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Research projects

The PAIS-project - PArents' use of the Internet and Social media-project

About this project

Project information

Project status

In progress


Terese Glatz

Research subject

Research environments

There has been a rapid technology development in western societies over the last decades. Today, most people have a smartphone that offers instant access to the Internet everywhere and at any time. The Internet has become one of our times most important source of information to parents and it offers ideas and suggestions on different parenting issues. Additionally, parents also use social media, and many parents post pictures of their children on a daily basis. 

The purpose of the PAIS-project is to get a better understanding of parents’ use of the Internet and social media, as well as how parenthood is constructed online and what consequences that has for parents. In this project, we examine when parents' use of the Internet and social media has a negative influence on their parenting role. Hence, when it is associated with psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems. Additionally, we study potential mechanisms for these associations, such as feedback in the parenting role, parents’ way of dealing with information, and their comparisons with other parents on social media.


Research groups

Research funding bodies

  • Örebro University