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Research projects

Experiences of prosthetic embodiment in people with prosthetic arms

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Cathrine Widehammar

Prosthetic embodiment means that a person who uses a prosthesis experiences the prosthesis as part of their own body. Within prosthetic rehabilitation, it has been seen that various factors can influence this feeling of embodiment, or embodiment, of the prosthesis. Factors such as regular use of the prosthesis and whether one is satisfied with the design and appearance of the prosthesis can, for example, facilitate embodiment. To investigate this a little more in depth, in this study we will interview people who use prosthetic arms, and who have previously reported that they experience embodiment, about their experiences of this phenomenon. We will describe how the phenomenon of embodiment is experienced, whether it is experienced differently and in what way it affects people in everyday life.

The aim is to describe experiences of the phenomenon prosthetic embodiment in people who use upper limb prosthetics, and how it can influence everyday life.