Equal opportunities and gender equality

At Örebro University, no individual or group is to be excluded and there is zero tolerance of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, victimisation and reprisals. Our focus is to create conditions that make it possible for anyone to pursue their studies or career with us.
Örebro University’s goals 2023–2025 for equal opportunities and gender equality are:
- The proportion of female professors is to increase over time in areas where underrepresentation exists.
- The proportion of men and women respectively is to increase over time in areas where underrepresentation exists.
- Gender bias training in decision-making processes is to be provided to ensure unbiased decisions.
- The work with active measures is to lead to an inclusive work and study environment with perceived increases in gender equality and fewer cases of abuse and discrimination.
- The equal opportunities and gender equality perspective is to reach all students and staff to ensure high-quality education and research.
- Örebro University is suited to all students, regardless of background, previous experience, gender, or age.
- Örebro University is accessible to all.
‘Equal opportunities and gender equality’ – an umbrella term
Örebro University’s efforts on social sustainability and social justice sorts under the work with ‘equal opportunities’ and ‘gender equality’. ‘Equal opportunities’ refers to justice for everyone at the university, on the basis of the definitions found in the Discrimination Act. ‘Gender equality’ means equal rights and opportunities for men and women and takes its departure from the goals laid down by national gender equality policy. Equal opportunities and gender equality are two different concepts that have a lot in common and the work within the two fields are often coordinated at the university.
As a university, our responsibility is both that of an employer and that of an educator when it comes to working with active measures as defined in the Discrimination Act. This impacts our work with equal opportunities – meaning that everyone at the university must be allowed to come into their own and not be subjected to discrimination as it is defined by the seven grounds of discrimination in the Discrimination Act.
Örebro University is also working with gender equality, which is a well-known perspective focusing on sex but which also considers what are known as intersectional aspects. This means that anyone of us is not just a person of a specific sex, but we are also influenced by other factors such as ethnicity, disability, age or socioeconomic status. Our efforts pertain to the content and execution of courses and study programmes; the conditions for and career pathways within research; and the overall management and governance processes.
With more gender equality at Örebro University, the quality of our operations will improve as the competence, perspectives and contributions of both men and women will be harnessed and utilised. It will also promote learning for all students at the university and facilitate equal career opportunities. Gender equality and equal opportunities are key concepts for any university that attaches great importance to quality and justice.
Goals and activities
Our work on various gender equality issues (such as equal career paths for men and women, gender-based violence and victimisation, or equal allocation of research funding between men and women) is to meet the government remit assigned to Örebro University and other higher education institutions to contribute to the attainment of the gender equality policy goals. Our goals and activities have been designed to meet the legislation and requirements at national and international levels and have been adapted to the specific challenges we face.
Read more about our gender equality and equal opportunities efforts in the document Orientation and action plan for gender mainstreaming and equal opportunities efforts at Örebro University for 2023–2025. The document is included in the list of links below.