C. C. , Barré, P. , Vasilyeva, N. A. & et al. (2015). Increase in soil stable carbon isotope ratio relates to loss of organic carbon: results from five long-term bare fallow experiments. Oecologia, 177 (3), 811-821. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, V. A. , Mikusinska, A. , Ekblad, A. & Eriksson, O. (2015). Partial mycoheterotrophy in Pyroleae: nitrogen and carbon stable isotope signatures during development from seedling to adult. Oecologia, 177 (1), 203-211. [BibTeX]
- Ladd, B. , Peri, P. L. , Pepper, D. A. , Silva, L. C. R. , Sheil, D. , Bonser, S. P. , Laffan, S. W. , Amelung, W. & et al. (2014). Carbon isotopic signatures of soil organic matter correlate with leaf area index across woody biomes. Journal of Ecology, 102 (6), 1606-1611. [BibTeX]
- Boberg, J. B. , Finlay, R. D. , Stenlid, J. , Ekblad, A. & Lindahl, B. D. (2014). Nitrogen and Carbon Reallocation in Fungal Mycelia during Decomposition of Boreal Forest Litter. PLOS ONE, 9 (3), e92897. [BibTeX]
- Dawes, M. A. , Hagedorn, F. , Handa, I. T. , Streit, K. , Ekblad, A. , Rixen, C. , Körner, C. & Hättenschwiler, S. (2013). An alpine treeline in a carbon dioxide-rich world: synthesis of a nine-year free-air carbon dioxide enrichment study. Oecologia, 171 (3), 623-637. [BibTeX]
- Berglund, S. L. , Agren, G. I. & Ekblad, A. (2013). Carbon and nitrogen transfer in leaf litter mixtures. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 341-348. [BibTeX]
- Bahr, A. , Ellström, M. , Akselsson, C. , Ekblad, A. , Mikusinska, A. & Wallander, H. (2013). Growth of ectomycorrhizal fungal mycelium along a Norway spruce forest nitrogen deposition gradient and its effect on nitrogen leakage. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 59, 38-48. [BibTeX]
- Hagedorn, F. , Hiltbrunner, D. , Streit, K. , Ekblad, A. , Lindahl, B. , Miltner, A. , Frey, B. , Handa, I. T. & et al. (2013). Nine years of CO2 enrichment at the alpine treeline stimulates soil respiration but does not alter soil microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 390-400. [BibTeX]
- Menichetti, L. , Ekblad, A. & Katterer, T. (2013). Organic amendments affect delta C-13 signature of soil respiration and soil organic C accumulation in a long-term field experiment in Sweden. European Journal of Soil Science, 64 (5), 621-628. [BibTeX]
- Lindwall, F. , Vowels, T. , Ekblad, A. & Bjork, R. G. (2013). Reindeer grazing has contrasting effect on species traits in Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. and Bistorta vivipara (L.) Gray. Acta Oecologica, 53, 33-37. [BibTeX]
- Mikusinska, A. , Persson, T. , Taylor, A. F. S. & Ekblad, A. (2013). Response of ectomycorrhizal extramatrical mycelium production and isotopic composition to in-growth bag size and soil fauna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 66, 154-162. [BibTeX]
- Clemmensen, K. E. , Bahr, A. , Ovaskainen, O. , Dahlberg, A. , Ekblad, A. , Wallander, H. , Stenlid, J. , Finlay, R. D. & et al. (2013). Roots and associated fungi drive long-term carbon sequestration in boreal forest. Science, 339 (6127), 1615-1618. [BibTeX]
- Comstedt, D. , Boström, B. & Ekblad, A. (2011). Autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration in a Norway spruce forest: estimating the root decomposition and soil moisture effects in a trenching experiment. Biogeochemistry, 104 (1-3), 121-132. [BibTeX]
- Wallander, H. , Ekblad, A. & Bergh, J. (2011). Growth and carbon sequestration by ectomycorrhizal fungi in intensively fertilized Norway spruce forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 262 (6), 999-1007. [BibTeX]
- Boström, B. , Comstedt, D. & Ekblad, A. (2008). Can isotopic fractionation during respiration explain the 13C-enriched sporocarps of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi?. New Phytologist, 177 (4), 1012-1019. [BibTeX]
- Boström, B. , Comstedt, D. & Ekblad, A. (2007). Isotope fractionation and 13C enrichment in soil profiles during the decomposition of soil organic matter. Oecologia, 153 (1), 89-98. [BibTeX]
- Comstedt, D. , Boström, B. , Marshall, J. , Holm, A. , Slaney, M. , Linder, S. & Ekblad, A. (2006). Effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature on soil respiration in a boreal forest using δ13C as a labeling tool. Ecosystems (New York. Print), 9 (8), 1266-1277. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Boström, B. , Holm, A. & Comstedt, D. (2005). Forest soil respiration rate and d13C is regulated by recent above ground weather conditions. Oecologia, 143 (1), 136-142. [BibTeX]
- Persson, J. , Högberg, P. , Ekblad, A. , Högberg, M. N. , Nordgren, A. & Näsholm, T. (2003). Nitrogen acquisition from inorganic and organic sources by boreal forest plants in the field. Oecologia, 137 (2), 252-257. [BibTeX]
- Franklin, O. , Högberg, P. , Ekblad, A. & Ågren, G. I. (2003). Pine forest floor carbon accumulation in response to N and PK additions: Bomb C-14 modelling and respiration studies. Ecosystems (New York. Print), 6 (7), 644-658. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Nyberg, G. & Högberg, P. (2002). C-13-discrimination during microbial respiration of added C-3-, C-4- and C-13-labelled sugars to a C-3-forest soil. Oecologia, 131 (2), 245-249. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Nordgren, A. (2002). Is growth of soil microorganisms in boreal forests limited by carbon or nitrogen availability?. Plant and Soil, 242 (1), 115-122. [BibTeX]
- Nyberg, G. , Ekblad, A. , Buresh, R. J. & Högberg, P. (2002). Short-term patterns of carbon and nitrogen mineralisation in a fallow field amended with green manures from agroforestry trees. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 36 (1), 18-25. [BibTeX]
- Lundberg, P. , Ekblad, A. & Nilsson, M. (2001). C-13 NMR spectroscopy studies of forest soil microbial activity: glucose uptake and fatty acid biosynthesis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 33 (4-5), 621-632. [BibTeX]
- Högberg, P. , Nordgren, A. , Buchmann, N. , Taylor, A. F. S. , Ekblad, A. , Högberg, M. N. , Nyberg, G. , Ottosson-Löfvenius, M. & et al. (2001). Large-scale forest girdling shows that current photosynthesis drives soil respiration. Nature, 411 (6839), 789-792. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Högberg, P. (2001). Natural abundance of C-13 in CO2 respired from forest soils reveals speed of link between tree photosynthesis and root respiration. Oecologia, 127 (3), 305-308. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Högberg, P. (2000). Analysis of delta C-13 of CO2 distinguishes between microbial respiration of added C-4-sucrose and other soil respiration in a C-3-ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 219 (1-2), 197-209. [BibTeX]
- Nyberg, G. , Ekblad, A. , Buresh, R. J. & Högberg, P. (2000). Respiration from C-3 plant green manure added to a C-4 plant carbon dominated soil. Plant and Soil, 218 (1-2), 83-89. [BibTeX]
- Sundberg, B. , Ekblad, A. , Näsholm, T. & Palmqvist, K. (1999). Lichen respiration in relation to active time, temperature, nitrogen and ergosterol concentrations. Functional Ecology, 13 (1), 119-125. [BibTeX]
- Högberg, P. , Högberg, M. N. , Quist, M. E. , Ekblad, A. & Näsholm, T. (1999). Nitrogen isotope fractionation during nitrogen uptake by ectomycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris. New Phytologist, 142 (3), 569-576. [BibTeX]
- Näsholm, T. , Ekblad, A. , Nordin, A. , Giesler, R. , Högberg, M. & Högberg, P. (1998). Boreal forest plants take up organic nitrogen. Nature, 392 (6679), 914-916. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Wallander, H. & Näsholm, T. (1998). Chitin and ergosterol combined to measure total and living fungal biomass in ectomycorrhizas. New Phytologist, 138 (1), 143-149. [BibTeX]
- Palmqvist, K. , Campbell, D. , Ekblad, A. & Johansson, H. (1998). Photosynthetic capacity in relation to nitrogen content and its partitioning in lichens with different photobionts. Plant, Cell and Environment, 21 (4), 361-372. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Näsholm, T. (1996). Determination of chitin in fungi and mycorrhizal roots by an improved HPLC analysis of glucosamine. Plant and Soil, 178 (1), 29-35. [BibTeX]
- Högberg, P. & Ekblad, A. (1996). Substrate-induced respiration measured in situ in a C-3-plant ecosystem using additions of C-4-sucrose. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 28 (9), 1131-1138. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Wallander, H. , Carlsson, R. & Huss-Danell, K. (1995). Fungal biomass in roots and extramatrical mycelium in relation to macronutrients and plant biomass of ectomycorrhizal Pinus sylvestris and Alnus incana. New Phytologist, 131 (4), 443-451. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. & Huss-Danell, K. (1995). Nitrogen fixation by Alnus incana and nitrogen transfer from A-incana to Pinus sylvestris influenced by macronutrients and ectomycorrhiza. New Phytologist, 131 (4), 453-459. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Ekblad, A. , Dynesius, M. , Backe, S. , Gardfjell, M. , Carlberg, B. , Hellqvist, S. & Jansson, R. (1994). A Comparison of Species Richness and Traits of Riparian Plants between a Main River Channel and Its Tributaries. Journal of Ecology, 82 (2), 281-295. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Lundquist, P. , Sjöström, M. & Huss-Danell, K. (1994). Day-to-day variation in nitrogenase activity of alnus-incana explained by weather variables: a multivariate time-series analysis. Plant, Cell and Environment, 17 (3), 319-325. [BibTeX]
- Wingsle, G. , Mattson, A. , Ekblad, A. , Hällgren, J. & Selstam, E. (1992). Activities of glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase in relation to changes of lipids and pigments due to ozone in seedlings of Pinus sylvestris (L.). Plant Science, 82 (2), 167-178. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, C. , Ekblad, A. , Gardfjell, M. & Carlberg, B. (1991). Long-term effects of river regulation on river margin vegetation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 28 (3), 963-987. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Huss-Danell, K. & Sjöström, M. (1990). Variation in nitrogenase activity explained by abiotic and biotic factors: a multivariate study. Physiologia Plantarum, 79 (2), A77-A77. [BibTeX]
- Huss-Danell, K. , Lundquist, P. & Ekblad, A. (1989). Growth and acetylene reduction activity by intact plants of Alnus incana under field conditions. Plant and Soil, 118 (1-2), 61-73. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Deckmyn, G. , Meyer, A. , Smits, M. M. , Ekblad, A. , Grebenc, T. , Komarov, A. & Kraigher, H. (2014). Simulating ectomycorrhizal fungi and their role in carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 44 (6), 535-553. [BibTeX]
- Wallander, H. , Ekblad, A. , Godbold, D. L. , Johnson, D. , Bahr, A. , Baldrian, P. , Bjork, R. G. , Kieliszewska-Rokicka, B. & et al. (2013). Evaluation of methods to estimate production, biomass and turnover of ectomycorrhizal mycelium in forests soils: a review. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 1034-1047. [BibTeX]
- Ekblad, A. , Wallander, H. , Godbold, D. L. , Cruz, C. , Johnson, D. , Baldrian, P. , Björk, R. , Epron, D. & et al. (2013). The production and turnover of extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in forest soils: role in carbon cycling. Plant and Soil, 366 (1-2), 1-27. [BibTeX]
- Hyvönen, R. , Ågren, G. I. , Linder, S. , Persson, T. , Cotrufo, M. F. , Ekblad, A. , Freeman, M. , Grelle, A. & et al. (2007). The likely impact of elevated [CO2], nitrogen deposition, increased temperature and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems: a literature review. New Phytologist, 173 (3), 463-480. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Wallander, H. & Ekblad, A. (2015). The Importance of Ectomycorrhizal Networks for Nutrient Retention and Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems. In: Horton, Thomas R., Mycorrhizal networks (pp. 69-90). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Högberg, P. , Ekblad, A. , Nordgren, A. , Plamboeck, A. H. , Ohlsson, A. , Bhupinderpal-Singh, S. & Högberg, M. (2005). Factors determining the 13C abundance of soil-respired CO2 in Boreal forests. In: Lawrence B. Flanagan, James R. Ehleringer, Diane E. Pataki, Stable isotopes and biosphere-atmosphere interactions: processes and biological controls (pp. 47-68). . Elsevier. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Ekblad, A. , Godbold, D. L. & Wallander, H. (2010). The ectomycorrhizal mycelium and its importance in carbon cycling: strengths and weaknesses in current knowledge. In: Ivano Brunner, Below ground carbon turnover in European forests state of the art. Paper presented at COST Action FP0803 Conference, January 26–28, 2010, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland. (pp. 23-30). Birmensdorf: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, E. M. , Fransson, P. M. A. , Ekblad, A. & van Hees, P. A. W. Autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration : the effects of non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal seedlings under elevated CO2. [BibTeX]
- Boström, B. , Ekblad, A. , Gleixner, G. , Hettmann, E. & Volders, F. Carbon isotope ratios in ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic metabolites in relation to the δ13C of substrate, sporocarps and respired CO2 . [BibTeX]
- Rijk, I. , Kleja, D. B. , Zeiner, M. , Goswami, L. & Ekblad, A. Effect of copper on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling at a historically contaminated site. [BibTeX]
- Koch, A. , Jonsson, M. , Yeung, L. W. Y. , Kärrman, A. , Ahrens, L. , Ekblad, A. & Wang, T. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl contaminated freshwater impacts adjacent riparian food webs. [BibTeX]
- Koch, A. , Jonsson, M. , Yeung, L. W. Y. , Kärrman, A. , Ahrens, L. , Ekblad, A. & Wang, T. Quantification of biodriven transfer of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances from the aquatic to the terrestrial environment via emergent insects. [BibTeX]
- Geng, D. , Ericson Jogsten, I. , Kukucka, P. , Eriksson, U. , Ekblad, A. , Grahn, H. & Roos, A. Temporal Trends of Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Organochlorine Pesticides and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Osprey Eggs in Sweden over the Years 1966 – 2013. [BibTeX]
- Rijk, I. , Ekblad, A. , Dahlin, A. S. , Enell, A. , Larsson, M. , Leroy, P. , Berggren Kleja, D. , Tiberg, C. & et al. The effects of biochar and peat amendment on the nitrogen cycle in a metal- and PAH-contaminated urban soil : results from a field trial. [BibTeX]