International Master's Introduction Programme

At the beginning of the autumn semester we offer an Introduction Programme (IP) to all students admitted to an international Master's programmes (so even if you are Swedish you are more than welcome to join). The IP is organized by the International Office with the help of our "buddies" (current students of Örebro university) and all activities are free of charge. The aim of the IP is to help our Master's students connect socially and to settle in on campus, Örebro city and in Sweden.

The official introduction programme for the autumn 2024 intake can be found below. Main communicaton platform is the official Facebook group for newly admitted Master's students, created by the International office.

*Please note that all social activities are alcohol-free events. The activities might be photographed for content on social media, our website and in upcoming newsletters. 

Also, please note that some activities require pre sign-up. The sign-up forms will be available from the start of the semester, September 2nd.

flags of different countries

Monday, September 2: Welcome Reception and Campus Tour

Welcome to Örebro University! Our welcome reception is a great opportunity to get to know more about the university and Örebro city, the higher education system in Sweden, our introduction programme for new students, and to meet the team of the International Office and your fellow classmates. We will also get a visit from the vice chancellor and the Swedish Authorities, who will give you information about everything from how to apply for a Swedish personal number - to support functions for job hunting after your studies. 

After the reception, we will give you a tour of Campus Almby. You can download the app 'MazeMap' to find the room and get around easily - both International and Swedish students are more than welcome to join!


Monday, September 2: Get together with Swedish Kubb and fika

Our first social activity! We will meet up behind the building called "Teknikhuset" for a picknick with some Swedish fika - so just bring blankets, extra snacks if you feel like it and perhaps some warmer clothes. You also have the possibility to try Kubb, one of the most popular Swedish outdoor games, traditionally played on midsummer's eve - who knows, perhaps you have a secret talent for Kubb waiting to be unlocked!


Exhibitors at the Welcome Fair

Wednesday, September 4: Welcome Fair

Every semester, Örebro University hosts a welcome fair for new students. A bunch of companies and student associations wants to meet you to tell you all about what they have to offer. Some might also offer some free goodies to take or lotteries, so it might be worth to have a look there! 


Thursday, September 5: Visit Smartmove Örebro and City Tour

Smartmove Örebro invites our international Master's students to a visit at Örebro City hall, where they will give you information about what they do and their monthly international talents meetups. Deadline for the sign-up form is unfortunatey short notised and will require a sign-up by the end of today, September 2, 23:59 if you wish to join. For capacity and safety-reasons, Smartmove will be able to receive a max. amount of 30 participants for this visit. 

Click here to get to the sign-up form!

Afterwards, the International office and our buddies will take you on a city tour. And you know what we say in Sweden? There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes! - so in case of rain, bring an umbrella, the tour will not be rescheduled ;)


Saturday, September 7: Lunch at IKEA

If there is one thing you have to do whilst in Sweden, it is to go to IKEA. We will rent a bus from Campus to IKEA to eat some Swedish meatballs (they also offer a veggie alternative). Lunch is on us, but feel free to take the opportunity to buy some stuff to your accommodations before heading back to campus.

Click here to get to the sign-up form!


Saturday, September 7: Oset lake hangout

Join us for a little lake hangout in “Oset”, which is a Nature reserve connected to lake Hjälmaren. Let’s see if we can start a nice fire and if you want to you can bring food such as hotdogs for grilling and some warmer clothes, we will bring things for Smores!

We will meet up at “Naturens Hus” and walk together to the hang-out spot.

bookshelves in the library

Monday, September 9: Library Tour

Today, you will get a private tour of the library and learn how to best use it during your studies. The librarians will get you prepared for everything you need to know about books, databases and scientific articles, and also show you the facilities you have access to as a student of Örebro University.

Gustavsvik minigolf

Tuesday, September 10: Minigolf at Gustavsvik

Show us your minigolfing skills at Gustavsvik's Örebro themed minigolf. 

Click here to get to the sign-up form!


students in a lecture hall

Thursday, September 12: How to Write Exams

Today you meet our colleague Sandra who works as an exam administrator at Örebro University. She will provide you with all necessary information concerning exams in Sweden, from the mandatory registration to what applies during exam days and in exam halls.

This is a mandatory information session.

Beachvolleyball-courts next to the red pavilion

Friday, September 13: Volleyball Tournament

It is finally time for our annual volleyball tournament! All the student sections of Örebro University will march the halls, chant their anthems and support their teams during this amazing competition.

Our international master's students will be able to contribute to the tournament with their own team*, so either join as a player or cheer them on, at one of the biggest highlights of the Introduction Programme!

*The sign-up for the team will be announced later on in the Facebook group for Admitted Master's students 2024. 


Sunday, September 15: Ånnaboda Hiking trip

Swedes love nature, which is great 'cause we got a lot of it! Join us for a trip to Ånnaboda, which is a nature reserve approx. 45 minutes from Campus Almby, where we will gear up to do some hiking. Bring some food and comfortable clothes and once again: there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.

Click here to get to the sign-up form!



Tuesday, September 17: "Understanding Sweden"

What is Swedishness? How does equality work and what is the student teacher relations in Sweden? Come find out in this mandatory lecture for international Master's students.

student sitting infront of its computer

Thursday, September 19: Academic Writing

During your stay here at Örebro University, most of you need to know how to write academic seminar papers and take-home exams, which might have different requirements than what you are used to at your home university. Sounds challenging? No worries, we got you covered.

During this mandatory session, you will receive useful tips on how to improve your academic writing by our writing instructor Marinette Grimbeek. You are also welcome to ask questions, and book a personal tutoring if you like to.

students at the Örebro Day

Friday, September 20: Örebro Day

Örebro day is a big parade where all new students take over the city and it's the last activity of the introduction programme that you do not want to miss! It starts with a parade and afterwards all student sections compete against each other on different challenges all over town, with the hopes of bringing home the campus trophy. Once again, the international master's students are invited to compete with their team*! There will also be a price for the best cheering, music performances and lots of fun!

*The sign-up for the team will be announced later on in the Facebook group for Admitted Master's students 2024


Sunday, September 22: International Dinner

The last activity of the Introduction Programme. Bake, cook or buy something that is typical for your home country and let other students take a bite of your culture. Everyone does the same so there will be plenty of food to eat and experience!

Click here to get to the sign-up form!