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Research group

Technologies for learning

About this group

Group information

The group Technologies for learning at the CCD research environment includes the following projects: CINLE (Studies of Communication and Identification processes in Netbased Learning Environments), KIT (Communication, Identity and Technology), GTGS (Gender Talk, Gender Spaces), Atoz (Lives on facebook), JC (Jonny Careers) and EL (Everyday Life). This group has a specific interest in understanding the relation between technological artifacts (both digital and analogue) and the learning processes of individuals while they use such artifacts. The empirical studies carried out in this group take sociohistorical approaches, including archive analysis and ethnographic methods in the research of human communication and learning across a range of discursive-technological tools. An important epistemological position as well as a recurring theme here is the conceptualization of technology as a mediating and cultural tool across time and space. Another interest is understanding the intersections of languaging in different contexts in present day settings.