Subject information
Research domains
- Humanities-Social sciences
Areas of research
- Depression
- Sustainable Development
- Health Psychology
- Cognitive Functioning
- Memory
- Pain
- Stress
- Young adults
- Adolescents
- Developmental psychology
- Anxiety
Research environments
Research in psychology concern cognition, personality, mental illness, stress, pain, sleep, social anxiety, antisocial behavior, criminality, psychopathy, social relationships (to peers, parents, etc.), peer networks, prevention, intervention, young people and climate change and several other areas. The research questions posed range from psychopathology to positive psychology. There are two broader research environments; the Center for Health and Medical Psychology (CHAMP), under the direction of professor Hugo Hesser and LEADER - Center for Lifespan Developmental Research, headed by professor Jonas Persson. Research is also conducted in the multidisciplinary research environment CESSS, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Social Science which is led by Associate Professors Maria Ojala, psychology, Erik Hysing, political science, and Karin Gustafsson, sociology. These three research environments, together with colleagues in other disciplines, gather thirty researchers and graduate students.
Center for Health and Medical Psychology seeks to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying the development of mental and physical health and illness.
Center for Lifespan Developmental Research specializes in longitudinal research on people's social and psychological development, and especially adolescents and young adults' development.
CESSS seeks to gain knowledge necessary for the transformation of society towards a sustainable future. In psychology the research focus is on young people and climate change engagement, coping with climate change worry, climate change hope, and predictors of climate friendly behaviors.
Psychology - Örebro University: Click here to read the Research Report in Psychology 2022 – 2023.
- Sandra Altebo Nyathi
- Layan Amouri
- Henrik Andershed
- Anna-Karin Andershed
- Serena Bauducco
- Sevgi Bayram-Ozdemir
- Sofia Bergbom
- Katja Boersma
- Claudia Avila Dickson
- Sara Edlund
- Elin Ekholm
- Ida Flink
- Terese Glatz
- Nadezhda Golovchanova
- Benjamin Gürbüz
- Hugo Hesser
- Darun Jaf
- Siri Jakobsson Störe
- Sammyh Khan
- Reza Kormi-Nouri
- Rebecca Lennartsson
- Mats Liljegren
- Steven J. Linton
- Joakim Norberg
- Annika Norell
- Maria Ojala
- Christiana Owiredua
- Jonas Persson
- Selma Salihovic
- Martien Schrooten
- Lauree Tilton-Weaver
- Ines Trindade
- Hedvig Zetterberg
- Metin Özdemir
- Jennifer Amin, PhD student
- Pinar Bilir-Öztürk, PhD student
- Clover Giles, PhD student
- Johannes Larsson, PhD student
- Rebecca Lennartsson, PhD student
- Gideon Neidenmark, PhD student
- Sara Nygren, PhD student
- Amanda Rikner Martinsson, PhD student
- Osame Salim, PhD student
- Paulina Wiktor, PhD student
Research groups
- Cognitive Neuroscience of Ageing
- Development of criminal behavior across the lifespan
- Emotion and behavior
- Family and parenting
- Migration, Integration, Discrimination (MIND)
- POCSUS: Psychology of Climate change and Sustainability
- Psychology and Pain (CHAMP: PP)
- ReShape - Research in Sport, Health and Physical Education
- Sleep Health
- Transformative Learning for Sustainable Development
- Youth, sustainable development, and climate change
Research projects
Active projects
- "Better safe than sorry?" Identifying causes of overprotective parenting in a changing social world
- 2024 50101-004 - Evaluating Therapist Training and Client Outcomes
- A comparative Delphi study of newly arrived youths' psychosocial needs in the social- and cultural integration process.
- A wicked problem occupation: exploring how climate change scientists identify and cope with their professional work
- Anger and emotion dysregulation
- Communication about sex
- Counterfactual Commonsense
- Development, feasibility, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of an online ACT intervention for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (iACTforDGBI)
- Divine Ganges, Profane Development: Sacred Geographies and the Governing of Pollution
- Early life determinants of successful cognitive and brain aging (IDA-BRAIN)
- Effect of multimodal rehabilitation for patients with chronic pain problems
- Emotion regulation and disordered eating
- Empirical approach to classification of individuals with chronic pain to optimize multimodal pain rehabilitation
- Enhancing the Participation of and Ensuring the Right to Education for Children with Intellectual Disability: Developing Capacities and Opportunities (EPERE)
- Exposing others and self being expose to others threats and harassment in various living environments
- Interventions to prevent sleep problems in youth: Sleeping well in a modern society
- Mental health and sick leave from a life course perspective - mapping trajectories from childhood to retirement age (IDA Work project)
- Metacognitive therapy for insomnia: A pilot study
- Minority joy and minority stress in transgender people: An intervention study
- Newbreed
- No Sound Sounds as Loud as the One You are Trying Not To Hear: The Delayed Costs of Suppressed (Tinnitus) Sounds
- Paradoxical intention for insomnia disorder: A randomized, controlled trial with focus on mechanisms of change
- Parenting of adolescents' Internet use
- Prefiguring sustainable futures through food activism: How young people deal with border tensions between the sustainable and unsustainable in everyday life
- Project FIRE
- Promoting teen sleep - short- and long-term effects on mental well-being
- Quality Education and Welfare for Children in Vulnerable Life Situations: Developing and Assuring Staff Competences for Holistic Support Systems in Ukraine, Poland, and Sweden (QEW-CVLS)
- ReActivate: Physiotherapist led intervention for adolescents with pain and psychological distress
- Researchers and school in close collaboration to help young people
- Sports for everyone: A study on the experiences and views of foreign-born parents on organized sports
- The development of NSSI during adolescence
- The Hybrid Project. Transdiagnostic emotion focused treatment for emotional and somatic comorbidity. A SCED on implementation and effectiveness in primary care
- The IDA program
- The IDEA Project (Inkludering och DiskriminEring Bland UngA)
- The PAIS-project - PArents' use of the Internet and Social media-project
- The PIA Study - Promoting Integration and Adjustment of Newly Arrived Youth and their Families
- The transience and persistence of memory: Linking neurobehavioral mechanisms of adaptive forgetting to adult aging and mood
- To trust or not to trust? Youth's attitudes, emotions, and trust in climate change science
- Understanding the development of insomnia: Risk factors and processes in chronic insomnia
- Vägledande samspel-ICDP - a method to improve teachers? relationship competence and improves their beliefs in their teaching ability
- What role does climate change worry play in young people?s life and learning processes? A longitudinal study
- Young Vulvodynia
- Youth and Diversity Project
Completed projects
- A study of cognitive abilities in bilingual children: Advantages and disadvantages
- An RCT testing the effectiveness of a hybrid emotion-focused treatment for chronic pain patients with co-occurring emotional problems
- Changes over time in declarative (episodic and semantic) memory in school-aged children
- Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia and depression: A randomized, controlled trial
- Co-morbid social anxiety and chronic pain - A study of common factors and a randomized trial of new treatment strategies
- Context Sensitivity as a Shared Process: Understanding co-occurring pain and distress
- Cross-cultural studies in well-being
- Depression and Internet Use
- Depression and musculoskeletal pain: What role does catastrophizing play?
- Discovering how youth sleep: A longitudinal study of why poor and good sleep develops
- Explaining the Links Between Peer Management and Adolescents' Delinquency
- Happy Despite Pain: Positive Psychology for Patients with Chronic Pain
- How Do Wallflowers Grow? Development of Shyness and Social Anxiety in the Adolescent Peer Context
- How does pain catastrophizing impact on Pain? Mediational analyses.
- Hybrid emotion-focused exposure for chronic pain
- Implementing Early Workplace-based preventive Interventions for Pain-related Disability
- Internet treatment for people with bipolar disorder - a pilot study
- Interoceptive exposure for chronic pain
- Let´s app? Web based CBT as an early school-based intervention for adolescents with pain, low mood, and distress
- Like mother, like daughter? Like father, like son? Preventing and reducing prejudice in adolescents: the role of empathy and intergroup contact
- Matching Interventions to Risks: Implementing Early Interventions to Prevent Disability due to chronic Pain
- Mobility, informal learning and citizenship in mobile preschools
- Political development as agency
- Preconditions for communication about healthy and sustainable food with youths
- Prevent Sick leave (PS): An RC T on the effects of a workplace focused program to prevent stress- and pain-related sick leave
- Profiles of internalized and externalized problems
- Psychological factors in Fear of Childbirth
- Psychological interventions for sensitivity to odours
- Sex and Pain (SAP)
- Sexual harassment among young people in organized leisure and sports environments
- Sexual pain in men - A cross-sectional study of psychological factors and sexual functioning
- Sexual victimization of early maturing girls and related consequences
- Social - Anxiety - Pain
- Social factors and long-term memory
- Social phobia during adolescence: Its course and Internet delivered self-help
- Social phobia: A career hindrance? An assessment of adolescent and adult students and self-help treatment via the Internet
- Stress, Pain and Insomnia; Different Conditions or Reflections of the same Problem?
- Stress: A transdiagnostic intervention for youth
- The affective personality
- The impact of online peer interactions on adolescents' sleep: A multimethod approach
- The Roles of Emotion Regulation and Parent and Peer Relationships in the Development of Adolescent Social Fears
- The three-cities study
- Understanding how young people change when they start or stop playing sports: A longitudinal quasi-experimental study
- Understanding of the conditions which may reduce the educational gap between young immigrant and Swedish adolescents
- Understanding the Risk and Protective Factors to Risky Drunken Behaviors
- Understandning Negative and Positive Youth Development within one Unifying Paradigm: an Agentic Perspective
- Up & Out: Adolescents in Transition
- Young people's communication with parents, friends, and teachers about global environmental problems: Emotions, coping, and self-efficacy