Maria Jansson
Maria Jansson Position: Professor School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: bWFyaWEuamFuc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303764
Room: F3251

About Maria Jansson
Maria Jansson is an associate professor of political science and professor of gender studies at Örebro University. Her research concerns women's conditions in society, how politics contributes to shaping and changing these conditions, and how women themselves through political actions contribute to change. She has also been interested in issues of equality and learning for a long time.
In a recent RJ-funded project entitled "Women in Swedish Film", she has, together with colleagues from film studies and law, studied how Swedish film policy, including the efforts to make the film sector more equal, affects the conditions for women working in the industry. The project included studies of women in the industry themselves organized and mobilized to change their conditions and the resistance they encountered. If you want to know more about the first results of this project, you will find a short presentation in the form of a wifti talk (wifti = women in film and television international). The project also made a short film where women who have worked in the Swedish film industry talk about their experiences, which you can see here.
She has previously studied how motherhood and work are constructed in the Swedish political context and how this affects women's lives and conditions. Furthermore, she has studied how international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, have created norms for breastfeeding and how this affects women's lives. She has also investigated the UN Security Council and how they construct gender and gender relations within the framework of the security resolutions on Women, Peace, and Security (the first of these was Resolution 1325) and in the security resolutions they issued in relation to the fight against HIV. The latter studies are linked to securitization and criminalization theories and feminist security studies.
She is currently leading the Swedish team in the Digiscreens project on identity and democracy on digital film and TV platforms in Europe, which studies digital distribution and how it affects content and presentation on the platforms, as well as how the audience negotiates fictional content in relation to their own democratic values. The project is funded by the ERA-net initiative Chanse, Swedish financier Forte. The project is a collaboration between Lithuania, Norway, Spain, and Sweden.
At the same time, Maria Jansson is working on a VR-funded, participant-oriented project entitled "Social Science Education on Trust for a Critical Citizenship” that aims to develop methods for democracy education in upper secondary school. Her role in the project is to analyze participatory observations in classrooms and in students' work from an intersectional perspective. Previously, she has participated in various projects that investigate sex/gender and learning as well as women's conditions in academia. In these projects, she has, among other things, used so-called memory work.
Research projects
Active projects
- The Cultural History of Trans Activism in Scandinavia, 1964-2010
- Identities and Democratic values on European digital screens: Distribution, reception, and representation (DIGISCREENS)
- Positive affect in ecofascist ideology and propaganda
Completed projects
Articles in journals
- Al Zayani, R. , Jansson, M. & Strid, S. (2025). “If it was my account with my name, I would be scared for my life”: queer online sex work in Turkey. Journal of Gender Studies. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2024). Activism and gender equality policy in the Swedish film sector from the second wave to #metoo. Women's Studies: International Forum, 105. [BibTeX]
- Calderón-Sandoval, O. & Jansson, M. (2024). Comparing gender equality policies in the Swedish and Spanish film industries: Defining the problem beyond the male norm. The European Journal of Women's Studies, 31 (2), 148-162. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Calderón-Sandoval, O. (2024). Entanglements of feminist activism and gender equality policy in the Spanish and Swedish film industries: between convergence and critique. Journal of Gender Studies, 33 (8), 977-990. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2024). Inequalities and critical citizenship learning in Swedish upper secondary schools. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. , Jansson, M. & Rönnblom, M. (2024). Kritiska maktstudier - en introduktion. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift (4), 673-676. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Van Belle, J. (2024). Markets as free speech providers and political resignation: Swedish (non)regulation of streaming platforms. Journal of Digital Media and Policy, 15 (2), 279-295. [BibTeX]
- Maud, E. , Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2023). Kön, heterosexualitet och (o)trygghet: En feministisk analys av svenska säkerhetsdebatter i skuggan av kriget i Ukraina: [GENDER, SEXUALITY AND (IN)SECURITY: A feminist analysis of Swedish security debates following the war in Ukraine]. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, 43 (2-3), 37-60. [BibTeX]
- Calderón-Sandoval, O. & Jansson, M. (2023). Subverting technologies of gender in male-dominated gender regimes: (self) representations of Spanish and Swedish women filmmakers. Feminist Media Studies, 23 (7), 3599-3614. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Johansson, P. & Sandhal, J. (2023). Trust as subject content: Advancing students’ reasoning on democracy through displacement. Journal of Social Science Education, 22 (3). [BibTeX]
- Hansen, M. B. & Jansson, M. (2023). Who Cares? The Neoliberal Turn and Changes in the Articulations of Women’s Relation to the Swedish Welfare State. NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 31 (1), 17-31. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Calderón-Sandoval, O. (2022). Opposition to gender quotas in Sweden and Spain: Debates about gender equality in the film industry. Women's Studies: International Forum, 93. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wallenberg, L. (2022). Women’s agency in the Swedish film industry: Annoying little buggers and passionate team players. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 12 (2), 201-216. [BibTeX]
- Wallenberg, L. & Jansson, M. (2021). "On and off screen: Women's work in the screen industries". Gender, Work and Organization, 28 (6), 1991-1996. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Papadopoulou, F. , Stigsdotter, I. & Wallenberg, L. (2021). The final cut (TM): Directors, producers and the gender regime of the Swedish film industry. Gender, Work and Organization, 28 (6), 2010-2025. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Papadopoulou, F. , Stigsdotter, I. & Wallenberg, L. (2020). Studying women in Swedish film production: Methodological considerations. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 10 (2), 207-214. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2019). The quality of gender equality: gender quotas and Swedish film governance. The International Journal of Cultural Policy, 25 (2), 218-231. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2018). An economy of protection: agency, responsibility and the criminalization of HIV. Women's Studies: International Forum, 69, 171-179. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2017). Gender equality in Swedish film policy: Radical interpretations and ‘unruly’ women. The European Journal of Women's Studies, 24 (4), 336-350. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2017). The logic of protection: narratives of HIV/AIDS in the UN Security Council. International feminist journal of politics, 19 (1), 71-85. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Eduards, M. (2016). The politics of gender in the UN Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security. International feminist journal of politics, 18 (4), 590-604. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Bivald, K. (2015). Distribution, produktion och jämställdhet i filmbranschen: En studie av svensk filmpolitik. Nordicom Information, 37 (2), 67-69. [BibTeX]
- Murstedt, L. , Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2014). Liberal Liability: Students’ Understanding of a Gender Perspective in Social Science. Journal of Social Science Education, 13 (2), 63-73. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wendt, M. (2014). Pedagogik och politik: en introduktion. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 116 (4), 373-377. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2013). Common-Sense Notions of “Nation": A Challenge for Teaching. Journal of Political Science Education, 9 (1), 34-51. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2009). Feeding children and protecting women: The emergence of breastfeeding as an international concern. Women's Studies: International Forum, 32 (3), 240-248. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2009). Teaching Political Science through Memory Work. Journal of Political Science Education, 5 (3), 179-197. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2008). Memory Work Reconsidered. NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 16 (14), 228-240. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2008). Taking care of the public/private split: Strategies to separate motherhood from work. Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture (3), 131-155. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2007). Kön och nation i vardag och vetenskap. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 109 (3), 241-258. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2007). Är amning mammans val eller skyldighet. Amningsnytt (1). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2006). Den konservativa triumfen. BANG (4). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wendt, M. (2006). "Heja Uffe!": Så legitimeras mäns överordning. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (4), 7-27. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2004). Kunskap, kohandel och kanelbullar. Familjedaghem (3). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2002). Arbete: en fråga om moderskap. Förskoletidningen (5). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2002). En politisk konstruktion som leder till känslor av otillräcklighet. Föräldranätet (2). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2002). Könsarbetsdelning i fokus. Fronesis (9-10). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2001). Livets dubbla vedermödor. Familjedaghem (6). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2001). Myten om det opolitiska moderskapet. 00tal (6-7). [BibTeX]
- Henriksson, M. , Jansson, M. , Thomsson, U. , Wendt Höjer, M. & Åse, C. (2000). I vetenskapens namn: Ett minnesarbete. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (1), 5-25. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (1996). Empirisk sanning och politisk konsekvens. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 99 (2), 202-217. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Strandbrink, P. (1996). Om integrering av feministisk teori i undervisningen. Didactica minima (2). [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Jansson, M. (2017). Gustafsson Sofie: Medborgarskapande på olika villkor. Självbilder, skolkoder och syn på kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolan. Lund: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen.. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 119 (2), 341-345. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2016). Book review: The Search for Lasting Peace: Critical Perspectives on Gender-Responsive Human Security. Cooperation and Conflict, 51 (4), 557-558. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (1998). Närvarons politik: Recension av Lena Wängneruds Politikens andra sida. Om kvinnorepresentation i Sveriges riksdag, Göteborg Studies in Politics 53, Göteborg 1998.. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift (3-4), 93-95. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2022). Kvinnors närvaro och makten över filmen. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2024). Könskorrigering och rosa flickdrömmar: kön, känslor och säkerhetspolitik. In: Linus Hagström, Är Sverige säkert nu? Perspektiv på Nato och svensk säkerhetspolitik (pp. 61-80). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wallenberg, L. (2023). “I am Mature and Established. There is No Success in That”: On Gendered Ageism in the Swedish Film Industry. In: Liddy, Susan, Women, Ageing and the Screen Industries: Falling off a Cliff? (pp. 41-59). . Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wallenberg, L. (2021). Representing and experiencing motherhood on and off-screen in Swedish film. In: Susan Liddy; Anne O'Brien, Media Work, Mothers and Motherhood: Negotiating the International Audio-Visual Industry (pp. 45-62). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wallenberg, L. (2020). Experiencing male dominance in Swedish film production. In: Susan Liddy, Women in the International Film Industry: Policy, practice and power. . Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2017). Hälsa och kön på den internationella dagordningen. In: Lenita Freidenvall, Maria Jansson, Politik och kön: Feministiska perspektiv på statsvetenskap (pp. 251-262). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Freidenvall, L. & Jansson, M. (2017). Introduktion. In: Lenita Freidenvall, Maria Jansson, Politik och kön: Feministiska perspektiv på statsvetenskap (pp. 17-32). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Eduards, M. & Jansson, M. (2017). Introduktion till internationella relationer. In: Lenita Freidenvall, Maria Jansson, Politik och kön: Feministiska perspektiv på statsvetenskap (pp. 209-226). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Carbin, M. & Jansson, M. (2017). Introduktion till politisk teori. In: Lenita Freidenvall, Maria Jansson, Politik och kön: Feministiska perspektiv på statsvetenskap (pp. 35-52). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, R. , Jansson, M. & Dahlberg, S. (2016). Kön och politik i sametingsvalet 2013. In: Ragnhild Nilsson, Stefan Dahlberg, Ulf Mörkenstam, Sametingsval: Väljare, partier och media (pp. 201-218). Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2013). Könspolitik, rättigheter och amning. In: Paulina de los Reyes, Maud Eduards, Sofia Sundevall, Internationella relationer: Könskritiska perspektiv (pp. 250-265). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Eduards, M. (2012). Disarming the peace process: a feminist approach to gender and security. In: Lenita Freidenvall, Michelle Micheletti, Comparisons, quotas and critical change: in honor of Drude Dahlerup (pp. 119-134). Stockholm: Department of Political Science, Stockholm University. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2011). Introduktion till internationell politik. In: Lenita Freidenvall och Maria Jansson, Politik och kritik: en feministisk guide till statsvetenskap (pp. 233-246). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2011). Introduktion till politisk teori. In: Lenita Freidenvall och Maria Jansson, Politik och kritik: en feministisk guide till statsvetenskap (pp. 31-43). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Freidenvall, L. (2011). Spegel, spegel...: en introduktion till studiet av politik och kön. In: Lenita Freidenvall och Maria Jansson, Politik och kritik: En feministiskt guide till statsvetenskap (pp. 9-27). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2011). Stater och status: om amningens kategorier och geografier. In: Lenita Freidenvall och Maria Jansson, Politik och kritik: en feministisk guide till statsvetenskap (pp. 247-266). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Åse, C. , Jansson, M. & Wendt, M. (2011). Tre nyanser av Sverige. In: Diane Sainsbury & Maritta Soininen, Kön, makt, nation: tillägnad Maud Eduards. Stockholm: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2010). Den nationella väven - introduktion. In: Maria Jansson, Maria Wendt & Cecilia Åse, Den nationella väven: Feministiska analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2010). Klasslös i bersån: Ett minnesarbete om skapandet av nationell harmoni. In: Maria Jansson, Maria Wendt & Cecilia Åse, Den nationella väven: Feministiska analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Lenz Taguchi, H. (2004). Introduktion till den svenska utgåvan. In: Jane Roland Martin, Samtalet som kom bort: idéer om kvinnors bildning (pp. 7-10). Stockholm: HLS Förlag. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (1996). Mäns rättvisa och kvinnors underordning. In: Bo Lindensjö, Ulf Mörkenstam, Jouni Reinikainen, Liberalismen och den moderna demokratin (pp. 118-141). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Jansson, M. (ed.) , Micheletti, M. (ed.) & Sandahl, J. (ed.) (2018). 8 lektioner i val: Politik och demokrati inför valet 2018. Stockholm: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Institutionen för de humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik (HSD), Stockholms universitet. [BibTeX]
- Freidenvall, L. (ed.) & Jansson, M. (ed.) (2017). Politik och kön: Feministiska perspektiv på statsvetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Freidenvall, L. (ed.) & Jansson, M. (ed.) (2011). Politik och kritik: En feministisk guide till statsvetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (ed.) , Wendt, M. (ed.) & Åse, C. (ed.) (2010). Den nationella väven: Feministiska analyser. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. (ed.) , Jansson, M. (ed.) & Mörkenstam, U. (ed.) (2009). Tretton texter i politisk teori (2ed.). Malmö: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. (ed.) , Jansson, M. (ed.) & Mörkenstam, U. (ed.) (2001). Elva texter i politisk teori. Malmö: Liber. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Aitaki, G. , Jansson, M. & Van Belle, J. (2024). Audiovisual fiction and democracy. Paper presented at Media Frictions International Symposium, Jönköping, Sweden, May 2-3, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Van Belle, J. & Jansson, M. (2023). Audiences in Policy. Paper presented at VIII Baltic Sea Region Film Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 20-21, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Van Belle, J. (2023). Comparing variations in the implementation of EU regulations of streaming platforms. Paper presented at Methods in Cultural Production and Media Industries Research Conference (organised by the ECREA Section Media Industries and Cultural Production), Online, October 12, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2020). Intersectionality in PAR research. Paper presented at Nordic Political Science Association Conference (NOPSA), Reykjavik, Iceland, August, 2020 (Conference cancelled). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2020). Women in Swedish film unite: From women film festivals to #Metoo. Paper presented at Gender, work and organization conference, Kent, UK, June 2020 (Conference cancelled). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2016). The demand for protection: On the criminalization of HIV in Sweden and the US. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, Panel "Gendering equality in practice", Prague, Czech Republic, September 7-10, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Eduards, M. (2014). Protection, agency and responsibility: the politics of gender in UN Security Council resolutions. Paper presented at National Women’s Studies Association Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, November 13-16, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2014). Strong, healthy and fit blue berets: constructions of HIV/AIDS as a security threat. Paper presented at Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA), Lund, Sweden, October 8-10, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2013). Strong, Fit and Healthy Blue Berets: Addressing Women and Health in UN Security Council Resolutions. Paper presented at 54th Annual ISA Convention. The Politics of International Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions, San Francisco, USA, April 3-6, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2010). Global desires: Breastfeeding, women’s rights and emancipation. Paper presented at Swedish Association of Political Science, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 30 - October 2, 2010. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2007). Tales of our nation: A study of social science students’ perceptions of ’nation’. Paper presented at 7th biennal meeting of the EARLI special interest group on conceptual change, Leuven, Belgium, May 24-27, 2007. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2005). Breastfeeding: power and responsibility. Paper presented at Negotiating gender justice, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 28 – March 2, 2005. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2004). För nationens skull: ett minnesarbete. Paper presented at Projektkonferens på Sigtunahöjden inom projektet Genusperspektiv i praktiknära forskning, Sigtunahöjden, Sigtuna, Sweden, May 14-15, 2004. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Jansson, M. (2001). Livets dubbla vedermödor: Om moderskap och arbete. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2023). Hastigt och mindre lustigt. Ämnesföreningen för genusvetenskap (ÄG).(Tidskrift för genusvetenskap) [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2023). Undervisa om kön, genus och sexualitet. Stockholm: Föreningen SO-didaktik.(So-didaktik) [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2017). Bångstyren bästa bot mot sega strukturer?. Stockholm: Nordic Women in Film, Svenska Filminstitutet. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Bivald, K. (2013). En riktig snyftare: Om distribution, produktion och jämställdhet i filmbranschen. Stockholm: WIFT Sverige. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. (2011). The fast track: Om vägar till jämställdheten inom filmbranschen. Stockholm: WIFT Sverige. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. , Wendt, M. & Åse, C. (2007). Ett ögonblick (utanför ordningen): Om minnesarbete i undervisningssituationer. Stockholm: Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet (Working papers 2007:1). [BibTeX]
- Jansson, M. & Wendt, M. (2005). Riktiga karlar, nazifeminister och arga pappor: Operation kvinnofrids fyra utåtriktade kampanjer - budskap och reaktioner : en utvärdering på uppdrag av Operation kvinnofrid. Stockholm: Operation kvinnofrid. [BibTeX]