Smart choices of logistic flows in autonomous transport system

Motivation and scope
Scania has an intelligent control environment. The environment serves as a digital control tower, which supervises and interacts with fleets of autonomous and manually driven vehicles. The environment is dependent on multiple modules. One of these modules is a cloud-based software used for planning and scheduling the vehicles. The software provides a plan that the vehicles are to execute within a given time frame.
The planning process partly consists in choosing a set of logistic flows. The master thesis project addresses this choice. The objectives of the project are to investigate how the choice of logistic flows can be improved and to implement those improvements.
Specific tasks
The project entails topics such as constraint programming, constraint satisfaction problems, mixed integer and linear programming, planning and scheduling. The project requires good programming experience. The primary development language is Java.
The project will be executed at Connected and Autonomous Systems at Scania and more specifically within the group ECIS, in Södertälje.
[Scania] Mariette Annergren, development engineer at ECIS,
[Örebro University] Federico Pecora, Associate professor,