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Research subject



Subject information


Hugo Hesser

Research domains

  • Humanities-Social sciences

Areas of research

  • Depression
  • Sustainable Development
  • Health Psychology
  • Cognitive Functioning
  • Memory
  • Pain
  • Stress
  • Young adults
  • Adolescents
  • Developmental psychology
  • Anxiety

Research environments

Research in psychology concern cognition, personality, mental illness, stress, pain, sleep, social anxiety, antisocial behavior, criminality, psychopathy, social relationships (to peers, parents, etc.), peer networks, prevention, intervention, young people and climate change  and several other areas. The research questions posed range from psychopathology to positive psychology. There are two broader research environments; the Center for Health and Medical Psychology (CHAMP), under the direction of professor Hugo Hesser and LEADER - Center for Lifespan Developmental Research, headed by professor Jonas Persson. Research is also conducted in the multidisciplinary research environment CESSS, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Social Science which is led by Associate Professors Maria Ojala, psychology, Erik Hysing, political science, and Karin Gustafsson, sociology. These three research environments, together with colleagues in other disciplines, gather thirty researchers and graduate students.

Center for Health and Medical Psychology seeks to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying the development of mental and physical health and illness.

Center for Lifespan Developmental Research specializes in longitudinal research on people's social and psychological development, and especially adolescents and young adults' development. 

CESSS seeks to gain knowledge necessary for the transformation of society towards a sustainable future. In psychology the research focus is on young people and climate change engagement, coping with climate change worry, climate change hope, and predictors of climate friendly behaviors.

Research projects

Active projects

Completed projects