Brittany Evans
Brittany Evans Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: YnJpdHRhbnkuZXZhbnM7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 301229
Room: L2221

About Brittany Evans
I am currently the head of department in criminology. My research is focused on underlying mechanisms of developmental problems in youth, and in particular, biological stress as such an underlying mechanism. Most of my work has centered on broader externalizing problems and substance use, but I have also worked with internalizing problems. I am fascinated by the biological factors that underlie individual differences, for example, cortisol levels (a stress hormone of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis), autonomic nervous system activity (e.g. heart rate), brain activity, and genetic factors. I am particularly interested in studying the interplay between the broader social environment (for example neighborhood urbanicity and socioeconomic conditions) and individual biological differences in shaping human behavior.
I teach quantitative methods, biopsychosocial criminology, and psychopathology, drugs and crime. I also work as a pedagogical developer within the Criminology program.
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Arnison, T. , Evans, B. , Schrooten, M. G. S. , Persson, J. & Palermo, T. M. (2024). Adolescent girls' musculoskeletal pain is more affected by insomnia than boys', and through different psychological pathways. Journal of Pain, 25 (9). [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Bertoldi, B. , Andersson, A. , Siponen, R. , Ling, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. , Evans, B. & et al. (2024). Interaction of resting heart rate with empathy in predicting externalizing behavior. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 46 (1), 47-61. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Latvala, A. , Kuja-Halkola, R. , Evans, B. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. & et al. (2024). Lower autonomic arousal as a risk factor for criminal offending and unintentional injuries among female conscripts. PLOS ONE, 19 (3). [BibTeX]
- Tayebi, N. , Andersson, A. , Ling, S. , Evans, B. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. (2024). The association between depression and crime outcomes: A Swedish population-based study. Journal of criminal justice, 94. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Andersson, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Garcia-Argibay, M. , Beckley, A. L. , Långström, N. , Fazel, S. , Chang, Z. & et al. (2023). A population-based study of unintentional injury and premature death among non-imprisoned and imprisoned youth offenders. Journal of criminal justice, 84. [BibTeX]
- Isakovic, B. , Bertoldi, B. , Tuvblad, C. , Cucurachi, S. , Raine, A. , Baker, L. , Ling, S. & Evans, B. (2023). Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsivity during adolescence in relation to psychopathic personality traits later in life. Acta Psychologica, 241. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. (2023). Older and feeling unsafe? Differences in underlying vulnerability, anxiety and life satisfaction among older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 27 (8), 1636-1643. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Andersson, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Ångström, A. , Beckley, A. L. , Fazel, S. , Larsson, H. , Evans, B. & et al. (2023). Psychiatric diagnoses and criminal convictions in youth: A population-based study of comorbidities of diagnoses. Journal of criminal justice, 88. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Tuvblad, C. & Larsson, H. (2023). Urban living and mental health. Nature Medicine, 29 (6), 1322-1323. [BibTeX]
- Bertoldi, B. M. , Evans, B. , Oskarsson, S. , Joyner, K. , Tuvblad, C. , Baker, L. A. , Raine, A. , Schwartz, J. A. & et al. (2022). Relationship between resting heart rate and law enforcement involvement: The moderating role of socioeconomic status in a sample of urban youth. Journal of criminal justice, 82. [BibTeX]
- Ma, L. , Evans, B. , Kleppang, A. L. & Hagquist, C. (2021). The association between screen time and reported depressive symptoms among adolescents in Sweden. Family Practice, 38 (6), 773-779. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Kim, Y. & Hagquist, C. (2020). A latent class analysis of changes in adolescent substance use between 1988 and 2011 in Sweden: associations with sex and psychosomatic problems. Addiction, 115 (10), 1932-1941. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Kim, Y. & Hagquist, C. (2020). Classroom Disorder and Internalizing Problems Among Swedish Adolescents: Changes Between 1988 and 2011. Journal of School Health, 90 (7), 554-563. [BibTeX]
- Kim, Y. , Evans, B. E. & Hagquist, C. (2020). Mental Health Problems Among Adolescents in Sweden from 1995 to 2011: The Role of Immigrant Status and the Proportions of Immigrant Adolescents in Their Surrounding Community. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 22 (2), 232-239. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Huizink, A. C. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Tulen, J. H. M. , Roelofs, K. & van der Ende, J. (2020). Urbanicity, biological stress system functioning and mental health in adolescents. PLOS ONE, 15 (3). [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. , van der Ende, J. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Huizink, A. C. , Beijers, R. & de Weerth, C. (2020). Urbanicity, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning, and behavioral and emotional problems in children: a path analysis. BMC Psychology, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Beijers, R. , Hagquist, C. & de Weerth, C. (2019). Childhood urbanicity and hair steroid hormone levels in ten-year-old children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 102, 53-57. [BibTeX]
- Allegrini, A. G. , Evans, B. E. , de Rooij, S. , Greaves-Lord, K. & Huizink, A. C. (2019). Gene × Environment contributions to autonomic stress reactivity in youth. Development and psychopathology (Print), 31 (1), 293-307. [BibTeX]
- Kim, Y. , Evans, B. E. & Hagquist, C. (2019). Towards explaining time trends in adolescents' alcohol use: a multilevel analysis of Swedish data from 1988 to 2011. European Journal of Public Health, 29 (4), 729-735. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. , Buil, J. M. , Burk, W. J. , Cillessen, A. H. N. & van Lier, P. A. C. (2018). Urbanicity is associated with behavioral and emotional problems in Dutch elementary school-aged children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27 (7), 2193-2205. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Stam, J. , Huizink, A. C. , Willemen, A. M. , Westenberg, P. M. , Branje, S. , Meeus, W. , Koot, H. M. & et al. (2016). Neuroticism and extraversion in relation to physiological stress reactivity during adolescence.. Biological Psychology, 117, 67-79. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Thissen, S. , Tulen, J. H. M. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2016). Stress Reactivity as a Prospective Predictor of Risky Substance Use During Adolescence. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77 (2), 208-219. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Koning, T. , Tulen, J. H. M. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2015). Blunted Heart Rate Response as a Potential Endophenotype of Substance Use Disorders: Evidence from High-Risk Youth. Frontiers in Pediatrics , 3. [BibTeX]
- Meyers, R. J. , Roozen, H. G. , Smith, J. E. & Evans, B. E. (2014). Reasons for entering treatment reported by initially treatment-resistant patients with substance use disorders. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 43 (4), 299-309. [BibTeX]
- Euser, A. S. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Crowley, M. J. , Evans, B. E. , Huizink, A. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2013). Blunted feedback processing during risky decision making in adolescents with a parental history of substance use disorders. Development and psychopathology (Print), 25 (4 Pt 1), 1119-1136. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2013). Cortisol levels in children of parents with a substance use disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38 (10), 2109-2120. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Tulen, J. H. M. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2013). Determinants of physiological and perceived physiological stress reactivity in children and adolescents. PLOS ONE, 8 (4). [BibTeX]
- Euser, A. S. , Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Huizink, A. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2013). Diminished error-related brain activity as a promising endophenotype for substance-use disorders: evidence from high-risk offspring. Addiction Biology, 18 (6), 970-984. [BibTeX]
- Euser, A. S. , Evans, B. , Greaves-Lord, K. , van de Wetering, B. J. M. , Huizink, A. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2013). Multifactorial determinants of target and novelty-evoked P300 amplitudes in children of addicted parents. PLOS ONE, 8 (11). [BibTeX]
- Euser, A. S. , Evans, B. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Huizink, A. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2013). Parental rearing behavior prospectively predicts adolescents' risky decision-making and feedback-related electrical brain activity. Developmental Science, 16 (3), 409-427. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Tulen, J. H. M. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2012). Alcohol and tobacco use and heart rate reactivity to a psychosocial stressor in an adolescent population. Drug And Alcohol Dependence, 126 (3), 296-303. [BibTeX]
- Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Euser, A. S. , Franken, I. H. A. & Huizink, A. C. (2012). The relation between hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and age of onset of alcohol use. Addiction, 107 (2), 312-322. [BibTeX]
- Huizink, A. C. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Evans, B. E. , Euser, A. S. , van der Ende, J. , Verhulst, F. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2012). Youth in the Netherlands study (JOiN): study design. BMC Public Health, 12. [BibTeX]
- van Toor, D. , Roozen, H. G. , Evans, B. E. , Rombout, L. , Van de Wetering, B. J. M. & Vingerhoets, A. J. J. M. (2011). The effects of psychiatric distress, inhibition, and impulsivity on decision making in patients with substance use disorders: A matched control study. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33 (2), 161-168. [BibTeX]
- Roozen, H. G. , Evans, B. , Wiersma, H. & Meyers, R. J. (2009). The influence of extraversion on preferences and engagement in pleasant activities in patients with substance use disorders: one size fits all?. Journal of behavior analysis in health, sports, fitness and medicine, 2 (1), 55-66. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Oskarsson, S. , Patrick, C. J. , Siponen, R. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Evans, B. & Tuvblad, C. (2021). The startle reflex as an indicator of psychopathic personality from childhood to adulthood: A systematic review. Acta Psychologica, 220. [BibTeX]
- Euser, A. S. , Arends, L. R. , Evans, B. E. , Greaves-Lord, K. , Huizink, A. C. & Franken, I. H. A. (2012). The P300 event-related brain potential as a neurobiological endophenotype for substance use disorders: a meta-analytic investigation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36 (1), 572-603. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Oskarsson, S. , Bertoldi, B. , Andersson, A. , Siponen, R. , Ling, S. , Evans, B. , Baker, L. , Raine, A. & et al. (2023). Resting Heart Rate and Empathy Interacts in Predicting Law Enforcement Involvement. Paper presented at 78th Annual Meeting American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, November 15-18, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. (2022). Vulnerability for perceived unsafety among older adults: A latent profile analysis. Paper presented at 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology (26NKG), Odense, Denmark, June 8-10, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Siponen, R. , Ångström, A. , Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Evans, B. , Larsson, H. & Tuvblad, C. A population-based study on victimization and risk for reoffending among youth offenders with and without psychiatric diagnoses. [BibTeX]
- Oskarsson, S. , Andersson, A. , Bertoldi, B. M. , Latvala, A. , Evans, B. , Raine, A. , Patrick, C. J. , Larsson, H. & et al. Lower Resting Heart Rate as a Risk Factor for Criminal Offending Among Female Conscripts. [BibTeX]
- Golovchanova, N. , Evans, B. , Hellfeldt, K. , Andershed, H. & Boersma, K. Older and feeling unsafe? Differences in underlying vulnerability, anxiety, and life satisfaction among older adults. [BibTeX]
- Arnison, T. , Evans, B. , Schrooten, M. G. S. , Persson, J. & Palermo, T. M. Sex differences, negative mood and rumination in the effect of insomnia on musculoskeletal pain in adolescents. [BibTeX]
- Owiredua, C. , Evans, B. , Flink, I. & Boersma, K. Trajectories of school absenteeism in adolescents with recurrent pain : Predictors and distal outcomes. [BibTeX]